Sword Master of All Dao

Cap 5455 5450 chapter?? Guangzhou recruitment

Although this old nest is very strict, countless to treasure constructs, but the power is a lot.

And the emperor here, there is still no more housing city, and it may also be more than the top level.

Just when they transferred to the super transfer array, when I traveled to the veteran house, a middle-aged man in a black robes came out of the hall.

This person has been seen in the sword. When he saw it in Beishan City, he also heard the number of each other.

Guangwei Tianzun.

The truly buddy of the truly bore of the Temple of the Temple has followed the existence of the disagreement.

Just when I saw these people, Guangwei Tianzun is sinking, just like other people in the White Tree, it is very disgusting the people of the venery.

However, when I saw the sword where there was no pair, I leaked the color.

"Is you?" Guangfang Tianzun recognized the sword unparalleled, when the sword was unparalleled with a double thumbs, he had a special attention of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. The other party is talking to him. When you are in the moment: "The late Year is unparalleled, I have seen Guangmu Tianzun."

Walking in front of the Umzuo is going to do not see it, but the public is open, he has to stop the footsteps, no matter what to say, it is the heart of the disorder.

Although the so-called messenger, God will be an errand, the battle of the hierarchy of the district, the general universe has to stand on the side, but also a few gods, is the right arm of the disagreement.

It can also be unexpected, they are often closer to their discriminates, usually some of the universers, and it is difficult to see the discrissive, but they have been around the people, even if they are thaw I'm not glory.

Guangwei Tianzun is also a prideful generation, and there is nothing sensation to the lifting of the veterans.

But for the inheritor, he is very heavy like Wu Zhi, which is the future of the Buddha.

So there is no double for swords.

"You can come back, I want to be very happy to be very happy!" Guangyou sound is gentle, serious face is rare to leak a smile.

The sword is unparalleled with respect: "Last time, it is laborious."

When I was a Bai Jun Wang, he was aware of the Bai Jun Wang, and the Bai Jun Wang also told him that the Bai's body was obviously very important.

Bai Hall, leading the four major secrets, can be said to be the Japanese machine, the Town of the Town, the other is also very important, there is only two big fidelity in the heavens, a chartered in the four major secrets of the town, one is wandering in the sky .

When I was intercepted the Baijun King, if it mobilized the White Tiger Temple with the Lord of the Lord, I can leave the Peak of the Peak.

However, the Baihu Temple controls the overall situation, generally will not move.

In the temple, there are only four secrets.

There are also many secrets such as bloodthirsty continent, the original circles.

In some secrets, there are still many old monsters. The white tiger temple has to guard these old guys. Of course, the true spirit is now, and the old guys generally do not invade the four secrets.

"Labor is not, just some people's legs, or you will not be gone by Bai Jun Wang, can come back, this time, it is better to come to the white tiger hall, China State still have some treasure, you can practice ! "Guangwu Tianzun is in the face of U., the irony is slow.

Since Zuo Zuo, I was renamed by the true spirit, he even can't stand it.

In ancient times, the disciples of the disciples are numerous.

Especially name disciples, the identity of the name of the disciple is not as good as they are.

It is also a good name.

The pro-disciples of the dismissal of the dismissal have hundreds, including a lot of the main level of the universe.

Used is just a strong strength, and it is not very conspicuous in the honest, and it is not the top of the peak.

There is also the potential, the time under the gates of the arrival of the gods in Wuhui, only to this level, and the opportunity to rise behind is already very embarrassing.

The main thing is to, and the rest of the disciples have gone in the gods, and the disciples of Wu Zowei are still alive.

This is a thorn.

This stab is also tied in the hearts of Guangwei Tianzun.

He is a messenger, and it is also a guard, and his disagreement is falling. He is still a shame.

So two people can't see each other.

In the face of a wide range of laughter, Wu Zuo will not endure, when the opening said: "This will not bother you to the Tianzun, the land of my vision, it is not better than China!"

"Yes? I heard that your Yuan Lao Palace has not found a complete brick of the Northernity search, and the treasure is indeed!" Guangwei Tianzun laughed.

The veteran of the veteran palace is very afraid, just master the power, just exploit the north of the country, and the suffering of those people in the North border.

Wu Zuo left these years, the end of the poor, and also followed by search, especially the law enforcement, took a must-have a crime buckle in some of the door, and then copy home.

The emperor is full, and the emperor is all under the north of the ice mountain to dig ore.

Many of the amenities were also incense, and Wu Zhi was seriously injured, and the things were poured down in an instant.

The strong people in the Northern are limited, so that they are two or three, they are ordinary hierarchies, and there is no longer than Wu Zuo.

Wu Zuo's road is the perfect source of origin, and cultivating the secret law of the discrimination, the strength is naturally not the mirror, which is comparable.

At the beginning, his real body, it was more able to play a whiteline, which was enough to explain.

Guangwei Tianzun is also the top of the top, can be used in conjunction with the white opponent.

After the power of Wu Zuo, it has been approaching the peak level. In the Diva Temple, in addition to those old monsters that were detained, the four major temples can press him.

Of course, in the inheritor, the merchant can also press him.

If you really row, it is almost about ten.

The strength of the business is now comparable to the four major patriaries. It is the limit of the strong in the middle. If it is a lot of secrets, it is afraid that there is no one in the buds of the people in the Division.

This is the terrible place in the ultimate emperor.

As the four major palays and mountain monarch, these are very special, and it is a strong force in the middle, but it is not possible to go to the invincible level.

During ancient times, the ultimate emperor, the emperor who can go to the invincible this level is also very rare, less than the owner of the universe.

Decisive Yun Da Emperor is an aliority, which is more than the enemy of the emperor.

Invincible Emperor, it is also invincible in the emperor, and the endorship of the emperor can be comparable to the people of the universe.

This is also the cause of Wu Zuo and its vast shoddy sword unparalleled these inheritors.

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