Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5483 5478? This world is large

The sword is unparalleled to get up, and it is light: "One thousand two gold, the price is really high!"

"Big brother, what do you say, how can you be caught by the waste of the city owner!" Liu Saner comforted.

He is not intention.

Just think that some funny, when I was wanted, it was in the West Sea.

At that time, it was a hundred billion gantry.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled.

This scene seems to be a little familiar.

At the beginning, he had a Miao Miao Yi and Bai Jun Wang. Now he has a 13th mother and Liu Sanyer.

This is not too clever.

If it is not a coincidence, it feels very clear about his details behind.

"The magic sound god will, should not be so bored, it is the old mock!"

The town magic space under the Temple of the Magical Temple has been transformed into this way, what is the use?

When passing the first bridge, there correspond to the soul, the second bridge, if he didn't guess, it was a test of the soul.

The sword is unparalleled, no more thinking, turning into the house.

Those outside, I can't find him for a while, but there is a guidance of the people behind, but it is only a matter of time.

Without others, it is better to give this thousand golden reward to the Shi Shu Niang and Liu San.

Although he couldn't see this two people's mind, but he can't hold too long.

I have just met, Liu Saner, a gambling stick, the 13th mother, a dust, and that will not be a thousand two gold.

Just when the sword didn't think about it, Liu San did followed it, and then said in his ear: "Big Brother, I see that there are some things that are not right, it is better ..." said Liu Sanyue A gesture that wipes the neck.

The sword is unparalleled, and a slap is taking the expression, nodding.

"Good , I will go to buy some meat, I still have some silver on my body!" Liu Saner pulled his throat, and he was afraid that others did not understand.

Then I went out to buy the wine.

After Liu San, the Shi Si Niang came in, and the completion of the face was not very good. I said to the sword: "Where Liu San, where are you knowing!"

"Casino!" The sword has no double repayment!

The 13th mother's face is more ugly, and I've been busy, and I walked out of the sword and walked away. I said: "Hurry, he ordered to go to the government."

"You are too young to see him!" The sword didn't double his arm and stopped.

Liu Saner is a ghost, facing a thousand two gold and silver choices, will definitely choose the former, even the fight.

This time, it is not looking for a government, but is ready to give him a medicine.

Just let him not think that the 13th mother will remind him.

Is it the place of the layout, want this woman to touch him?

That is too small to pay attention to him.

Help the grace, will still!

If you can leave here, he will take this time, draw this woman from this timeline, give her a chance to regain new students.

As for this, one is one, two, two, he will not be soft.

Even if you destroy this city will blink.

"Know, you still don't run?" The 13th mother was surprised.

The sword is unparalleled and shaken, said: "Have you left this place?"

"No!" Shi Si Niang didn't know what the sword didn't say. She didn't have out, the outside world is very wild, leaving Qing Mountain City, and she has not gone, she has been to the suburbs.

"Have you ever thought, go to the outside, it is too small here."

The 13th Niang's eyes are slightly smashed, watching the sword and said: "Do you want to take me?"

"Yun!" The sword nodded.

Shi San Niang then asked: "Where to leave Qingshan City, where?"

"Where can you!"

The world is so big, that is home.

Why do you love a flower.

This Qing Mountain City is too depressed. He has never encountered a good thing.

The sky is also groggy.

I really don't know, I have experienced anything in this year.

The sword is not waiting for the answer to the thirteen mother. Liu Saner is bought back, and holds a two altars in one hand, holding a few bags of wine in one hand.

"Big brother, the wine is coming back!" Said that he was not double with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

It was the road.

No matter what these two people think, the sword is unparalleled, and after all, it is handled in a lifetime. They have not available.

In the small courtyard, the three were left.

Without too much, like the weather in the city, it is very depressed.

"Come, mention one!" The sword is unparalleled to see that two people have a little suppression, and they will fall down the bowl, and they are dry.

Liu Saner looked at the sword and didn't have a double drink.

Wine this kind of thing, the more you drink.

I haven't given a little bit of wine for a while.

Liu Saner's heart has also gone, and after reading a sword, he suddenly got up, and he took the thirteen mother's neck from behind.

"You ..." Shi Si Niang was red and red, and he said, and he kicked the table in the rebellion. He didn't respond.

Liu Saner is also the first to kill, and Shi Si Niang did not respond. He still refused to hook his hand, for fear that the other party did not die.

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, take a shot of his shoulders, open the mouth: "Okay, she is dead!"

"Call!" Liu Sanfeng, loosened his arm, Shi Si Niang turned into it, looked on the ground, squatting a pair of scares, scared Liu Sanyi ass sitting on the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, takes his shoulders, then asked whispers: "You want to go with me, still have a thousand two gold!"

Liu San, who heard this sentence, even busy back, and paniced the sword.

Now he remembers that the sword is unparalleled to be fainted?

In the sword unparalleled bowl, he wiped a layer of soft powder.

"I ..." Liu Saner didn't know how to answer, the performance has already made swords, and now I don't know how it is good.

The sword is unparalleled to look at him, and he said: "I understand, let me go!"

Then Liu Saner, left the small court.

At this time, there were dozens of catching dozens of catching, and they saw that the sword was unparalleled.

"Don't use it so trouble, give me the money first! I will walk with you." The sword is unparalleled to follow Liu Sanyer directly on the ground.

The other party did a hands and feet, he would not know, even if he became a mortal, it was not a fool!

Drinking wine, just got it, I was depleted, how can he be planted in a mortal?

Liu San jian climbed from the ground, hurriedly throwing a catching, pointing at the sword, no double shouting: "It is him, he killed Li four!"

Capture, push him, and smiled: "It is really thank you"

The voice just fell, one knife was batch, Liu Saner's head and headed down, and then shouted: "The sword is unparalleled, your accomplices have been killed, it is not fast!"

Just kidding, one thousand two gold, how can they be given a ghost, they caught the sword and unparalleled, one thousand two gold can be their.

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