Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5499 5494?

"It's really overloaded, I can't be completely mastered!" The sword is unparalleled is very satisfied, and the power is manipulated by familiarity.

Although some discomfort is now, it is always his strength.

It can also improve, where the magic god will be, the treasure he gets fell into the second jail, as in the realm, he arrived at the ninth floor of the road, and it has already been stable.

As for the swordway, this time did not encounter the chance related to the swords, there is no improvement.

And this time, it is very dangerous. It is very dangerous to truly fight, just on the road of the third bridge, kill in that blood fog.

Some of the kind of life and death, there is not too large pressure.

So helping his swords is not big.

"It's been a long time, but I haven't transferred it on this Fuyang Island!" The sword didn't move, I thought of the three places of Qiuhuang.

The cave on Xiangyang Island is not counted, there is also a place in Fuyang Island.

This time his mood is still broken, it really should be cultivated.

The removal time acceleration, the distance from the Wu Zhi, there is still about ten days, he is not anxious, ready to go to the place to repair the mood.

Northern Fuyang Island.

On a 10,000 miles of mountains, sitting in a secluded mountain valley.

In the valley, the fog is surrounded, it seems that there is nothing special.

The sword is unparalleled to the valley, and there is no fall, and it is stopped by one person.

"This Taoist, in this manner, take one million gods!" Come on the ruddy, and there is no moisturizing.

When the sword is unparalleled, the eyelid is trembling, and the gods will be a month?

That is not moist!

This price, who practiced.

The 100 million part is not 100 million.

100 million gods, but one billion gods.

One month of 100 million gods, even if the five-order emperor can't afford, the sixth order emperor will paint.

The key is that the sword is not double, and there is no stone.

The hundreds of crying vines were all used by him. The only value of the money was decancing the sword. But this sword was given to him. He couldn't take it out!

"This predecessor, the magic city is only 100 million God, how can it be a 100 million part?" The sword is unparalleled. If it is a 100 million part, the people who can practice the whole veteran, it is estimated that there are few .

Wu Zuo Shen did not dare to come back this way!

I am afraid that the other party is to see people, the core people of the Yuan Hao Palace enters this place, I am afraid I don't need so many gods.

Everything in this place is the true spirit from the treasure house. The true spirit does not need these gods, those who charge those gods, I am afraid that they will fall into the middle of the veneer.

"Hey, the magic sound mountain is the magic sound mountain, but this is also in Xiangyang Island. It is also suitable for cultivation in the Tianjie. Especially the hot springs of this place can be heard, but also the first treasure, of course Can't compare with Magic Mountain! "

Seeing the blessings of the sword, there is a bit of difficulties. The person is eyebrows, the voice is cold, and the emperor is asked: "Do you have no money?"

Just when the sword is unparalleled, a few people in the distance flew, and the emperor who came to be healthy, all of them were five-order episodes.

"Haha, who I am, I originally there is no double friend, how? No money to go in?"

The coming people are torn with the sword!

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, it is very happy to tear the heart.

"Tear the old brother, are you?" The five-level emperor who was sitting here saw the tear of the sky, nor is it a sword.

I thought I thought I knocked on the sword without double, and now I seem to have a poor ghost.

The breath of torn the sky is slight, it is coming to hear, you can see the sword is unparalleled, and the broken heart is suddenly recovered.

Once a time, the sword is also his heart.

Now, he not only breaks the heart of the magic, but also reached the five-order peak emperor, officially catching up to Wan Shi Tian Emperor, the most dazzling Huqing, now is the five-order peak emperor.

In the Elder Palace, he also gave a big riser of the mountain.

On the strength, he naturally believes that there is no double, the sword is unparalleled, the background, and he also investigated the sword and unparalleled, but it is only a little relationship with U.

Although Wu Zuo is very special, it is not the palace of the veteran palace.

The background with strength is both roller, and his nature is very happy.

Especially now I have seen the sword, there is no pair of tickets, I can't get it, I am more happy.

"Hey, this time I was in the north of the 47th floor, I was hurt, but I saw the solemn here, I don't know why, I suddenly be big!" Torn the sky and looked at the sword, leaking the brug .

The five-level emperor of the guards here, I can't help but say this: "Tear your brother, it's a young man, the old man is alive, I will go to the forty-seven floors, you are so fast to surpass me, future No quantity. "

Tear the strength of the Tiandi, is really good, nine ninety-nine layers in the north, which is almost the same as the tomb.

It is possible to come to the forty floor, which represents the five-order emperor.

Forty-fifth floors have five-order peak combat, and the forty-seventh floor is a limit of the five-order emperor.

Of course, there are also some anti-day to reach forty-eight floors, or even forty-nine layers.

Every ten layers are a threshold, and the 50th floor requires the level of sixth order.

The six-order emperor here is not the half-hanging in the four major secrets, but the six-order episode of the whole source.

Although the inheritor can fight against the four major secrets, it is necessary to complete the emperor of the other party, or you can't do so much.

After all, in the four major secrets, the complete emperor, is not a heritage, some of the ancient existence of the Elder Palace.

I want to get it down, it is a lot.

The batch of old guys in the Yuan Hao Palace, all of them are the strong people of the two original roads, but they are not the four secrets or the original universe, some of the three products, even the four-product Bent of the Dijun.

Those people are not dismissive, that is, their respective secrets have been self-destroying.

Everything is strength!

Just like now, the sword is unparalleled, in front of these people, there is no face.

"Since you are with tearing the old brother, you will follow it!"

Torn Tianyu Jun Jun is busy and fake: "It is not, the rule is the rule, this money I have to come out!"

Said a mustard.

Two people made each other, and the five-order episode was accepted.

Responsible for the emperor here, the back of the back is the same as the Torn Day, and they all belong to a failed, this god is equal to the left and right pockets.

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