Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5467 5462 ?? God

One era of letting them get the sky, these five-order emperor is not bad than them.

It is too far away, and there is no Deman and Da Dani. From the weak hour, it will enter the bodies hall. All the way has the escort, the foundation is very secure.

This era is their world.

It is the era of the ultimate Taoism, there is a cultivation of the district of the temple, and there will be a large number of ultimate emperors. In these ultimate emperors, as long as there are two or three becoming the universe, the Polyson Temple can go to a more powerful time and space, recover Ancient glory.

This is true spirit to see!

The sword is unparalleled, although these people do not know, but they are clear, spending so much material to cultivate, and it is necessary to return sooner or later.

In addition to their ultimate practice, there are also a large number of emperors, and these emperors are also backbone.

At the beginning of the people, the strong is like a cloud.

It is not possible to suppress everything in a few universe.

The light is the most peak of the people, the strength of the three gods can cover the three Wang Ting, and there are 18 gods. I heard that all the best in the ultimate emperor.

In addition to these, there are some universers of the universe, as well as the emperors of the sky.

The suppression countless universe, ramping the entire space.

What is the power!

The sword has no double eyes, knowing that the other party has not went to the tomb mountain, nor does it want to say too much, transfer the topic: "Seniors, this magic sound hill top, when will this big temple, there is this magic god What will it mean? "

"When I came, this hall was here. I heard that I was built later. He could have a lot of existence. He is responsible for the suppression of the magic sound mountain!" Ji Tiandi said There is a year of lightning.

In the past, I have been pursuing the Lord of the Universe. After I arrived at the temple, I saw too many strong people, I know how naive the idea in my heart.

I want to be the owner of the universe, what is hard.

This life can enter the realm.

The sword is unparalleled. At the beginning, there was no big energy to take the town here, how can I now have a big energy?

Also known as the magic sound god!

This is probably one of the 18th God of the Distribution Temple.

Guangwu Tianzun is still alive, maybe these gods will really survive.

He didn't know, the West Sea, Fyiggo born with the gods, and the true spirit did not find the other person's trace. Although Fygo did not have the power of the universe, it is not an ordinary powerful. Can be dealt with.

The business is already a strong, and I realized the space universe, not the opponent of Fygo.

In this temple, I am afraid that in addition to the true spirit, no one can stop Frego.

The true spirit has to sit in the sea of ​​this source, there is the most important place in the Diva Hall. The true spirit can't leave, especially the Fygo has been born.

So the true spirit summoned the magic sound of the 18th God will be born in the first 18th gods, and the magic sound of the re-resurrection will take the magic sound mountain of the town.

"I don't know, can you go in?" The sword asked unparalleled.

In the emperor of Ji Tianshi, there is a direction, Shen Gaze: "You can go in, but in the cost of going in, no one can go in!"

The key is what the benefits are in the future, this is a sword unparalleled idea.

Ji Tiandi got in and wanted to visit the powerful person, guided by himself.

The six-order episode of these five-order emperor, the sixth order episodes who have seen it have no swords, and they have come to the veteran palace, and the six-order episode of the four secrets is not as good as they are in the realm.

There is no difference in the same order, and the six-order emperor of the Elder House is very small, and the sixth-order emperors can't look at the five-level emperor who has never been to the Tomb.

The sixth-order emperors of most of the old palace will be recruited some of the mentors who have good qualifications in the tomb mountain.

The Qinglong Temple is not the main thing. Now the inheritor emperor will be grabbed by the Yuan Lao Palace, and there will be some white tiger temple.

The weakness is to go to the primitive world, the treasure of the treasures, but things are also very cumbersome, you need to go to other universe plunder, the big Daman is dangerous.

The poorer of the Qinglong Temple, there is nothing benefit, there is nothing to do, the least, the bloodthirsty continent of the Qinglong Temple is generally mixed.

Among the four temples, only the Xuanwu Temple did not recruit the inheritor. All the inheritors know, some want to take the initiative, even a way.

The existence of the Xuanwu Temple is too low, and I have never seen it.

The sword is unparalleled and then actively asked: "Seniors, this is going to do it, is it God?"

The sky shook his head, if it is a god, they can go to the heavens and plunder, and it is not difficult.

The key is the strength!

"Want to go in, the first level is to complete this universe. The source of this universe is complete, get to the magic hall!" The Tianti god took out a token, this token he got a lot of time, and many five-level emperor of the mountain I have gotten it, it is not too difficult, as long as I get to the top of the mountain, I can get it for a while.

The sword is unparalleled to the token, which contains the strength of the universe. The token is also engaged on the word of the magic.

"Don't worry too much, this is a knock on the tile!" Just finished, the five-level emperor of a humanoid and animal in the distance stood up.

Jane to see the avive people, smile: "Dong Sheng brother, is this grasp?"

When I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled to the five-order episode called Dongsheng, and he heard this name for the first time.

It is the five-order episode of the original universe, just that the name has not heard, it should be a relatively ancient five-level emperor.

"Hey, I am not like you, the whole day is lost, such a good opportunity is not good!" Said that the figure began to illusion, and the scorpion of the body became more dense.

When he walked to the Magic Temple, take the token to the Magic Temple!

It's really knocking on the door.

The sword is unparalleled, and the god emperor next to it is not concerned, and the eye hole is still a bit.

They arrived in this place in the same time. I didn't know how many times. Most of them didn't have tolerance, and I got down the mountain.

Although the magic sound mountain is special, it is not the only treasure land. It is not suitable for death, it is better to change it, it is important for them.

Now those who have been chasing them.

Wind and rain magic, really Wuyang, Chishui, Tongtian Buddha, these are five-order peak emperor, and each eternal to treasure has a strong inheritance, which is powerful than they.

Looking at these consecutive generations, I used it for more than 100,000 years to surpass them, and there are few less in my heart. Some are not a taste.

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