Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5453 5448 ?? Zhenling

On the mountain, he did not encounter someone since I went in, I have been hovering at the foot of the mountain until I was transferred, and I didn't get anything.

When you go to the soul, you will enter the eugenic change, but it is only to pick a treasure, worth the value, countless receipt.

About 100,000 years, there is no business.

Take the change of the road to take the opportunity to make a lot of things.

This time it can be said that it is a waste of time, accompany others to run a circle.

Tongtian Buddha is still a fresh expression, and it is also possible to collect the goods in Wuyang.

In the copper furnace, the treasure is most.

Several people inheriting in the soul, all receiving goods, especially Hui Qing and ginger, receiving a lot of treasures.

The three Kings Ting is too fast, and the treasures left at the beginning are not much, but in the eyes of the emperor, it is also a huge resource.

Among them, the treasures of the universe have a few pieces, but I don't know who is taken.

These people are all desperate, specially installed.

Several people who walk vary greatly.

Tianji Emperor also pulled a face, did not say a word.

Since they have been over, they look at the bottom and leave.

The soul of Turtle Island, also got some treasures, very good, and left with some still survived.

His apprentice Brolen is a crazy, and rushed toward the vortex.

Turtle Island, shaking his head, nothing to say, with someone eloison.

Bun Kun and others, I have already fallen, and when the sword is unparalleled into the three kings temple, let the hand began to kill.

Nowadays, the entire relics have collapsed into time and space, and the body is hard to find.


Just when Brilliance wanted to enter the vortex, Wu Zuo shouted.

The person has not yet arrived, a huge palm has come, and the brownoli is directly in the hands.

"Ah !!" Broles roared, the body broke out, and even broke it, and took it directly into the vortex.

When Wu Zuo is coming, it is late.

The vortex disappears.

This is a time and space.

Once in, the Lord of the universe will fall, and Wu Zuo naturally dares into enter, but it is only lost this change.

He didn't know that the remains of time and space did not enter the time and space, but to another place.

The sea of ​​this source!

The true spirit hooks the fingers and incorporates the remains of the Sanyang Ting.

Brolen nature was also saved by him.

"Hey, fight with me!" True's mouth rose.

This time, the West Sea remains, he and the gods secretly handed over, and finally, although there was no clear division of winning, Fygo ran, but it was also because Fygo space came to a complete realm, it is already the universe.

The source has improved to the realm of the universe, only the universe secret law, once the secret is successful, you can hit the main realm of the universe.

There is also Huqing!

Hui Qing's success is also a great event.

About 100,000 years, the tomb mountain has appeared four ultimate emperors.

Ninety-four ultimate Taojun, only four succeeds, this still spent countless costs.

The ultimate way of these four people, the farthest thing is only the eighth floor, and it is successful with the ultimate road of the eighth floor. It is the fourth-order peak.

The remaining three are the ultimate emperor of the seven layers of peaks.

These are the strong people worthy of value.

However, compared with Huiqing, it is still a lot.

Hui Qing has a successful posture of the nine-story, and the success of the opposite is the ultimate emperor of the most reversed, and the success is the five-order peak emperor.

This is one of the strongest Tianjiao in ancient times, or even countless era will appear.

The true spirit is, the more you like it.

There are more than 100,000 years in the Temple of the Discrimination, and so many powerful inheritors have emerged, and they can really revive again.

Do not!

They will be able to be great again, stood in the trimester of the stars and become the hegemon of the starry sky.

On the tomb mountain, these years have increased hundreds of thousands of inheritors.

Among them, the ultimate road is broken.

Although it is impossible for everyone to cultivate like Hui Qing, even if the resources investive will decrease, five thousand Jun have two hundred ultimate emperors.

As long as there is one or two universers, he is relieved to make the distortion of the Division far shield other time and space, there is the main seat of the universe, and it has the ability to fall in other time and space.

The inheritor is very potential, but it can not always stay in the four secrets, or need to go to the outside world.

Otherwise, it will not become the owner of the universe.

After the merchant fought, he left the Buddhist Temple. He was sent to the end of this time and space, and went to the time and space.

After sixth, it is already a need to be too big among the Divorites.

"Hey, change the trip!" The true spirit took the coma Baroleum to his eyes.

West Sea.

Welcome to the sea breeze, the real Wuyang and Tong Tian Buddha and others are in a hurry, rush to leave.

In the entrance, the inheritor participated in, and Wu Zhi can go, but they can't walk.

But like a sword is unparalleled, there is no need to participate.

"There is no double brother, see the tomb of the tomb!" Hui Qing took the ginger and left together, just left the sword without double one mustard.

There is a massive treasure inside, which is the key treasure to improve the body.

The sword is unparalpired, and if you want to go, Hu Qing has already left.

This kind of love, he wrote down.

Looking at these treasures, he now finally understand why the emperor who goes to Fang Shan is pulling a face, and the feelings are all in the copper furnace!

I can't really smile.

They really got a lot of treasures.

But compared with him, these treasures are somewhat incomplete.

The sword is unparalleled, but it wins a time and space.

The true spirit saw it will be hot, so there is a way to cover the time and space, and it is not discovered.

Hui Qing gives him these treasures, enough to make his base gods exceed 30,000 times.

God's body is in the middle of the magic, he is all refining, and the foundation is very secure, and it should be accumulated.

After sending those people, there will be someone in the veteran palace of Situ South.

The five-order episode of the Yuan Hao Palace is not a few, this time there is a lot of receipts, it is not too much.

After people leave, everyone did not stop more here, and they went directly to the core of the country.

They have been traveling in the southeast from the West Sea. They will take a transmission array along the way, but the transportation of the transport array is not complete, most of the time or hurry.

The light spent ten years, they finally arrived at the core.

The core of the city is a mountain, and there are countless, it is comparable to a higher world.

On the mountain range, a depth of ancient city is built.

Taiwa Mountains, Taiwl City.

The sword is unparalleled for the first time, it is more curious. This is what he has said the largest city, and a city is so big.

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