Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5457 5452? Lu Hua Palace

"This is the shot of Wanzang's Sen!" Wu Z left pointed at one of them.

The sword is unparalpired, and that tree is more unreasonable, it is no longer the source of the source, but a unique breath, more like plant life.

Just when he had been staring, the trees were shake, and they did a pair of scorpions.

It is also a plant life.

"Don't be surprised, just watch the home care home!"

Used is very calm, because of his main hall, there are also these treasures, not less than the palace owner.

The Millennium Palace, the palace of the palace, this time, the sword is unparalleled, it is the "Lu Hua Dijun" of Yuanyang Lake.

A strong stronger.

It is better to fight at the battle, which is a lot of merits in the ancient times, and there is a little bit in these veterans.

Wu Zuoxin laughed, this time he has made a big work in the country, not only let the inheritors have been inherited by the Three Kings, but also receivable Brom's changed Division.

This time, he will definitely enter the palace master.

The veteran Miyamoto is the master management of Magou, and one is nothing. Moreover, he has also accumulated some people in the old man now.

"I will see the Lord of the Lord Palace of the Elder Palace is not more tension, Lu Hua Palace is very good!" Wu Zuo is standing.

The sword nodded, he didn't nervously, but the strength of this luxurious palace master.

After entering the temple, look up, the throne is sitting on the front of a championship.

The two openings:


"The late sword is unparalleled, see Lu Hua Palace Lord!"

Lu Huajun, the Lu Huajun, a smile, the voice and even: "It's not less than restraint, I have heard your things, you want to stay in the Yuan Lao Palace, I will give you a token, in Yuanyang The lake can come and leave any practitioners at will. "

"Bai Xie Palace" master! "The sword is unparalleled.

There is money to have money.

It's so generous, and any treasure can go to free cultivation.

Later, Lu Huajun is concerned about what he is practicing. After talking about almost an hour, he will retreat.

Because there is no opening next to Wu Zhi, it seems that there is something to discuss with Lu Huijun. He is not good here, and he is looking for an excuse to leave.

Just out of the main hall, there is a third-order episode waiting for him.

The third-order Emperor is in the veteran palace, belongs to the bottom.

At the beginning of the original universe, no matter whether it is a first order or second order, these years have been raised to the third-order level, and some operations on Yuyang Lake.

This third-order epidermus is one of them.

"There is a double temple, this is the token of the palace master!"

The sword is not double picks up the token. It is very domineering that the word "yuan" is very domineering.

The token itself is a heavy treasure, and it is rough.

On the back of the token, it is also engraved with a "Ajiu" name, representing this token with the power of A9.

He also heard the hierarchy system.

A nine!

This font size is not low.

When the elderly palace was only a dozen a word veteran, although almost all of these years were almost mentioned, it was enough to give him an out-of-one brick to the card, which is already very late.

The five-order Emperor is estimated that there will be no one.

The sword is unparalleled to bring up the token, thank you, and it is ready to leave.

"The sword is unparalleled, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The rear, a familiar voice came, let the sword have no double stopped.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mouth is missing, and it is said: "Who is it, it is you!"

The people who open the mouth quickly arrived in front of the sword, and the emperor gave a breath, and the sword was directly covered.

Powerful people!


The sword is no longer brought, and it is directly in the future.

"How could it be!" The coming is very surprised, and the surprise sword is unparalleled. Why is there such a strong breath.

The sword is unparalleled and looked at each other. The cold channel: "Is there any impossible, you can tear the sky, can I still embrace an emperor?"

That person is the tear of Trendo, but now it should be called Tear Trendy.

And it is still a four-level top emperor.

It looks like these years, torn the soul!

Wan Xing was so strong, and he became the top of the fourth-order peak. This torn day rushed to Wan Xing, I am afraid it can be in the top thousand.

On the tomb mountain, in recent years, it is so many people, and it is not that everyone can break through the fourth-order peak. Most of them have become the third-order episode, then the firm realm will break through the fourth-order emperor.

Torn the sky for a short of 100,000 years, from a Daojun, go to this point today, is also an atmosphere, after all, he doesn't have the talent with the potential.

"Hey, it is also as arrogant as before, but unfortunately you are just a way!" Torn the sky and laughed.


The sword is unparalleled, some regrets did not give this person in Qiuhuang City, and only did not recognize their importance.

If you tear the sky, I am afraid that the spirit will not be too difficult.

Now let go of tearing, the other party's four-level top emperor, this is not the fourth-order episode of the half-hanging, I am afraid that the five-order emperor of the four major secrets.

However, this strength is not enough to be arrogant!


After the breath covers the other party, the sword has no binding in the bib of the sword.

Just when the two were deadlocked, a six-order emperor was awarded.

"Let's go, here is Yuanyang Lake, you must not fight!"

The old man is serious, and it is found that the sword is unparalleled is just a Taojun, and it is a reprinted to the ion.

Tearing is not intentionally, even leaking a smile.

Because the old man in front of him is his master!

After 100,000 years ago, after the Tomb of the Tomb, he went into the Tianjie, and worshiped a six-order Dijun in the Yuan Dynasty.

Although it is an inheritor, you can also make a teacher.

It is also a relying on the mountain.

The sixth-order emperor is the main position of the Yuan Lao Hai Fusheng, the status is very high, although it is worse than the law enforcement party's power, but it is also a chobian.

The general heritor, I really don't dare to let go in front of him.

The sword is unparalleled, whether it is identity or character.

"This predecessor, you don't ask you to use green saponis to rebuilt, this is a fair?" The sword is unbrick.

This old man pointed to his nose and reprimanded, but he didn't look at it.

It is clear that it is tearing to provoke him.

Fushou Tang Dou did not expect the sword and dare to refute. When you are furious, "arrogant, here is Yuanyang Lake, the rule of the rules, there is nothing to spend, what is the people of law enforcement hall, send this person to the Purong Mountain Among them, suppress 10,000 years! "

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