Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5450, Baiyan

It is a chess, with a paragraph.

Naturally, it is a big official, but it seems that it is left in ancient times and does not know that the sword is unparalleled.

The content is also very simple, can not be insulted on the contents of the game, and the chessity crack the bureau will get the corresponding inheritance and treasures.

The sword is unparalleled just to sweep an eye, and there is not much care.

A picture has appeared above.

That is the three Kings Tria.

In the dark sky, a giant hand explores.

That is Fygo!

It looks like it, this records the fall of the three kings.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, it is already a bubble.

It is time to leave here.

Since he can't return to the tomb of the tomb, he has to hurry out, find a place to close the door to practice, so on, it will be successfully cultivated with the swords, and it is ready to prepare it.

It can be exactly the same as the next four weeks, how to go out is a problem!

Don't you wait for everyone?

He didn't want to lose his face in front of Huiqing, can't go back, you have to find a tomorrow.

Still leaving early.

It is best to leave the city and go to the heavens, where it is more suitable for cultivation.

In the ground, he is afraid of the gods and staring at him. It is better to go to the heavens, vote from the veteran palace, and Wu Zuo should give him a face, let him cultivate in the Elder Palace.


When I saw a vortex, I should leave the channel here, and the sword is unparalleled without hesitation directly to enter the vortex.

After he entered the vortex, the vortex began to heal.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, there is still one person, and he has left first.

The scene in the vortex is very similar to the black hole.

It seems that there is no end point.

However, the boundaries of this channel are very fragile, and the sword is unparalleled.

Just he didn't expect, after leaving the whirl, he had a black magic sea, but a quiet stone interior.

The arrangement here is very quite quite, and the stone is placed in a row.

The sky is also a star point, and it is still not going out.

The sword is unparalleled to walk in front, and a weak breath came, he rushed over the past.

But I didn't expect it, it was actually a hot spring that exuded with white foam, and I also saw a very fragrant scene in spring water.

"It's her!" The sword did not swear, and he didn't see the people in spring water.

"Who?" In spring water, wiping the body of the body, wrapped a red tulle wrapped in a graceful body, floating into a blue stone platform, his foot, saw the sword unparalleled back through the white fog.

When I look at it, I found that the sword was unparalleled, and I was relieved.

The sword has no double turns his head, and it is light: "It's okay!"

"Yes?" The palace is slightly changed. He knows that the sword is unparalleled, although the sword is unparalleled, it is time to recover, but stay in her body is not changed.

Others don't say, it is no double-sided, she doesn't say that I am afraid that the sword has killed her.

It is indeed clever, I didn't expect to tear the empty space, I entered here, I can meet Miyongyi.

If there is no view of the chessboard, the host of the Miyo is really don't want to let go, but now there is a watching chessboard, there is no need to fight the other party.

The more you come to a complete realm, the more huge causal kill robbery in his body.

Killing is stopped.

"Where is it here?" The sword didn't ask.

It is seen that the sword is unparalleled, and the uterity is also relaxed.

"This is a seabed tomb, a five-order emperor sits sits down!" Then he refers to the hot springs who have risen to the white gas: "It contains the source of the source, it is very rare in the West Sea, it is better to be two people. separated?"

Starting the sword is unparalleled, I don't think there is anything wrong, I can hear the last sentence is not laughing.

This is really a good treasure, and you can sell two billion gods.

For the general five-level emperor, it is a good receipt, and the fourth-order emperor is a Tianfu.

It is a sorrowful trench for the sword, this is a stinky ditch, and I saw it too lazy to take.

Let him go now!

How to make fun of it.

"There is also a spiritual root below, it is a hundred crying vine, this spring is the tears of vines!" Gong Miaoyi wants to say anything, but is unparalleled by the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, solemn: "I have to be 70%, more than two rounds, I can fold you!"

After that, I took into spring water.

Miyongyi has no refutation, mainly her is not a sword.

Single is a lanyard sword. There is still nothing to do, but the hundred crying vines below the Lingquan may not be general.

This water is said to be a vines, it is not all.

It should have a spring water here, just after the tears entered the spring water, the spring water here has changed.

Baiying vine is an ancient special plant, very precious, now you are.

At the beginning of Qiuhuangcheng, a drip of the tears of the vine took 100,000 to the treasure.

And the hundred crying vines will have a tear.

This is at the four secrets and value at least five billion gods. At the beginning, the price of Qiuhuang City is very low.

One is because of the tears of the twice, you can clear the naked eye, let the practice of the practitioners are clear and enhance the realm of the soul.

So the pricing is very low.

But for the emperor, the tears of the Baiyi vine is more important to improve the key to the body, especially when it exceeds the 50,000-fold basic body.

And the buddha itself, but also to improve the treasure of the body, it is the ultimate treasure that will increase the next 50,000 times.

How can the sword are unparalleled?

This vine can be rapidly reached 50,000 times, then unloading the killing, swallowing a hundred crying vines breaking through 50,000 times.

It is simply sent to your mouth and also helps him chew the cooked meat.

More critical is that swords are unparalleled to use everything, forcibly ripe, let it cry every day.

I can't wait for so long.

One hundred years, he wants to go to 50,000 times, how many years are you like.

Everything is dramatically, then put the vine vines into the long-term long river of the center of the watch, the growth rate will be faster.

This is a treasure worthless value.

In-depth water, the sword is unparalleled, and the mood is crying.

Just on this vine, it is also a red line.

The sword is unparalleled with the mountains, so that the giant boat opens the eye.

Five-order peak!

A sword is unparalleled to see the opponent's combat power.

Miyong is also a five-order peak, and his combat power is full, it is also this level, or even rely on.

This giant, can't keep the vine, it is more difficult to escape today.

Two people play together and shoot together.

After a time.

The sword is unparalleled with the palace, sitting on the bluestone version, and also grabs the giant that has been baked.

The body of the giant python, was uniform by the sword, only made a long, after a slightly grilled, quite a ritual food.

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