Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5505 5500 ??? Perfect Plan

No wonder really wants to calm him to go to the tomb mountain, it is for this.

"This matter has been made, don't say the previous complete universe, the future of the people will be yours!"

This sentence is no matter whether the sword is unin-believed, anyway, Wu Zhuang is trustworthy.

Otherwise, it will not be such a bar, but also a brothers, and it is also available for the universe.

The sword is unhappy, this moment is hesitant, refuses to put it.

He has to face it.

Here is the Polyson Temple!

What can he do!

As I said to Wu Zuo, the future of the people of the future is him, and the scourge of Fyigo must be removed, otherwise it is also unfavorable to him.

"Okay, I promise!" Sword is unparalleled "," I need me, despite the opening! "

Used on the opposite face, pulling the sword is unparalleled to continue to sit down, then said: "This true spirit is really not saying, but you can put down the vigilance, try letting you find you!"

"Let the other party find me?" The sword was unparalleled.

Then he got out!

In the Elder House, the gods of the gods should still be inserted here.

"You do these days, there should be some things!" Wu Zuo is like a predecessor.

He is not a fool, since the spirit of this plan, I am afraid that some small movements have begun.

Now listen to Wu Zuo that said, the sword is unhappy to think of things on Xiangyang Island.

The outside world seems to bring the hometown, and the result of the tearful master took away, although he didn't care, but he had seen that he was crowded, even suppressed.

Moreover, it is still torn.

The general power can all be couldn't help.

This is a very good entry point, the sword is unparalleled in the vital palace, and then the gods will take the opportunity.

The sword is unparalleled, nothing to say, just nodded.

He understands!

All this is probably a promotion of true spirits.

These years, the inheritors are not a rare person in the four major secrets, and even if they don't say this place.

Even if it is pressed, I can only endure.

Who told him that it is not as good as people!

The sword has also appeared in the bottom of the soul. In this case, he has a table, and there is a truth behind him.

It's better to make two things, I will slam, then rebellion.

Give the gods a bitter meat.

At that time, I took the Palace to take it away, and I fled all the way, even if the gods were not hooked, he could find Nie Yuan.

Just perfect!

Kill the tear, he also won the accessories of the beast.

The more I want the sword, and I feel that this plan is perfect.

Kill a tear, the true spirit will not care at all, everything is for the sake.

Then sacrifices a tear day.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a meaning of Wu Z. "Reassured, our brothers are here, no one can hear!"

Then the sword is unparalleled to drag his own plan, telling the Wu Zhi.

Wu Zhi Zhi is shot, and the heart is ecstatic.

"This is a good!"

With his help, this plan can be perfect.

The sword has no double killed the sky, using the universe from self-explosion and hurting iron three, he can secretly shot, kill the iron three.

At that time, the long sword will tell the true spirit, and it will be pressed.

Just perfect!

The sword is unparalleled, and he is not too much to remove a iron three!

Although the strength of Iron San is not a top, but it is the church of Fu Shoutang, the power is not small, and it is a brother of the long sword.

These two brothers can disappear at least where he became the master of the Palace.

Naturally removed.

The two have a long time, and the plan is thoroughly analyzed, and the escape route is set.

It is easy to run, and he is a little like Qiuhuang, you have to pull the other party.

Once successful, Wu Zuo squeezed the long sword God became the palace master, the location of the Zhongtang's main position, can also help the other part of the sixth order.

This benefit doesn't need to say more.

Qiu Huang must do it.

Subsequent, it is also a matter of law enforcement, and it will be active.

Just have a little, who is the universe of the self-explosion?

Wu Zuo finally biting his teeth and decided to come out.

This source is self-explosion!

There is no such thing as the type of universe, and there is no such source in the universe of the universe.

"This source is that I got in God's tombs, a poetless special life, use it to change my life!"

This is still greedy?

The sword is unparalleled, but then think of that the characters like Wu Z. It will never spend money to buy.

"It's enough!" The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly received.

Wu Z. "Everything should be careful, after the things, I will put the news, then send people to catch you, let those people who will arrest your disclosure of this matter."

"Wonderful!" The sword was unbearable.

Everything is in the plan, and now it is a chance.

At this time, there is exactly someone in the outside, and there is an invitation.

"The invitation of the main marriage of Fushou!"

After the U.Sone saw it, the invitation will be handed over to the sword, the surprise: "Haha, it is really a helping me!"

"After thousands of years!" The sword was unhappy, so he still had a lot of time.

This is a great opportunity to tell.

After thousands of years, the main iron three of Fushou Tangtang and the Miyao Yi Xi Dynasty, worship as a couple!

This is really a perfect opportunity!

At that time, he will definitely send a gift.

Rache, kill, and win the treasure!

Wu Zuo took his shoulder comfort: "Wonghuang younger brother, you don't have it too sad, I will help you kill the iron three, the woman is you!"

"Wu Zhi Xiong, you want to be wrong, I have no thoughts on her!" The sword shook his head.

His heart is dead, and the night of death is dead.

Grab the mountain, just plan, no wind!

It is torn, it is his primary goal.

Wu Zuo this time, I handed a jade simple, saying: "There is this you have to hold, I am the top of me, I will search for the information about the beast soldiers, there is also a beast for you in the sky, you You can try it, if you need help, please feel free to contact me! "

"The heart of the candle dragon, big Lingshan?" The sword was unhappy, this is a little uncomfortable with the gods to him, but he is more willing to believe in Wu Zhi, the other party, the native snake, than the god, mouse The news is much more reliable.

"Tear the little son, once found the iron three, but there is a strong strong in the Ling Mountain, the average person really can't get it, but I will come, the other party should give some face, I can't grab it!" Wu Zhuang It doesn't matter.

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