Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5488, Pluto

This place is practiced, it is indeed very fast, but the help is limited, or you have to go out.

Dongsheng followed the face, all shook his head.

Just in the three people, the treasure hall, a huge law descended from the sky, such as the sky.

Three people quickly retreat.

It's really sleepy, and the sword is unparalleled.

Even if you can't see them, you will not give the original reward to private.

After the second bridge passes, at least the substantive improvement is given!

This is not, is it coming soon!

It is also a law, but this time, the law is the law of Pluto, that is the Lord of the universe, this help can be much more.

In the outside world, a distracted universe is cost, it is good, directly gives them a one-to-one law, and the internal source is also included.

"You only have ten days, cherish!" A majesty voice came, this time is not a cloud, but the magic sound will.

Ten days!

Three people face each other, just a moment, have found a futon disk knee.

There isn't much time left to them.

Ten days must be caught.

Don't underestimate this ten days, a complete origin of a universe is placed in front of them, even if it is a fool, it can break through.

For swords, this source is more important.

He can use this home source to improve your own sea.

The current sea of ​​the present source is still the origin of the road.

If you want to be the sea of ​​space, you need to arrive at the emperor.

This time he should impact the ninth floor of the road, even to come to a full level.

Look at the passage, what is it.


The sword is unparalleled to the eye, and one will fall from the sea.

Nowadays, there are very little debris, most of which are blended in the sea.


The universe of the Wanfang appeared in front of him, and the sword was unparalleled directly on it.

"Death Wang Benyuan!" The sword of the sea is unparalleled, and it is looking forward to locking the Pluto in the law directly.

That is the source of death, it is a special avenue.

Death and destruction have a relationship, and the Pluto was also almost almost entered the ultimate ranking of the ultimate race.

Just death and destruction still have some gaps, and become the Lord of the universe, the strength is a little bit.

The sword is unparalleled to death, and there is not much to understand. After all, it is a special rare source.

However, it is a key to the improvement of the space.

In-depth, swords are unparalleled, feel that their own sea is shaking.

No one dares to die!

The sword is unparalleled, and the horrible breath is coming, but there are too many swords that have been unparalleled. It has already been able to go against the wind.

Among the space, all-in-law, that is the breath of all things, just compared with this space, the sword is more real.

Although it is the space of the universe, it can be compared with the sword, just like the original universe emperor and the four secrets of the emperor.

It is an incomplete.

The sword is more perfect, and 100,000 spaces are condensed, as if it is a real world, once it comes to a domain.

He has a parent, if it can become the owner of the universe, his universe, I am afraid it will become a universe.

At that time, he couldn't believe that when you kill it, it took directly to a universe. What is the overbearing.

Absorb the essence and remove the meal.

The sword is unparalleled to enlighten the mystery in the dead space.

In his homeland, it is a main day, which is a fluctuation caused by cosmic crystals.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to absorb the cosmic source in the cosmic crystal.

His phagocytosis is very violent, and the power of the origin is constantly being swallowed on the cosmic crystal.

When he formed, he cultivated his mental effort to the end of the third layer of peak.

After going out, condense the universe, break through the fourth floor, and master the force of swallowing.

Then the force of all things was condensed.

The path gives him three abilities, and the mental power is normal. Everyone has, he is just more powerful than others.

The force of swallowing, is some special, and the discretion has also mastered this ability.

This sword is unparalleled, but it can also be seen that the power of swallowing is more special than the mind.

Then there are all things to master this power, in fact, in accordance with common sense, Wan Dao, the strong people, the strong, will be mastered.

Just master the order is not the same as him. He can master the power of all things in Daojun, and the least arrived at the minority of the varying trip to condense all things.

If you want to master, I am afraid that there is room for space, becoming the space of the universe to master the power of all things.

So detailed analysis, his three capabilities, in fact, people can reach, but it is difficult to get these together.

The sword is not a double-in-one, you need to make your mind, swallow, all things, can you reach a successful, then just right.

This is the hardest step.

Wan Dao returned, combined with the power of all things.

What kind of power will be formed by more than three?

The sword is unparalleled, but faster, he will come to the step.

The ninth floor of the road, breaking through.

With a lot of cosmine, with the complete universe of the universe, he finally reached the ninth floor of the road.

The sea is pure in the sea, and there is no floating fragment in the sea in Wang Yang, and even the reef is not.

Now the sword is unparalleled, the source has reached the purest point.

The rest is the three steps.

Unfortunately, the cosmic crystal is running out, the universe stone is also full.

So many treasures, all the best, the sword is unparalleled, these treasures, if you bring out, you can raise his body to 50,000 times, and you can buy a set of eternal to Bao.

The road to the ninth floor, the war is not obvious, and it is better to buy some treasures to improve.

However, those who are outside, swords are unparalleled.

After the pass, there is still some time, and he began to study the steps of the three in one.

The first is the mental force, the mental power is evolved from the heart, and the force of swallowing is the black hole of the reference.

In this way, he returned to the first problem.

"Black Cave!" The sword is unbrick.

His heart has arrived at the fifth level, and his mental power can be transferred at will.

The mood is successful, and you need to reach your heart to the sixth level.

Now he is still a wonderful, just a breakthrough, it is very cumbersome, usually to the strong power to cultivate his heart.

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