Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5456 5451 ?? Luxury

The ordinary inheritor doesn't matter, but like the sword is unparalleled, this kind of sword can be comparable to the existence of the fourth-order episode. In the future, enter the emperor, it is really likely to go to the invincible Emperor.

Especially Hui Qing, now the success is directly into the five-order peak emperor, the strength is comparable to the ordinary six-order peak emperor, and the turn is coming to catch up with them.

The merchant is in the first battle, but also completely laid the status of the first inheritor. Although Fygo has not recovered strength, no matter how it is also a universe, it is possible to fight with Fergo. The potential is more huge.

What is Fygo? It is a person who comes out of the three Wang Ting's people from the striking strength.

It was originally suppressed in the remains, and it was a discriminant to take it.

The others are not the opponent of Fygo.

Nowado, Fygo escaped from the remains, it is estimated that it has been engaged with the gods.

The identity of the god has always been a mystery, but now the sword is unparalleled, it is, I am afraid that the cubs hatred in the giant egg are the god!

Ferigo comes from the stars, but also to save the spirit, eventually being suppressed in the three Kings Ting.

Now that two are engaged, I really don't know what to do in the future.

Regardless of the shadow, the shadow is still the gods of the gods.

However, these things are not he caught up, let the true spirits take a headache!

The sword being caught and the sword in the middle of the road is unparalleled. It can only be left and right. If you don't dare to say something, I finally followed the temple in Wu Zhi.

Return once again, they have arrived in the veteran palace.

It is Qiuhuang.

"Haha! I have heard that your kid is still alive, I didn't expect to meet so soon!" Qiuhuang face full of smiles.

Since recovery, enter the veteran house, first, the strength is restored, then I have obtained a lot of benefits, and the main hall is transferred. At the same time, I also look at the transmission of the entire North Rival, and Qiu Huang's power is not small, and he is still a famous black Left faction.

This time, Wu Zuo has set up a lot in the ground, saying that it is necessary to rise to the palace.

At that time, Situ Nan Liantang, he can also adjust to a more fragrant law enforcement hall, and get a good part of the law enforcement team to dry and fish.

In the face of this familiar face, the sword is unparalleled is unprecedented.

"Qiu Huang predecessors, let's talk!" The sword didn't say a little light and smiled. He went to see a palace owner.

Here is the Elder House, naturally goes to meet, and he will prepare it here for a while.

In the three Kings Ting receivable, this time we must practice it, especially the change of the stepped steps, he Linyi Wanlao, this time, it is possible to reach the eighth floor of the eighth floor.

There is also a soul, the improvement of the soul level is also very critical.

The next is the body, and now his basic gods are too low, get the treasure sent by Huiqing, his body will also get a lot.

Everything needs to be improved, as well as the ultimate way of the uterine, touching the Tiantuo Dish.

The watching the game is the strongest to treasure he got. No one can be in the ancient times, and it is more related to Xuan, he dare not.

The sword is unhealthy has planned the steps of cultivation. Wait until everything is settled, it will start closing.

"You wait here, I will go to the palace master!" The sword is unparalleled to the uterine, followed by Wu Zhi to the core island of Yuanyang Lake.

When he flew, he saw the magic sound mountain, thinking of the mountain monarch for a while.

After entering the Diva Temple, he met a lot of nobles.

From the beginning of the sheep old man, Qiu Huang to the back of the mountain, even the white monarch.

Bai Jun also helped him, especially in terms of insight, let him have a clear understanding of the ancient times.

Although the two have also made each other, but now the white monarch is falling, everything is turned into fresh water.

After the Magic Mountain, he saw a lot of palace cave on the mountain, and many people were stationed above.

Now the veteran palace, not only has the elders, and there are many emperors of the original universe.

It is open from the Polyson Temple and has been over 100,000 years.

The five-order episodes of the original circles have also rushed back from the long river of time and space, and they have entered the Temple.

After entering, the true spirits did not have to let them go to the tomb of the mountain, but let them stay in the veteran house, which is used in accordance with Wu Zuo, and is to enlighten a secret law. Only the five-level emperor who has reached the threshold will be Arrange to the Tomb Mountain.

And I want to go to the tomb mountain, I have to go to find it, I can't go through the transfer.

Going to the super-transfer array of tomb mountains, the hexker token issued on the tomb mountain is not available at all.

So those five-order emperor, now they are desperately trying to express the secret law.

I know that go to the tomb mountain, at least the six-order strength, it will be more fighting, so in the true spirit is not a hair, but also given a lot of treasures and inheritance, the deeper of the secret law, you can get the treasure with the inheritance To help them enhance the realm.

Although it is better than the cultivation of the tomb mountain, it can be better than that of no.


After a while, the two have arrived on the small island of Yuanyang Palace.

When I came here, I was still ancient, and now I have over 100,000 years. The change here can be said to be blue.

On the bluestone board on the island, the sword is unparalleled, and the body feels a lot. Suddenly feel that the whole person is very refreshing. The source is also more active, which makes him play the spirit of the twelve.

This place is not only the construction is not in general, and the array is also the top-level assistant and defense.

Wu Zuo walked in front: "When building this here, it is built according to an ancient times, and every bluestone board under his feet is from the extremely nine-head dragon mountain. A blue stone is expensive than the treasure, value tens of thousands of stone! "

"Ten Wan God?" The sword was unparalleled, this is too luxurious.

A bluestone slabs just to stand in a regular person, actually take 10,000 gods.

This island is not small!

The square is more than 10 billion yuan.

How much green slate is this, I think that the sword is not boused with a cold.

Unlimited value!

No wonder, there will be a good time to ridicule, this is too luxurious.

There is no such extravagant in the White Tiger Temple.

I want to come, the white tiger Temple leads four secrets, there is too much overhead, and the veteran palace is different. Many resources are tilted, and there is a rear garden in the Northern Border. It can pick it up. Thousands of emperors, can you not be so luxurious!

It is a bit waste. When the main hall of a palace master, the sword is unparalleled. The trees outside the main hall are ancient plants left by the ancients. The breath can make people in the past, this is to put it in the four secrets auctions, no one Ten billion gods may not take it.

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