Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5504 5499 Chapter ??? The identity of the god

The sword is unparalleled, the inheritance of the first true king is already a luck against the sky, and it is not harmonious than some of the heritors on the tomb mountain.

Although it has not yet been inherited by the true king, it is also a pouch.

"Second brother, although the ancient times is good, but it is good!" Wu Zuo said deeply: "You can know, the true core in this Temple?"

The sword is unparalleled, and you can't ask, but it is ambiguous: "Core? Screening the inheritor?"

He is just a testimony.

Wu Zuo is a blood light, and there is no relationship with the Polyspur Temple.

"The giant eggs in the three kings Temple, you should know it!"

The sword nodded.

He has always had a guess, just don't know if it is a fake, it seems that he must get an accurate answer today.

"That giant egg, born a strong, this strongman has some relationship with you!"

The sword is unparalleled, he really guess, then the words of Wu Zhi: "Is it the god?"

"It is him. When the teacher, I sent a goddess to suppress the three Kings, Fyigo, the three kings were falling, but the existence of the giant egg was suppressed in the Past Temple, the first refers to the Bai Jun Wang Wrapped in your side behind the scenes! "Wu Zuo is finished.

This is amazed in the sword, and although the face is surprised, it is expected that it is not too surprised!

Just I don't know why U.Sone will mention this.

Is it because of the emergence of Fygo?

There is also this possibility.

Subsequently, Wu Zuo also confirmed his idea.

The emergence of Fergo is too big to threaten the internal threat of the people of the temple, and must be removed.

But now can't find the other party, the true spirit is no way.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and I asked: "Since there is a threat, why should I bury this disaster?"

The strength of the gods has been inferred, the most is the Lord of the universe, just like this, how to see it.

Directly kill, or lost it to the starry sky, it's good, why don't you suppress it into the Diva Temple, is this not to find yourself?

A giant egg, let Sanyang Ting destroyed, leading to the super power of Fyjor, and if the disagreement is not afraid of this forces, don't have to suppress each other!

Unless it is because there is a big benefit.

Used I didn't know how to answer it. In fact, he is not very clear why you want to do it!

All this is still Taoist tells him that it is to draw a sword.

"This, I am afraid that the teacher has other plans, there is a big need!" Wu Zuo embrace.

The sword is unparalleled, but the power of the discrimination feels that there is a lot of use, and the other party is certainly not simple.

A egg, the three kings who can get it can be destroyed.

Fergo and the god are not the strong in Moro's time and space, all from the depths of the stars, I am afraid there is a bigger secret.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled now.

Used is almost the same, it's too much, and I said, I will start the side of the side, see what the sword is unparalleled.

"The emergence of Fygo is a robbery of the Polysman. Now it is necessary to kill this ruilion!" Wu Zuo said to the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, the heart is in the heart, the people will not be him?

The other party but Fergo, a universe that has not yet recovered the peak, that is also the Lord of the universe!

At the beginning, I just had a recovery, and I'm not his opponent, let alone now.

Even if it is successful, it is not an opponent!

"This ......." Sword is unparalleled!

"Don't answer!" Wu Zuo personally poured a glass of wine, then said: "I just listened to the true spirit, but I also felt incredible, I said that there is such a big enemy, should let me wait first, but you guessed What do you say? "

Do not sword without double opening, Wu Zuo said directly.

"True Spirit said, you are the tide of this era!"

"Everything in the Temple of the Tempology is all in your bag, you are the heir to find the bay of the boy!"

Yue Zuo is more excited, this is not his flicker sword, but the true spirit is said.


The sword is unparalleled directly, these words are too big for his impact!

He will not believe in himself.

"Wu Zhi Xiong, this is not dare to tell, the tomb mountain is much better than my potential, the business predecessors have reached the realm, he is more than I have this strength!"

Although he said, but the sword is unhappy but is ecstatic.

He has always had this feeling, and this temple seems to be for him.

He is a life!

Wu Zuo also slowly stood up, patted the sword unparalleled shoulders, said: "Warriors, some things are destined, no matter what good results, just those things, I dare to swear to Tiandao , All the true spirits said, there must be half a sentence, and will die by the nine-color Thunder! "

This is just finished, the sea of ​​the universe of the district, there is a black cloud.

The true spirit blinked with green bean eyes, touched the nose, always feeling some things, but did not pay attention to what, sitting in front of the board alone, and put on how to deal with the Fygo.

Now the Bureau has already begun to arrange, just see when the other party is working.

This time, once the other party appears, he will appear in the first time, kill it directly, and remove this threat.

"Fygo Frosta? Hey!"

Say the sword is unparalleled.

Those who have just been Wu Zhi, unlike a fake!

And dare to swear to Tiandao, I can't really say bad!

The sword is unparalleled now is trust.

He is even somewhat embarrassed.

I can't blame the true spirit to give him the body of the people. It has long been determined that he is the successor of the Polyson Temple.

Among the meditation, it is God.

He is in the three Kings Ting, and he is the largest receiver.

This is probably also the promotion of true spirits.

If the true spirit, if you think that the sword is so thinking, I am afraid I admire myself.

I want to still be sword.

I don't know, why is I really want to wait for him to go to the tomb mountain.

Now after receiving the treasures sent by Wu Zhi, he feels also said that it is impossible to temper him, and the strong road cannot be too smooth.

Subsequently, Wu Zuo, began to say about Fygo's things.

The sword is unparalleled, the more you listen to it.

"Let me be a bait?"

Wu Zuo persuaded: "It's not a bait, the other party did not dare to threaten you, when the Fygo resuscitation, because you give the Bai Jun Wang's native, Fygo wants to recover strength, will definitely find you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the last time is taken by the White Junwang and wasted him a lot.

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