Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5487 5482 ?? Cosmic Crystal

Where do they find it.

Dongsheng may not dare to say that the Yunzhong's bad bad words can only be hit: "Forget it, maybe the predecessor is not clear!"

Some of the fun of the side is unhappy, saying to Dongsheng: "You mean, is our belly of the heart of the little man?"

"I haven't said that this!" Dongsheng was busy.

"Search first! Take a look at what special treasures!" The sword turned the topic to the topic.

Here is the road of Pluto.

Even if there is no treasure, rely on the environment here, the cultivation is not known than the outside world, and it can't waste time.

"There is no pair of friends, we still touch the situation here again!" Dongsheng also followed it, and started to come.


The sword has no doubles, and the top of the treasure hall, the dragon god perched.

There is a quarter of Yu Tai Taitai, seeing the jadetail, the sword is not a double eye hole, and the breath inside is very familiar.

If you see it, he can't find it.

Because of the breath of this place, it is the source of the universe, presses the origin of the Yucai.

"Camined Crystal!" The sword is unhealthy, and the unclear of the unclear.

That is more precious than the cosmic god, Wanfang is a million cosmic crystal.

A cosmic crystal, I want to refine, take the Wanhe Shenshi refining.

This kind of cosmic crystal is generally the main recovery of the universe.

And it is precious, this Wanfang coward, value is quantity.

Afterwards, the swords are unparalleled directly.

The three people are looking for, who is looking for a treasure naturally.

The sword is unparalleled to hold an exciting mood. These cosmine is the biggest treasure of his receipt.

With it, it is not necessary to reach the black hole realm, it will increase the path to a satisfactory.

The origin of this, although it is not the original origin of the owner of the universe, it is also the source of the origin of them, and the power is similar.

After the Cosmic Crystal Income Capsule, the sword is unparalleled without having to stay, but go to other directions to continue to search.

Continue to go, the light is the habitat of the dragon, he found a lot of rare treasures.

Although I don't know the value, the above breath is not weak, such as a teapot, contains eternal breath.

Search for the Dragon God's habitat, the sword is unparalleled to go to other places.

The three deliberately avoided each other, and it is also a gas.

No one, the things in the main hall, I can take it all.

The three faces are joined, it seems that the receipt is good.

Especially Dongsheng, it is even more laughing.

"Haha, this is really a lot of baby, the predecessor did not lie to us!" Taking a jar from the mustard.

Above it has a strange smell.

I have a curious and curious, I smelled with my nose, I can't help but take it.

Dong Sheng saw this, even quickly move the jar, said: "You are anxious, since I take it, I can't."

"This jar is searching here?" The sword asked without a double opening.

"Yes, put it in a corner, I search for carefully, just find it!" Dongsheng smiled.

It's a little curious, and I am busy: "You are open to see what it is!"

"It seems that it is wine, otherwise I will not take it out, it is wine, let's drink together!"

Dongsheng this sentence, let the face stick out the thumb, admire: "Dong Sheng brother, in the original universe, I am actually you, I have never forgotten our old brothers!"

"Go, you said that the most admired is the day, and later, I came to the Division to see the business. You said that I admire him, if you say it, the ghost is not good." Dongsheng did not say good.

But it is not enough, since you can share it, it is a good brother.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The sword is unparalleled. It is very curious. The three are sitting together and start studying things in the jar.

After opening the cover above, the strange taste is even more strong.

It has long been taken out of the wine glass, directly manipulating a trace of thought, and the liquid is taken out and poured into three wine glasses.

Handed two people.

After the sword didn't pick it up, thank you, but I didn't have a drink. He really felt that this taste was somewhat strange, but it was not afraid to poison inside, their body is not weak, even if poisoning can't die.

Dong Sheng did not think so many wine glasses were dried, and then said: "This taste is a bit! It is a spirits!"

"Yes!" Finished, I was drinking, and then I added my lips, and I still said: "This is a good wine! The strong people in the ancient times will really enjoy!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the powerful mental power begins to analyze the particles in the liquid, and he wants to see what this is incurred.

Otherwise, drink it, don't worry.

Among the liquids, subtle analysis, the sword is unparalleled. This is not a wine, which contains the power, more like the blood of the beast.

Not right.

The amount of flesh containing the blood should not be so weak.

It is not a blood, but it contains the force of the body, and the breath is weak, that is described in these liquids, which is discharged from the flesh.

The sword is unparalleled, it is very disadvantaged.

Following the earth with the East Sheng two, looked at the sword and watched the sword, the opening: "How, does not appetite?"

"Two, this thing is good!" The sword didn't laugh, but he couldn't bear to tell them the truth.

The face of the two five-order peaks is still very important. In the outside world, they are old ancestors of all major forces. If it is said that the face is really unable to hang.

I am afraid that killing the sword is unparalleled, and it is not possible.

This liquid is very probably the urine of the dragon god!

Although it is urine, but what kind of person is the dragon god, and the body is probably more than 70,000 times, even his urine, it is also a little helpful to the practitioner.

Although it is not a substantive help, it is good to be strong, at least no bad.

As for them to drink less, it is because of the Yangli, which is strong, is afraid that these two people can't hold.

Following the mouth, I nodded and said: "Indeed, I have been drinking so much, the strength has not risen, but in this body, the power of pure yang is strong!"

"How? You have to diarrhea when you go out?" Dongsheng hit.

Dongsheng turned over the eye, can this?

At the same time, it will also collect the jar of the ground, since there is not much more help, this place is useless.

"When two just searched, did you find a place similar to export!" The sword did not have a topic, and said a matter.

Now, in front of them, how is it going out.

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