Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5459 5454 Chapter ??? Suitable Baodi

I am afraid that the spirit is also this plan. He really wants to find a few six-order peak emperor to take him to the tomb mountain, that is really shameful, it will not get too good to cultivate.

I have to rely on myself.

Next, he has to stay here for some time.

Now the veteran is very big, he has to ask Qiu Huang first.

Go back to the main hall, the uterus is still there to wait for him.

"You will wait here, I will go in to visit a predecessor!" The sword has walked into the main hall.

Miyong is very simple, come to the sky, with the sword without double station, then look for the father.

She is now the strength of the five-order peak emperor, she launched the blood of the heaven, not the sea.

The cause of the blood is very rich, finding a problem.

The premise is that she is in the heaven.

In the ground, even if she is stronger, she can't induce blood factor.

The sword is unhappy, knowing her thoughts, no break, since he is with you, you can't idle, the breakthrough of the sword, maybe it is on the uterine.

After entering the transportation hall, Qiuhuang's fidelity is closing to the throne.

"Qiu Huang predecessors!" The sword was unparalleled.

Qiu Huang slightly opened his mouth, calmly: "See Lu Hua Palace Lord?"

"How do you know that Lu Hua Palace is the Lord!" The sword is unparalleled. He knows that there are several palace owners, how to know who he meets him.

Record, the sword is unparalleled.

Qiu Huang also saw his guess, did not avoid the tai: "The veteran palace is so many people, let a fart, know what flavor, what is this!"

In the four major secrets, the top two super forces, was not worth it by Qiuhuang, the sword was unparalleled, and this Qiuhuang was floating.

If the old man is floating, he can understand that in the ancient times is a scarcity talent, and now, it has broken through the sixth order emperor, and it is floating.

Can Qiuhuang is still a five-order epidermount, in the position of the veteran palace, it is difficult to listen to the door, how can it be crazy?

It seems that the sword is unparalleled, Qiu Huang smiled: "Hey, little guy, don't look down on the old man, you know that the transportation of the entire North Room is in my hand?"

Whole North?

The sword is unparalleled.

This seems that Qiuhuang's position is special than he imagined, and the power is large enough.

Responsible for the transmission of the entire North, there is a lot of oil in this, I am afraid that there is a lot of this position, Qiu Huang can sit in the town, obviously there is not small back.

"It's ignorant!"

Qiu Huang was white, and he continued: "You are ignorant, our old guys are gone, and they will fight for those resources, otherwise no pursuit, worse!"

This is also very reasonable, if an emperor does not want to see, then it is not far from death, and the awareness of the heart will collapse.

"Forget it, don't tell you, you come to the heavens this time, what is going on?" Qiu Huang wore a top question, he was quite curious and the sword had just appeared in the sky.

Nowadays, many inheritors are swaying in the ground, there are more opportunities, more killing, and most tempting itself.

The heavens are the same as in the past, and the insurgents from all over the world do not need the inheritor to do, the veteran palace has enough strong people to suppress.

The sword was unparalleled, took out a case in front of Qiuhuang, then he was sitting opposite Qiu Huang, and he wo said: "We are talking about it. This wine I have brought the seniors from the country. "

In fact, the wine on the record himself didn't know that from the unfortunate emperor, but the value can be not low, value value at least billion, the general five-level emperor really dares to break so.

Qiu Huang slammed the sleeves, took the smell of the sword, and smelled, "Xiaozi, it seems that you are mixed in these years!"

Said, he took out a Puttong's wine pot from his mustard, and then opened the bottle plug, and a flame this source was sprayed.

The breath makes the sword have some pressure.

The wine belongs to the source, the sword is unparalleled, the first time.

"This frozen wine you taste!" Qiu Huang referred to.

The sword is unfair, and when I dropped a cup, I drank a small mouth, I left the feeling of melting in the mouth.

Just a bite, let him feel that the head is somewhat halo.

Qiu Huang saw the shape, grinned: "Haha, this frit is so good!"

"How is this refining!" The sword wipes a mouth.

"Hey, it is the three-mood of Yang, and the refining is given to a few churches. This is a donkey to send me. Its value can be comparable to a eternal to Bao!" Qiu Huang is a bit proud Although he is not high, the position is special, and the lord will be interested in him.

The sword is unparalleled, and a pot of wine is a good to Bao, is this Tianqi?

He is now completely understood from Wu Zhi.

Is this the privilege of big people?

A pot of wine can be comparable to a eternal tobao.

During the speech, he felt that he drank such a small mouth, the flame this source began to slowly increase, and then started.

Just drinking such a bite, his flame of this source has raised a big trip, which is more faster than when he is changing the stepped step.

Change the road, seven thousand four hundred and sixty-two steps, the fall is the source of the flame, after the original copy, the source of the flame has increased, but it is better to just drink the wine.

If the change in the three kings knows, I am afraid I will be a lot of Qiuhuang.

Do not! The high level of the entire veteran palace is a defeated house.

Too extravagant.

No wonder will disappear to take out the wine, which makes him somewhat embarrassing.

To seek someone else, let Qiu Huang have so money.

"Come, don't fight while drinking!" Qiu Huang did not think about it.

Although this wine is not general, he has not let him feel away.

The sword was unparalleled to pick up the wine pot, and the two came up after touching a cup, he slowly said: "This time in the heavens, it may have to wait for a long time, ready to go!"

"Is it?" Qiu Huang stunned, surprised: "Is there such a thing, don't you go to the tomb mountain?"

This is said that the pain of the sword is unparalleled. He also wants to go to the tomb, but it will not go!

I drunk a cup and drink, the sword is unparalleled: "Don't return it, then return after the clogo"

Qiu Huang's eyes turned, and it seems to understand what it happened and didn't ask.

"Then you stay in the Yuanlou Palace practice, it is not too bad here, with your current strength, it is not difficult!" Qiu Huang opened the topic comfort.

The sword is unparalleled.

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