Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5501 5496? Northwang Tower

Finally he heard the familiar cool, he was relieved.

"Warriors!" Followed by a step, there is no double, and smile is as hot as the past.

Although Dongsheng has some shelves, but it is also very happy to see the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Two Taoist friends, how can you here?" The sword was unparalleled and did not ask in the town magic space.

Dongsheng leaked a smile, excited: "Haha, you can come, we can't come, of course, for North Wang Tower!"

"Walk, first find a place to fall, it is not a place where you speak!" Finish reminded, and then pulled the sword and unparalleled a refreshing restaurant.

This is the same as that I have encountered in the mortal world. I didn't expect this Yuanyang Island.

After entering, a largest private room is opened.

Wine is all, all all cherish treasures, as far as the wine of these tables, I am afraid that there is no one million gods can't get it.

"This time, please, don't grab it with me!" Follow the face of Dongsheng, then look at the sword unparalleled, the light is afraid that someone will grab him.

The sword is unparalleled to grab it, he can't grab it. He is really no money, as long as he does not let him pay, say anything.

Three people landed, the wine passed three patrols, and she started to talk about some things happening after the two people did not have to leave.

Two people went into the magic sound god, became a candidate, got a lot of treasures, like Wu Zuo, the universe is not.

But there is an unexpected goods, except for the treasure, they also get a chance.

After they became the sixth order episodes, they arrived at the Tomb of the Tomb.

After the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are far away.

The inheritance of the discrimination?

So far, it seems that there is no inheritance of people who have got to play, even if they are not.

This two people have gone, and they can get inheritance of the disagreement.

It's a shock that the sword is unparalleled, and the pressure hand is said: "Care, although it is the inheritance of the disagreement, but not all!"

"Not all?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is the case, there are three gods, 18th gods, one hundred and eight messenger, you know it!" Dongsheng said.

The sword nodded and nodded. This will know from the beginning, not a secret.

"These people, in the ancient times, they are the most elusive forces under the dismissal, their own inheritance, is the discrimination to prepare for them, some of the school, secret law, treasure, the body, we are the same, we The inheritance to be accepted, although it is the inheritance of the dismissal, but it is not biochabed, but the birth of the gods gives the gods will be inherited! "

Under the interpretation of Dongsheng Emperor, the sword has no double understands.

The so-called inheritance of the disagreement is actually a inheritance created by the discord of the year.

But this is not bad!

What is the character of the discriminant?

That is the big energy of rushing everything, the main part of the universe, he must be a hegemonic person whispered.

He also is happy for these two people, and he has no sense of loss.

After all, I caught two people pit, and I was okay once. He took a few times.

"Say, I have to thank the unparalleled brother, come to this cup to respect you!" Completely used a wine glass, a drink.

The sword is unparalleled: "Why is this? It is nothing to do with me, this is relying on the strength of the two brothers!"

Just drinking, the three have been commensurate with the brothers!

"Unparalleled brother, don't you know?"

"The magical sound will say, this time, the reason is to cancel the original reward, or because of your brother, your selfless dedication, willing to give up the complete universe source!" Finish is full of eyes.

Complete universe life!

Say to give up.

The sword is unparalleled. When he gave up, it was clear because he returned from the wooden bridge from the channel, and he sent his universe.

But the other party can think so.

It seems that the magic sound will be quite fooling, this big work can be remembered on his head.

Three people chatted and quickly talked to the North Wang Tower.

Dongsheng relieved: "I don't hurry, the magic sound will remind us that I have to go to the North Wang Tower to test my peak, I am going to go to the North Wang Tower to swim."

North Wang Tower!

Through the window, they can directly see the Northwang Tower standing in the city center, the treasure of the universe, shining.

Verne is vast.

"Dong Sheng brother, with your current strength, I am afraid you can break through the 60th floor!"

Sixty floors can be comparable to it!

The sword is unparalleled, some can't believe that these two people have become a lot of tones since the magic sound mountains.

Dongsheng has been broken from breakthrough until now, even if he leaves, the two will leave a closure of millions, and it is impossible to enhance so much!

Is it?

What did the sword have no double?


I am afraid that two people have been special eternal to treasure, they will be so confident.

Dong Shengqian said: "Sixty floors is very difficult, with my current battle, I can get 56 layers, I am more likely to break through the fifty floor is not a problem!"

Fifth-order Emperor broke through the fifty floor, representing the level of six-order episode, it is already possible.

North Wang Tower, different from the magic sound mountain, etc., it is full of strength to rush.

Dagan 1 to ten floors.

Taojun ten layers to the twentieth floor.

Third-order Emperor 20 to 30th floor.

The fourth-order episode, 30 layers to forty layers.

Fifth-order emperor, forty layers to fifty floors.

Sixth Order Emperor, fifty floors to sixty layers.

Slim, sixty layers to seventy layers.

Seventy layers have not been recorded.

It is estimated that it is the owner of the universe.

The sound is low, slowly said: "Warrior brother, can you know that the magic sound god will go to the first few layers?"

"Seventy floor?" The sword didn't have a double guess!

The power of the magic sound will be very strong, and it is a strong ancestor to him than the cloud. It should be able to get to the seventy floor, representing the top peak.

After all, it is the ultimate way.

Bell, shake the head, indicating that the sword is not a double guess.

I still want to sell a Cat, who wants Dongsheng at this time.

"The magic sound god will arrive at the seventy-fourth floor, in the history of the North Wang Tower, there is also a legendary, arrived at eighty-six layers!"

After the sword was shocked, I thought that the legendary figure is!

But in this way, the seventy-floor corresponding to the owner of the universe, or it is too far away from the 86th floor.

"Say, I am really envious of the ultimate way! The more you go later, the more you can reflect the power of the ultimate way!"

It's also following: "Nine ninety-nine layers in the north, all have the strength of the three gods, more than 80 floors, the level of the universe, one can get to eighty-six layers, simply incredible, Just like the unparalleled brother, Dao Jun can be so rebellious! "

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