Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5482 5477????

Walking, I went to the residence of the 13th mother.

I saw the teaching and research that was buried in front of the snow in front of the door, and the sword was unparalleled to know that she was back here.

Gently knocked on the door, seeing the lights of the housing through the door.

Sure enough, I didn't have two things to give them two doors.

Seeing is a sword, there is no double, the 13th mother is not surprising, because this small court, no one knows her.

"What are you doing?" Shi Si Niang leaked half face.

The sword is unparalleled: "Let's report!"

Then two entered the small courtyard.

Still some shabby cottages.

Two people have no words.

Liu Saner is said to the Tsun Flying.

"Big Brother, I didn't expect, you still have this business, there is a sentence, how come, Jin House Hidden?"


The sword is unparalleled to his mind is a slap, laughing: "Stading, do you not be afraid now?"

The thirteen girl sitting in the bedside, asked: "What is afraid?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has opened the topic and said that the two people suffered after her.

Shi San Niang heard Liu Saner to explode the brain, and smiled.

"Hello, I see that the bastard is not pleasing, I know that I will leave a knife!"

Liu San children saw it, it was completely not afraid, while meeting: "The heroes will be slightly, I will call you next time!"

The sword is unpaired and laughing.

The bad premonition of the bottom of my heart is getting stronger.

Liu Saner chatted with the thirteen mother, he was only perfunctory, but his heart was thinking about how long this day is.

At present, he has not penetrated the use of this place, nor does it know how to get out.

Maybe it is fast, the positive feelings are very accurate.

In his unintentional, a trace of thought came out from the bottom of the heart.

That is a powerful heart.

After coming to this place, he was completely separated from the feeling, and he did not expect that it has accumulated a touch of thought today.

The sword is not happy, and it has a great sense of security.

Don't underestimate this kind of thought, enough to destroy the sky in the world.

The sword is unparalleled, and this mental force is stabilized.

Now it is not a fish dead, he can use this silk force to explore each other's intention.

He is going to see what this is like a vulgar world of purgatory.

Talk overnight, all night owners, no one will feel sleepy.

The next morning.

The sword is unparalleled with the thirteen, and he is in the same place with Liu Sanyer.

Didn't have time, the thirteen mother is rushing back, holding a sign in his hand.

"Not good, dead!"

After Liu Saner woke up, worried again, and quickly took a notice, but he couldn't understand.

Shi Si Niang pointed to the above, "I listen to others say that the buddy of several restaurants yesterday is killed, blood flows a whole street, and the Li Si, who is guilty, is dead, death and restaurant The same kind of person! "

Good guy!

The sword is unparalleled, it is an uneasy origin.

Those who are related to him are dead.

Several buddies in the restaurant are estimated to go out to find some of them.

The sword is not too lazy to listen to the point point of the unknown, and I have taken the notice.

This is too fast to do not exempt!

It is the top place to be him. If there is no one behind it, he said nothing.

Two patches!

The sword is unparalleled to see your own chest, this detail has!

Kill six people.

The housekeeper of a city owner, five wine building.

But he clearly made everything, last night he is indeed a murdere, but then a scum of selling his wife.

"What?" The sword did not double the told, look at the sky, cold channel: "This means is too low!"

The voice is full of ridicule.

If the prisoner of the world is just this, it is too small to see him.

He is not as good as hanging on the neck tree in the coal mountain.

"Big Brother, you are fine!" Liu Saner looked at the sword with the thirteen maiden, and the sword was unparalleled, it was scared, saying nonsense!

The sword is unparalpired to look at the two, saying: "You don't understand!"

He has to see, what will the layout will do.

Now he has a chassis in his hand, and it will be a table.


Above the cloud.

The old man is looking to the world, with a smile on his face.

"Hey, it is a mortal, but also can't wash the arrogance of your body. I can see when you can get it!"

In the vulgar world purgatory, when you cut off the dust, you have already docked.

At that time, it has become an immortal, of course, I don't care about the disease of the world. I really want to make these people turn all the people, I taste the people's purgatory, there is no big tone.

The old man is also thinking about it, it will arrange this test.

He wants those practitioners to have awe.

This is the benefits of future, it is very big.

Green Mountain City.

The capture of the brigade city mainfate is searching for the murderer along the street.

The appearance of the sword is unparalleled, people in the whole city know.

This time, the city mainfate has also opened the high price, and it can get the golden thousands of gold, and the reporters will be silver.

Not only are you catching up, even some hopes are free, they are looking for swords.

One time sword is unparalleled to all the goals.

After all, a single list is useful, you can get a thousand two silver, you know to dig a year of coal mines on the coal mountain to get three or two silver.

In the yard, the sword was sitting in the knees, and the breath was calm.

That kind of, you will always press it in the bottom of your heart, now he is still not anxious, did not reach the point of the table.

The layout, I really want to provoke him, he destroyed the entire world.

That kind of thoughtfulness made a little sword, this sword is enough to puncture the void, although this space cannot be ruined, but it is not a flat place.

Liu Saner and the Thirteen Niang two people went out to continue to listen to the news, when they came back at noon, the two faces were somewhat poor.

"Big Brother, those people are really you kill?" Liu Sanru asked curiously.

The sword is unparalleled without denying, and there is no answer.

At this time, he didn't have to explain, the pants were unclear, explained unclear.

Shi Tsiang is an intention of the pillars under the door, sighing, "Hey, I haven't thought of it, you will be so worth the money one day, one thousand two gold!"

"How can you say this, or because of you, big brother will not kill Li Si!" Liu Saner angrily.

The sword is unparalleled now, this two people are deliberately close to him.

I didn't kill, and I was rescued by the 13th Mother, he was suspected.

If you have a touch of mind, he has already done these two people now.

Of course, after the card, he wants to go through its natural, look at the layout, what is the trick to play!

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