Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5451 5446??? Change

It was ready to swallow up, but I haven't tasted the meat for a long time. The sword has no doubles, and I will bake the giant pyth directly.

Also said that the body has doubled.

The deceased of the five-order emperor is generally no help to the sword, but also a bit of the prokary, this flesh can let him improve the body, and it is estimated that it is still because of the cause of the vines for a long time.

Today, the vines have been in the root of the game.

"You can rest assured, I will never take you cheap, this treasure in this mustard is almost enough!" The sword is unparalleled to hand out a mustard.

That is the previous one before he has collected two orls of the long-standing elders, and the emperor mustard of his poth is killed, and the treasures are all collected by him.

He gave a part of the palace, we must know that there are two six-order emperor's full price. Although it is just part, it can be worth more than 3 trillion.

The hundred crying vine is very special. If you raise it, you can say that there is a continuous wealth, but the Miyongyi is not to protect!

Subsequently, the sword is unparalared and condensed, and the tears of a whole canister, and handed it to the uterine.

Although the tears of the bicycles is precious, he is more precious, and these treasures are almost enough.

It is not much cheap.

Just a can tears, it was a hundred-year-old, and the five-order episode was also lucky. He got a hundred crying vines. Unfortunately, the strength of his own strength was too bad, and it was still fallen. They are two.

Although there is a lot of tears, but these years have accumulated, there are hundreds of squares, just have a fifty one for the palace.

This value is not the calculation of God.

The uterus is in accordance with a single collection, there is no hesitation.

Bai Yi vine, I can only have a loss, she is weak, the background is weak, but the sword is unparalleled to give her so many treasures, she is still very surprised.

It seems that since the sword is unparalleled to restore the true identity, the whole person is like a changing, and there is no sorrowfulness.

He didn't find himself, just think it would be less to kill less, walk the day.

Tiandao is pregnant, and the Tiandao is best for him to do everything.

Because of the killing of robbery, like the ants on the hot pot, when the sword is unparalleled, the ants are still honest, and now he is getting stronger and more hot, the pot is getting more and more hot, the ants will start all around.

Especially after the passive passes, the stock feels clearer.

Before the road, the sword must be causing the causality of this part.

Now it is still a good one.

"The sword is unparalleled, where are you going to go?" Gong Miao is good.

However, I think that the sword is unparalleled is the inheritor, and it is estimated that it will go to the mysterious tomb mountain.

The sword is unparalleled, but this person is not afraid of him, but this kind of thing is nothing, and it will take a reply: "Cooperate, then go back to the tomb hill!"

"You really just Dao Jun?" Gong Miao did not believe it.

"Nothing is so concealed, I am indeed a road!"

The two have a chat with a lot of time, I have gone out of the Lingquan room, and then entered an ancient transmission array left here.

When you appear again, you have already reached the Black Sea.

It's just that the bottom of the bottom is, there is no previous darkness, and the sea water has also become light blue.


Out of the water, the long-lost sun is tilting, the sword is unparalleled, and the feeling of feeling is very comfortable.

100,000 years.

This time, there is 100,000 years in the West Sea, but it is true time, no acceleration.

It is time to accelerate, and he is also a boss of a few era.

At the beginning of the starry sky, although there is no clear calculation, but the calculation, at least two era bottomings.

The hands of the bulls, the shabby clothing is replaced with a green robes, and the hair is also re-vertical.


The sword has no double long sucking a breath.

The palace of the side also repaired the veil and recovered the appearance of the ever.

Just in the two people are preparing to say goodbye, there is a strong power in the distance to sweep.

This power of the sword is unparalleled, there is no panic.

Then the sky was torn, and a man with a foot black line snake came out, it was the master of the Yuan Hao Palace law enforcement.

The Miyou is unknown, only feeling powerful to let her breathe, can only hold the breathing station, do not play.

"The sword is unparalleled, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Wu Z is missing a smile. For these inheritors, he still can't see it, but from the practice of true spirit, these people are proud of the sky, so he is inheritors Didn't have a proud of it.

Especially for the sword, there is a martial arts, which can get the touch of the people. It is definitely a big person in the future. At least it is very valued.

The sword is unparalleled, although I know that Wu Z is suddenly turned away, he is harmed, but it can't be revealed, and the key Wu Zuo does not know that the white monarch is coming.

"Meet the emperor!"

Wu Zuo put his hand, it took advantage of: "Very polite!"

"I came this time, one is to pick up the south, you should have seen it, and you will come to see you!"

The sword has no double, come see him?

He can't go to the tomb mountain now, but it is good, this time it is possible to hold the thigh of Wu Zhi, cast the tomb mountain, go to the heaven.

"What is the emperor looking for me?"

Wu Zuo took out a mustard, opening: "Someone told you to bring you a big gift, look at yourself!"

The sword is unparalleled to pick up the mustard, open it.

There is only a red wooden strip in a box.

After taking out the box, lying on a long sword.

After seeing the long sword, Wu Zuo saw the long sword, just said: "This is the Sword of the Unison, it is the three-level Emperor of the Yang, who is exchanged from Zhu Yixian, specifically give you, Make up this didn't protect your fault! "

I heard this, the sword was not warm.

He never blamed the old man, and he went to Wu Z., when he saw the old man in the big summer, although there was nothing to say, the respective heart is also there, no need to break the cost!

Wu Zuo is also very embarrassed, the old man is so cost-effective, he is a law enforcement, and he still went to mobilize the sheep 3, saying, responsibility in him.

Now sheep has broken, he may not say it?

I have cough, I will take out a jade box, and I have a laughter: "The last thing, I didn't think about it. This dragon's prostitute once is a teacher to cut down a dragon god ancient tree. I got one at the beginning, I also got one, helped the body, I saw that your body is still very weak, can be used to cast roots. "

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