Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5498 5493 Chapter ?? Division reaches 50,000 times

In those treasures he want, it is still quite comprehensive.

Cosmic crystal does not need to say, no matter what realm is very helpful.

The blood of the beast god is for the future body.

After breaking through 50,000 times, I want to improve the body again. The general treasures can not, most of the treasures needed, all related to the beast god.

The blood of the beast god, after his 50,000 times, you can play a lot.

This is not bought in the outside world.

Only Wu Zuo Sui can be made from the interior.

Now he is 50,000 times that is not a problem, in fact, it is considered in the future.

Another reason is the blood of this dripping, can help him restore the origin of the beast.

He asked Wu Zhi to help him find the beast god soldier, see Wu Zhi, although it is difficult, but also hope.

The sword is not lost, and the loss of the heart of the beast, I originally thought that there was a universe home source to return to blood, and now the universe is no.

If you don't return to the beast, he will lose money.

Once you find the beastist, you can use the blood of the beast God, then find a few accessories, please re-refine the beast for him.

As long as you can recover about half of the power, you will be enough for him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the beast will be in the arm of U.

It is difficult to show it, but it is a performance.

With this request, the sword has a lot of treasures.

Today, Wu Z has indeed visited the land, but it is looking for the essence of Wanzang, as for the two-standing universe, he will be exchanged in the treasure house of the Yuankeyong.

Overall, the only thing that made Wu Zuo Zuozi is the twentieth of the cosmine.

Cosmic crystal is a treasure of treasures, and it is very thin in ancient times.

I took out 200,000 squares at once, and the strong struggle had to be bankrupt, so in many years, Wu Zuo was scraped.

After the sword is unparalleled to leave Yuanyang Island, let's find Qiuhuang to listen to the mine of the north of the north, let the side of Nie Yuan's fall.

Don't wait for him to the mine, there is no number of people.

However, Nie Yuan's personal sword can appear in the mine, I am afraid that the probability is there.

The end of the Qing Dynasty is not good. I heard that the Qing Zu teacher is now looking at the vectors.

Its Yu Dijun is mostly going to mine mining.

The Shangqing Palace of Wei Ming, now has become this model.

The sword is unparalleled to the sword. There is a sense of goodness. If you see Wu Zhi, you must talk about it, see if you can't restore your Shangqing Palace.

From Qiuhuang where, the sword is unparalleled back to the Dongfu on Xiangyang Island.

When I returned to the cave, the Miyou is not here. The sword is unparalleled. After all, I have left tens of thousands of years, the other big probability is going to other places to practice.

The sword is unparalleled to increase the time flow rate to a million times, and a month is tens of thousands of years.

He is going to increase the body to 50,000 times during this time.

I don't know if I can't break through 50,000 times, even if I can't break through, he also reaches the fourth layer.

The body is a stage.

Taojun is generally enough to use it, and there is also a big generation of the sky or the second chance of the family to increase the body to 30,000 times.

As for 50,000 times, most of the five-order emperor did not reach.

Generally, the six-order emperor will spend a big cost to increase the body to 50,000 times.

The sword is unparalleled, it is intended to reach 50,000 times before the road.

It can be so difficult to last thousands.

All treasures spent in front of the front 40,000 times, do not necessarily fill it.

This is only 50,000 times.

After breaking through the cost of the 60,000 times, it is even more fascinating.

It is conceivable that when the Bai Jun Wang raised the body to six hundred and eight thousand times.

Now the sword is unparalleled to bare, and there is no rest.

Fortunately, the Sword of the Democratic Emperor "Declined" He has been placed in the Dongfu, and did not bring it.

Otherwise this loss is even greater.

Now improve the body, he can only use the hundred crying vines in the watching checkerboard.

I was still intended to have been raising, and now I don't have the necessary.

Anyway, I have already reached the maturity period, it is better to cut.

The bidding of the bidding vines were divided into a piece of white juice, and there was a bitter taste.

The sword is unparalleled, forcibly refining it, and then has a powerful force that can break his flesh.

That power is suspended in front of it, and the sword is unparalleled.

The body has also begun to tremble and continuously beat.

Double, twice the increase, although some slow, can improve.

A whole day, almost ten times can be raised, and then there is no longer a day later.

His body is soon arriving at the critical point, and 499999 times.

It's almost, he can reach 50,000 times.

It can be this, he will swallow the vines and the vines.

A whole, a hundred crying vines!

Sword is unparalleled.

Those treasures spent in front of him have a ratio of the vines, too.

I feel distressed, the sword is unhappy, and even the roots must completely refine into the power of the body.

His villain also began to have some changes, from illusory phantom, becomes a substantive projection that exudes gold.

That moving golden body is an unpredictable meaning.

The sword has no double mind, and the body is running to the extreme, and the power of unprecedented, has arrived at the breath of the sixth order episode.

The sixth order level is only a wire.

50,000 times the body is gone!

There is no accident, it is so simple.

As long as there is a treasure, even if a pig can upgrade to 10,000 babies, the premise is that the flesh is strong enough.

So the power of the gods, the most unsuitable is the potential and brain.

Many potentials, the second-class ancestors of strength will choose to take a gods, as long as they arrive at 30,000 times, there is a level of the fourth-order episode.

40,000 times is directly comparable to the five-level emperor.

50,000 times can be comparable to the sixth order emperor.

Of course, there must be strong enough to rely on the mountain. If a predecessor, it is very important to spend his own grandson. It is willing to spend a big cost to enhance the opponent's body, 50,000 times is also a boundary.

Reproduction the cost of the need, can't afford it.

Many major treasures have to be found in some secrets, can not improve it.

Just like this bicycle, the outside world will not sell.

At the beginning, the five-level emperor of the fallen, did not take a hundred crying vine to death, not he didn't want to sell, but it was very likely that he could not keep it, but will be killed.

"Call!" The sword was unparalleled, slightly, and a strong force broke out, let himself have some can't manipulate.

The mood is trembling!

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