Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5502 5497??


In this way, the sword is unparalleled!

Taojun has a sixth order level.

When I arrived at the emperor, I could really break the record of the Northern Emperor.

Eighty-six layers!

At the beginning, the Lord of the Universe was said to be a modest.

"We three, try?"

Three people said the rise, they wanted to fight.

It is still two days from the time of the Wu Zhip.

The sword is unparalleled and shook his head: "I still have some time, some things have to be dealt!"

"Then we will first explore the road first!"

"Good!" The sword didn't get two people sent two people.

When Wu Zuo's treasure, he swallowed the two-year universe the source of the universe, so that the strength increased, he went to the North Tower.

As for northbound!

Now the Miyong is specially rebellious, he will not be anxious.

At that time, he went to the mine to find Nie Yuan. Anyway, it was a special sword native. It is estimated in Nie Yuan.

Help him even more.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled and ready to leave, and go to the Wu Zhiwu waiting for each other.

It is not a cultivation here, even if he is only two days away, he doesn't want to let go.

Just got up and left, there was a third-order epidermount, respectfully came.

"This predecessor, you have consumed four thousand gods in this Trump ........"

Finished .........

The sword is unparalleled to use Wu Zuo to give him the token. Where is it?

The other party initially did not believe in, the law enforcement of the Lord's token, and people who gave a gallbladder!

"Seniors, you wait a moment, I need to confirm it!"

If the token is true, this money is exempt, if it is fake, the sword is no longer left.

The sword is unparalleled back to the room, and the heart is dark.

It is estimated that the other party is happy to have forgotten, who will think of the sword is unparalleled such a strong force of the six-order episode, even tens of thousands of gods can't come out.

It's really shame!

In the heavens, especially in the Elder Palace, the price of the fourth-order emperor is not low, tens of thousands of gods can take out.

Even if there is not so many gods, there are some treasures that can be mortgage, which is directly to the token of the Law Enforcement Outlook.

Seeing the token as I have seen U.

If the token is true, I will kill an ant, and I have to make the emperor shot.

More this!

In addition to this token, the sword is unparalleled.

I can't get the cloud sword mortgage!

That is the Sword of the Democratic Emperor. If you take this sword, it is a matter of insult to the sword.

The insults of the big big.

The sword is unparalleled to the swords, never changed, it is impossible to do this.

However, if you think about it, if you dig your own, you will go to mortgage, that is more shameful.

There is no difference between the palace.

The road cannot be leaking.

Especially in the veteran house.

The sword is unparalleled, it will not be easy to get your own source.

Didn't have a big one, the third-order Emperor, sincerely, and tribute to the letter to the sword.

Then I came to a five-order emperor, and I personally gave the sword. There was no double lost.

However, the sword is very embarrassed, I don't want to be lost here, hurried away, there is nothing to say.

It is estimated that the five-order Emperor's heart is not intended to ignore him!

A meal of wine, is it used to take a token?

The sword is not double-way, and it is directly to the Wu Zhiwu!

The emperor who guards here recognizes the sword unparalleled, respectful, and invinciates the sword.

After entering the door, the sword is unparalleled to find the huge stone monument in the yard.

Even the incense burner is also withdrawn.

The sword is unparalleled: "It should not be!"

Twenty thousand cosmine crystal is empty?

Even the tombstones that gave the brothers and dismantled him to make the treasure.

If this is this, it is too miserable.

He didn't know that the stone monument was going forward on his day before.

Wu Z.1 is this effect.

What is emotional, which is so deep.

In the disciple of the initiator, the Lord of the universe has a large group, and the black is not in the eyes, or there is no one of his unique seedlings, the strong people in the Diva Temple will not take care of him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the 18th God will be resurrected, why not resurrect some disciples of my discriminia.

Those people are not more qualified inheritance.

This is probably related to some sequelae after resurrection.

This is really guessed, the strong people who are resurrected, in the future, want to enhance the realm, more than 100 times more than those of these normal timelines.

It can also be said that the potential will be resolved, and they are spent.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The promise of Wi-faceless, Lang said: "It's really clever, just come back from the ground, you will come!"

"These days are bored, I was going to go to Wu Zuo, and I didn't expect adults so fast." The sword has laughed.

He is also a bit embarrassed. In order to give him a unclear, even the tombstone is removed.

I also blame, now in advance, it seems that he can't wait.

"Come, talk inside, this time I got a lot of good grass in Wan Tibet, just brewing a pot of good tea!" Wu Zuo is nothing, there is no shackle.

Just like never putting the tombstone.

The sword is unparalleled to see each other, then he is nothing.

Have good tea, naturally taste it.

Following Wu Zhi into the main hall, two sitting on the front of a program.

Also put a few humanistic green fruits.

"Wan Feng fruit?" The sword was unpaired. This stuff can be a non-selling. Since Wanzang is set to a ban, there is no longer appear again.

When Wan Sen is open to the outside, the value of everything exceeds the gods, which is trillion.

Today is no price.

He didn't think that Wu Zuo is so generous, directly taken this to entertain him, and is also worried, is it a treasure does not make it, in advance, come on a table to send him.

"This is your mustard, the beast will be this, but the rest of the treasures have been damaged. There is only the owner's accessories, the origin is also damaged!" Wu Zuo waved, candlelon Eyes, the arms of the candlelon, the arms of the candle dragon, and the candlelon wings are unparalleled to the sword.

Seeing these things, the sword is not happy.

As long as the beast will not have problems.

"Come first to drink tea! 'Wu Zuo personally gives swords without double, and the sword is unparalleled.

Such a set down, if the other party did not make a treasure, he was really embarrassed.

The sword is unparalleled, and I am busy.

Then there was a trace of tangling on the left face, saying: "Hey, I haven't so easy to drink tea for a long time, this time goes to the ground, it is really chaotic."

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