Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5466 5461 ??

"Hey, the half-mountain waist is not suitable for cultivation, with his abilities, a month of time is enough, why bother to waste time here!"

There is also a bit truth this person, but it is different from the sword.

One day in this manner, there is no more than ten times to his speed.

Originally, he can actually pay three days!

But in this manner, I have mastered a lot of magic sound. Now he can reach the top of the mountain one day.


The sword is unparalleled like a mortal, the pace is stable, walking on the mountain road.

Step by step, two steps, billion!

In an instant, the sword walked in a thousand hi.

This scene made everyone taking a breath again, shocked: "How can it be so fast!"

The speed of the sword is too fast. After the half-mountain waist can be so fast, this speed has exceeded the speed of the five-order peak.

They don't know, the sword is unparalleled for this universe.

If it is not the first to swallow a trace, the strength of his current strength, even if you have a talent, you have to reach the top of the mountain.

His battle has indeed reached the five-order peak, but that is because of the power of the body, there is no relationship between the power of the body.

Referring to the source of the universe, relying on the talent has been strong.

His present space is better than some ordinary five-level emperor, but it is also strong, after all, there is no complete black hole realm.

There is still a lot to increase.


This time, the sword is unparalleled, and go straight to the top of the mountain. He has not received the source of the source in close walking.

And he still wants to enter the town magic space, and take a look at it.

Time is over one minute.

His speed has been alarmed that the endow of the Lord of the Magic Mountain below.

The veteran white eyebrow drove, and the eye hole was condensed into a point, secretly said: "This is such a talented, why didn't I heard?"

Then he started to ask some friends, from the friend, where to know the status of the sword.

"It turned out to be him!" The old man nodded, knowing that he didn't whisper after the sword.

To put it, the Magic Mountain can be sent to the veteran palace, and the sword is unparalleled.

If the mountain monarch has been committed to the commandments, and finally let the Zhuque Temple in the Pot, the true spirit will not get the four secrets of the Magical Yushan.

This is a treasure of the original world.


The sword is unparalleled to take the last step and reach the top of the mountain.

If he doesn't count his time, he climbed this time, only spent less than a day.

This road is better than he imagined.

At the moment of arriving at the top of the mountain, he saw the face of the mountain, and there was no change in the original, just that the column did not, replacing a palace.

"Magic Sound God?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the plaque above the main hall, some are very surprised!

The original town magic space was gone, how did it change a hall, and name the magic sound god.

The top of the mountain and the magic are prosperous. There is only a few five-level emperor, and the sword is unparalleled. There is no familiar, but from the breath of their body, it should be the five-level emperor of the original universe.

After the emperors arrived in the Polysman, because they needed them to find the tomb mountain, they are not enough, most of them stay in the veteran house, and some are going out.

In just a few years, there is no such thing as the existence that can go to the sky, reaching the six-order episode, there is no combination of six-order episode, and go to the gods to find the tomb mountain, just looking for death.

There is no resource on the tomb mountain, and the veteran of the veteran palace is just a treasure of them, but it is just a camp.

They walked in the long river for a long time, the five-order episode was already in the peak, and the long river of the space, there is no universe, and even the six-order Emperor is less pitiful.

The five-order emperor is already the peak existence, and many treasures they have been there. Although the people of the people are special, they do not have some ancient inheritance, and they are not too big to help them.

Just some of the treasures is more special, and it is also possible to help them cultivate, much faster than the outside world, the most critical or tomb mountain.

True Spirit has promised them, as long as they arrive at the tomb mountain, they can cultivate them to become a strong force.

This tone is still very big.

But if you want to think, there is nothing to do.

It is possible to reach the Tomb of the Tomb, the at least is the sixth episodes, and the cultivation of the bodies of the temple has arrived at the sixth order episodes. The emperors of these primitive universe are great in the air, and they will come to the tomb mountain. It is not a problem with the improvement.

It's a good thing, but it is a truthful force, as long as it is not too stupid, it can reach the extent of the gods.

The war of Guangmu Tianzun is not as good as the white monarch, although the strength of the sense is not special, just a symbol.

True powerful is those gods!

God will!

The sword is unparalleled to portrait the hall of the magic, I think of what.

"Dao You, are you coming from the tomb mountain?"

Just when the sword was unparalleled, a burly young woman walked over the dark red armor.

The sword is unparalleled. These people are coming, and they don't dare to neglect. In the past, these are some great ancestors. Now I can drive, he doesn't dare to be too arrogant.

"The predecessors, in the lower sword, just like the seniors, have not been to the tomb mountain!" The sword was unparalleled to hold the box, and the sound was slightly respectful.

When the listener gave a glimpse, I later thought about it, I didn't ask.

The name of the sword is unparalleled, almost many people in the venue of the veteran know that because the thing is the matter, the entire veteran palace is very vibrating.

The five-order episodes of the original universe, I naturally heard of the veteran hometown, knowing that the sword is unparalleled, there is no mildew, and it has been gone in the tomb. The mountain is gone, and I don't know.

"It turned out to be a predecessor!" The sword is unparalleled to hear the name of the other party, and it is really scared, this is the master of Eternal Tower, the master of the peak forces, the Master of the Rainy Magic.

If it is in the outside world, he is now the most nine-way Dadi, this big person, which is so good, and can also talk equal.

However, after the knowledge is quite, the sword is unparalleled and very calm.

He has encountered more.

Strongly strong, all have encountered a lot.

The big old man of the magic Ronali, as well as a good relationship with him, and the mountain monarch.

The veteran palace also encounters a lot, such as Wu Zuo, Lu Huajun, such a person.

Now I have encountered a strong peak, although I have a little excited, but I will fall quickly.

"The seniors just arrived in the veteran palace?"

The jackal smiled: "It has been coming for a long time, I really envy your little guys here, I really caught up with the big era."

Indeed, this is indeed a big era for the power of the original universe.

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