Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5458 5453? ??? sent Lin Li

12,000 years?

Still purgatory!

The sword is unhappy. Although he doesn't know what the other party and tear is related, it is not usually the relationship between the sky, which is not in the trouble.

The voice of Fushou Tang is just falling, and there is a dry cough.

"Iron three brothers, you are very hot!"

Talking is the Wu Zhi, just walking out from the main hall.

Fushou Lord saw that it was Wu Zuo, the face was sinking, and the tao: "Since the Wu Zhutang is also, then it is better, this is in the rules of Yuanyang Lake, according to the rules of law enforcement hall, purgatory In the middle of the people, I am not separated! "

"The rule is the main situation of several palace, naturally not too much!" Wu Zuo Teng, came to a few people, but the body is standing next to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to see the Wu Zhi, and there is a sigh of relief, whispered: "The main!"

Wu Zuo put his hand, interrupted his words, then said: "Iron old three, you don't think there is a big brother to support you, I will not dare to move you!"

This is a decrease in temperature in the surrounding space.

There is a way to kill people at any time in black.

Just in the main hall, I didn't have a stomach. Now I dare to ride on his head. If he is a slap, he can shoot each other.

What is your stuff!

Command him to catch people, but also grasp your own people.

Iron three is not willing to show weakness, here is Yuanyang Lake, he gambling Wu Zuo did not dare to do it.

Although Wu Zuo is the lobby of law enforcement, his faction is not dedicated to Wu Zuo, and he has long been sinned, and it is not bad.

"Law enforcement is the owner, it must be publicly protected?" Iron three laughed, the same rising momentum, secretly smiling with Used.

This time, he gamble.

Wu Zuo did not have a hand, but a violent atmosphere was condensed into a very pole, and then rushing into the iron three in the body.

"Well!" The iron three stuffed, then the big angry pointed to the left, "Do you dare to do?"

"Do you do it?" Wu Zuo smiled, "This is true, it is your big brother, it's all twice!"


The sky is in the sky, a changing, a black robes have appeared in the air, and it is majestic: "Enough, iron three!"

"Big Brother!" Iron three were some unachable, lost his face in front of the junior, and he couldn't stand on a table for a while.

But it is also like Wu Zuo, I really want to do it, his big brother is not an opponent.

In the end, it can only be tearful and wrapping Zuo Zuo, and he is around the black robes.

The black robe is staring at Wu Z. Xiao: "Wu Zhi Xiong, don't you feel that it is too full?"

The voice just fell, an invisible giant hand stretched out, secretly with Wu Z.

But look, the two did not suffer.

"Also this means, really do it, the first one is lying down is you!" Wu Zhuang is gloomy.

The opponent's breath is very strong, but the strength of the dynasties will touch the top level, and there is still some distance from him.

Among the three major palace owners of the Yuan Hao Palace, the strongest green cow, then Lu Huadijun, the strength of Lu Huajun, the strength of him, the two once a brother, is most familiar with each other.

The big brother of the iron three, the iron sword is the strength of the long wind swords. It was not Luhua to let him support the long sword god. The other party is not qualified to be the palace master.

Now running out to install a master.

Obviously this time he has the opportunity to impact the owner's position, but it can be secretly tied to the green cattle and the long wind and put it down.

Now see the other party's fire.

Although the veteran palace is seen in the outside world, Tung Tong, but the internal struggle is not small, and it is evenly played.

The church's means of the green cow, this time, Lu Hua and Changfeng's confrontation, he is sitting on the Wales.

On the strength, the green cattle is the top power in the peak, and even the peak is so far, and there is no problem with U.

On the means, it is even unique, Lu Hua and Changfeng are also united, and now they are resolved.

Lu Hua is comparable to the green cattle with Wu Zhi, which is more hated for the small wind. This is the high man of the means.

"Hey, Wu Z. You is now the lord of law enforcement. You have to remember your identity! 'The long sword is soaked, leaving a sentence with iron three and tear the sky.

, can only be angry!

In ancient times, he has been in this gas.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is very poor, and there is a little apologetic: "Wu Zaowang is the owner.

"It doesn't matter to you. I am tired of you. I have some grievances with the long wind, otherwise it will not be able to provoke you with no reason!" Wu Zhi shake his head.

Then I said: "Right, you don't need to take these people, you are the heritage of the true spirit, they don't dare to do it for you, this is my message token, there is something to find me, I am not going to be early Situ, he can help you! "

"Thanks!" The sword did not double the token.

Wu Zuo didn't say more, directly when he left, he would be the people who are willing, this time I am afraid I have to plan the position of the palace.

Looking at the opponent's back, the sword is unparalleled. This is also very poor.

The name of the name, being squeezed, it is hard to comfort the Elder Palace, and the enemy is killing the enemy, he is going to do, but the promotion is rich, but he is broken.

Once the brilliant is full of clouds, it is more powerful!

If Used is a peak, I am afraid that the long wind does not dare to be so arrogant.

It can be reached that level, wants to improve, which is so easy, and resources treasure potential is not possible.

The sword is unparalleled, not thinking about it, he is walking, he is not suitable for him, I want to use it more, he is going to upgrade himself, put the foundation, prepare for it.

The book is hate less.

A large amount of treasure spent in cultivation, there is no support, where to get it?

Especially in Wu Zuo, the general treasures are not used by them. If you want to get more powerful resources, you have to sit on the high.

An embarrassment of the veteran palace is obviously not enough.

After becoming the palace master, the resources obtained will be more.

However, the resources are then divided into three, no one wants to spit out to divide the black.

Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled without reaching that point.

Now that the treasures on his body have a lot, enough to support him to cultivate it.

It is a lot of treasures that need to be closed, some of which are more viable treasures, and it is difficult to find in the four secrets.

If you don't have to worry about him on the tomb mountain, the true spirit will give him a preparation, and now the problem is that he can't get the tomb mountain.

He also thought about finding a few strong to escort him to the tomb mountain, so that the cost of this is not small, it is better to wait for the success, relying on his strength.

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