Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5503 5498? How many more?

The sword is unparalleled. I don't know what the other party is, but I don't dare to pick up, I can only listen to it.

"I really envy you these inheritors, the potential is powerful, unlike me, the trivial matters will be licking all day!" Wu Zuo said that it is soaked, and it has been drinking tea as a wine, and he has said that he is difficult.

Sitting on the sword without double listening straight, they are really very similar, unlucky things are one.

Wu Zuo is also adjusted, and it is better to have a good luck when it is just established.

However, in the back, some dirty lives in the Northern Jing have been throwing him alone. As a result, the last benefit did not get it, the famous arrogance was stupid.

In this Elder House, the power of law enforcement can't be comparable to the three palace owners, and the indigenous emperors that scare the northbound.

Originally thinking of in the ground, find the sword unparalleled, then recommend Brole's changed Due to the true spirit, you can get a lot of work, but also hit the owner of the palace.

The results of it?

Not only the benefits have not yet sailed, but back to the Yuan Dynasty palace, the relationship between Lu Huajun is stiff, so that no one is supported inside, and the elections can only be put down.

Used is also clear that the position of the palace owners can not rely on internal members, and they can go directly from the veteran palace.

As long as the true spirit is issued, the position of the palace is not a hand.

However, the true spirit is not so fooler. He first planned the passage of the second prison, followed by the true spirit of the magic sound god.

I originally thought about this credit, the inheritance of the magic sound mountain is the ultimate, while cultivating those inheritors, and can increase the treasures in the veteran in the endow, but also help the true spirits and solve the problem, no matter how it can be obtained. Less benefits.

At the end, I didn't think of it. He is also invited, and things are also doing. It is even more like the magic sound god to be two people in the cloud, but the last is the gray face, and lost the lady.

In order to compensate for the sword, he is also a selling price and seeking people.

The sword is unparalleled, although the days are not good, I haven't missing it in the treasure, so compared, or the black is a little bit.

"Wu Zuo Nab, you seem to be a strong in the recovery? There is still a big chance to go to the peak in the future." The sword has no double speech.

Wu Zuo has shaken his head, which is so easy.

At the beginning, there was no breakthrough, and he had a countless body in the state of serious injuries. If it is not a sense of mood, I can't help it.

Now, he, there is no confidence in the owner of the universe.

"Here is some treasures you need, the blood of the beast god is somewhat special, I brought from the tomb mountain, you must be careful, the power is more than your imagination!" Yu Zuo will be careful Hand to sword is unparalleled.

The sword is not a vague, directly acceptable, and a trace of mind explore it.

In addition to the bottle of the blood of the beast, there is also a 20,000-party cosmic crystal and one of the best.

After having these treasures, the sword is unparalleled.

There is still the end of the origin now.

Originally thought that Wu Zuo gave him a feeling, I want to reduce the source of the universe.

But I didn't expect U. Ze to take out 30% of the universe.

This makes the sword unparalleled is very unexpected.

"Wu Zuo Nabair, I said that I have been two0%. How many comments have been made?" The sword is unparalleled.

This time, he was the belly of the whisper of the small man. I didn't expect that Wu Zhi can also give him a universe.

Wu Zuo will store the original jade push to the sword, unparalleled: "This time we blame me, more commendable, even compensation, you don't get rid of it."

"Then thank you very much!" The sword is unparalleled, it is a worship.

A universe source!

This is the universe source, the value of him.

The treasure transfer is completed, and the sword is unparalleled with unexpected goods, very happy.

Originally, he is still afraid to eat people's mouth soft, take short, now it is not restrained, eat, drink it.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled, there is a smile on the face, but it is very distressed.

This is not a very rich, because more coming into the universe of the universe, let him add a frost.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will not call the adults in the future, I am more comfortable, I don't care this kind of name!" Wu Zuo leaks smile, gentle.

The sword is unparalleled, I always feel that it is not very right.

"If you look at me, you will call me a big brother!" Used is very happy.

This is a little inseparable from the sword, and it's busy to pass: "What is going on, U. Zuo people are the disciples of the disagreement, how can I be able to speak!"

If you don't say these virtual, you said that he is very far from Wu Zuo.

The other party is a strong powerful, and it is a strong powerful force that is weak, I am afraid that there is still a lot than the White Jun.

When I was about to save him, it was just a big force.

The power of this respect, I am afraid that the magic sound will be almost the same.

Wu Zuo saw that the sword is unparalleled, putting a hand, gentle and turns: "Let's arise, no matter those titles!"

"Big Brother!" The sword didn't double the tea cup and tough.

Wu Zhuo saw this, and also took a tea cup, full of eyes, said: "Second brother!"

The rise of the two people, the Wu Zuo big hand, "come!"

The outside world has come to a red woman emperor, and the strength is weak and has a five-order epidermount. He respects: "Adult!"

"Go, all the good alcohols I have stored all!" Wu Zhuo is very arrogant.

His good wine is stored, it is worth a good value.

Two people pushed the cup to change, talk about the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, this time, I opened an eye, I learned a lot about the original ancient times.

For example, the original mole is still present, not crushed.

There are also some things in the three Kings.

At the beginning, the three Wang courts did to be a peak forces. It was more competing with the discriminant. It is just that the rear of the people surpass them too much. It can only shrink the forces, but it has not been killed in the district, and I have left some of the three Kings. Chassis.

Just because that a giant egg has led to the destruction of the three Kings.

If it is the last discriminator, it is probably Directation directly, and even a inheritance is not available.

This time I opened in the Polyson Temple, and the inheritance of the three kings has also been owned.

The soul of the source is not a double, but the change of the change can be defined in the hands of Barole.

The inheritance of the three kings belongs to the main inheritance of the top-level universe. In addition to the introduction of the three gods, there is no strong inheritance than these three inherits.

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