Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5454 5449? Return to the heaven

The practitioners are countless.

Even the emperors visible to the naked eye will enter and exit.

The boundary wall to the heaven is in this Thai House City.

Tiger Tiger Temple of Taiwang City, the controller is located in the deepest mountain range.

When the Baihu Temple put the way, there was a peak forces on this Taigu Mountain, because the surrender was very fast, so he retained down.

It is necessary to know that the White Tiger Temple once swept the four secrets, it did not stay.

This forces left, now managing this super-city.

This force has no number of era, back to the temple, developing and growing, surpassing the brilliance of the ancient times, a three-level strength, six-order emperor is more than ten times, is the strongest force in the trip, the strongest forces ,none of them.

When the Wu Zhi is approaching, it is directly crossing and passing through the city gate.

At this scene, the emperor below is that it is dying. In addition to the temple, no one dares to cross the city gate from the sky, and the six-order emperor does not have this permission.

Just in many people waiting for the show, a six-order episode of the town of Taugu City, who personally took it, attracting Wu Zhi, etc.

Many people are watching, secretly guess this is a big figure.

"Wu Zaowang, is this going back to the heavens?" The appearance of the people is very young, the momentum is light, and a look of excellence.

For the indigenous emperors of these four major secrets, Wu Zuo has never seen it, just bit it slightly, no opening.

"This is coming!" The sixth-order emperor first took them into a transfer array, then the space changed, they entered the depths of the Taiwanese mountain range.

It is necessary to transfer in the city, and it is impossible to know how large this Thai house is.

When transmitting, the sixth-order emperor used a special token, so they were directly transferred to a valley, there is a large and small palace, and there is an emperor in each palace. In the palace, at least there are 10,000 emperors.

And in the deepest palace, there is a strong powerful.

This place is one of the land of Taiwan, and the boundary wall that is open to the heavens is here.

"Wu Zhou, I will send it here, I wish you all the way!"

Used, they are indifferent, they are not so proud, and Situ Nan will thank you.

After entering the interior, the first sword is unparalleled with the palace.

Boundary wall!

Originally, the boundary wall shuttle has nothing to say, but now it seems too much.

The crush boundary wall visible in his naked eye is the only way to return to the heaven.

At the core, the broken boundary wall paint is dark, more like a black hole.

However, the power contained is surpass the black hole, and the at least is the strength of the universe level.

I said that I was the boundaries of the emperor broke, this is much more powerful!

Among them, there is definitely the gods in help.

The four major secrets, saying is a secret, in fact, more like a universe.

The four cosmic chains have been received together, but there is no real universe.

The four secrets are added together, and they can be comparable to the entire primitive universe.

However, this range is already big enough. The key is that the number of strong people is much stronger than the original universe.

After all, there is countless episodes, it should be better than the external world. The original universe is born, and the five-order emperor has several.

The four major secrets have existed countless power from the ancient times, plus the accumulation of ancient inheritance and numerous era, and there is such a powerful heritage, and it is not surprising.

The most important thing is to inherit.

There is a predecessor guide, which is much stronger than one person touches the stone.

Just say that true Wuyang, when entering the Temple, almost all stagnation, relying on the maintenance of the Tiandao's source to improve the space, after the temple, under the new cultural system, grow faster, this is in countless years Accumulated.

Thickness is thin.

Can walk to the fourth-order episode, enter the border hall, enhance a hierarchy, nothing.

Even in a few people, there is also the best to be born, even if it is the worst, it can become a six-order peak emperor.

This is the terrible inheritance.

If there is no discrimination, the true Wuyang and others can go to the fifth-order emperor for a lifetime.

After entering the temple in the depth, a white-haired old man appears in front of them, just a way.

The old man combines with the void, if it is hidden.

"Qiu Jiu, trouble!" Wu Zuo is very polite.

Although the coming people are the four secrets of the Emperor of the four secrets, it is a strong powerful, the strength is very uncommon, plus the trend of the temple, the source is repaired, although it is still a little, but the strength can not be underestimated .

Qiu Jihe Sound: "This little thing is nothing, waiting for the land to be too flat. He is still going to the forefront of the house.

"welcome any time!"

Under the guidance of Qiu Jiu, they got a suspended disc. After the Wu Zuo rushed to the enemy, the disc moment, they all didn't respond, and they entered the broken boundary wall. in.

According to legend, the boundary is just broken, I want to go to the heaven, the midway is very high, and later the white tiger hall has built a unique secret treasure, and it can help himself, so now to the Tianjie is very safe. Almost no accident.

Unless you die, you can do it in the boundary wall.

Almost a breathing time, when everyone appeared again, it has reached the heaven.

The power different from the boundary power is here.

This force is much gentle than the ground, and there is no martial art.

Among them, only the Mi Miao Yi did not come to the heavens, the first time I felt the strength of the heavens, some were very unfortunate, and I couldn't help but move the survival to gather itself.

"Don't try it, wait until you will practice." The sword is unparalleled, these four weeks have many people, the Miyouyi has never seen the world, it makes him no face.

Although the Tianjie enters the city, the position of the boundary wall is still set up in the Headquarters of Zhongzhou and Baihu Temple.

The old palace of the heavens is not that the Tiger Temple is, this is a well-known thing, and Wu Zuo leaves them directly, and there is no more sitting in the headquarters of the White Tree.

Of course, the people of the White Tiger Temple, nor one comes to say hello, is all gloomy faces.

Miyongyi is curious about everything on the road, private emotional swords are unparalleled: "Is this the Temple Headquarters?"

"What you see is only part, according to what I know the real white tiger temple, it can be very moving, here should be just the old nest of the heaven." The sword has not listened to the mountain, that is the four temples, it is four pieces of disarmification. The peak universe is a treasure that is not weaker than the beast.

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