Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5506 5501 ??? North Wang Tower

Big Mountain, in the heavens of the heavens.

There is the chassis of the temple, and the Mahayun Lingshan also puts it under the temple, and I want to grab the temple will also block.

After all, the Temple of the Temple, the Yuan Lao Palace wants to intervene, it is too late.

If it is a sword, there is a unparalleled, there is strength, you can get it, you can help the veteran, the temple will also shoot.

Of course, if he is in the temple, he can pass some means to let the other party take the initiative.

But now the sword is unparalleled, already with the veteran palace, or Izuo Zuo Zuo in a rope, it is impossible to go to the Temple.

Subsequently, I also discussed the follow-up means, and the sword was unparalleled. He would know this time. He can rest assured that you will be able to shoot.

The sword is mainly worried about the shadow of Fergo, and the shadow of the North Jing is so clean, and the strongest estimate is the sixth order emperor.

The strong, sword is unparalleled, and there will be no big problems in the escape.

After almost set, the sword is unparalleled.

There are still thousands of years, he can go to the North Wang Tower to see, before you start, you will be prepared to close it again, and the universe is swallowed.

Now he hand, in addition to the destruction of the destruction, there are 30% of the universe, although some messy, all kinds of origins can be improved, but it can improve his path.

Now he has just reached the nine floors, relying on these origins, you can make his path to the most successful level.

With the essence of all things, it can prevent all things from rehabilitation.

Not afraid that after the road is strong, he has caused him to completely reward.

He is afraid that after reward, it is not controlled, and it cannot be completely fused.

Wu Zuo went to the sword to go to the door, see this sword unparalleled back, the mood is very complicated, this time he doesn't know if it can succeed.

Even if he is mixed, he also counts with the sword without pairs on a boat.

He is very good to see the sword, and there is such a strong strength and strength. In the future, it will control the Pacific Temple.

Others are not optimistic, he is optimistic, but now it is in the snow, the future is a browning.


After sending away the sword, he turned to the native sea of ​​the Diva Temple, come to the true spirit.

"Adults, the plan has begun, you will start after thousands of years!" Wu Zongqong!

I got a chessboard and turned to the road.

"This time, no matter what, you have to keep the sword unparalleled. Once you have a problem, you should first be responsible!"

Wu Zuo is a bit embarrassed, how to make him back this pot every time you fail.

However, if the true spirit said, he did not dare to refute, and the programs of the sword have been discharged all told the true spirit.

True spirit touched the meat, laughed: "Yes, this plan is very good for my taste, grabbing the relatives, remember to inform me in advance, this lively scene, I haven't seen it for a long time!"

"Be sure!" Wu Zuo is also very excited.

On the island of Yuanyang.

The sword is unparalleled to go to a treasure, selling a cosmic crystal, redeemed some of the treasures needed, and exchanged a hundred billion gods.

I bought a lot of treasures, and exchanged a lot of gods, he took less than one hundred cosmine.

Real conversion, one party cosmine, worth a billion god.

Buy treasures, there is no rare gadget, because the cosmic crystal is special, only people take the goddess to exchange the cosmine, and no one will take the universe crystal to exchange God.

So the other person is very luxurious, directly sent the sword unparalleled treasure.

After the sword has no doubles, I went to the restaurant, and I went directly to the gods.

The other party is sincere and fearful, I am afraid of crimes.

The sword is unparalleled, I'm still jealousy, and it is like two people!

This is also part of it.

Leaving the restaurant, he didn't delay, go directly to the North Tower!

Take advantage of time, naturally come here again, and time is not willing to waste.

Before I came to the North Pagoda, the sword didn't look at it, and the Tower of the North is high million in the north, and the clouds are still angry.

This tower, this is the treasure of the peak universe in the original circles, and it is true.

I heard that the inheritor of the fourth round is to test the screening here.

Of course, those trials, the highest, gave the fourteen floors.

Taojun can usually go to the tenth floor, it is already good.

It is even more striker that can reach the 14th floor.

When the sword was unparalleled in the original star, it was only about the second order.

It seems that the road, the potential is not weak.

This kind of potential is the ultimate way, generally not under the tomb mountain, Hui Qing is a heterogeneous.

At the beginning, the true spirit is the most favorable, and now the wind is in the future, he will inherit the characters of the Temple.

This north is the tower, which is him in the future, everything is his.

The sword has no double step into the north of the north.

Negative in the hall.

There have been many cases in this case, sitting at this time.

He just came in, he heard someone called his name.

"Warrior yourself!"

It is better!

The sword has no double leaking smile, got past.

"Hadish brother!"

He has some accidents, this two people should have not been here!

Shouldn't you sway in it?

Following the sword unparalleled, first introduced a fourth-order peak emperor next to it.

"Unparalleled brother, this sky rhinoceros, is the heritor from the tomb mountain, don't look at the fourth-order episode, he reaches the forty-one floor!"

The sky sat in the same place, not for your move, just nodded for the sword.

It is also no wonder that this level of Tianjiao has arrogant.

The sword is unparalleled, and I asked: "Why didn't you see Dong Sheng brother?"

"Hey, don't say, the guy has come here, there is no coming, now I have reached the fifty-seven layers, it is estimated that less than sixty layers will come out!" Complete is helpless!

Originally, two people think that there should be similar to the Magic Mountain. As a result, I found out that it is completely different from the magic.

The complete universe is not so casually, you can take it.

And I heard that the source is the source of a god.

The sword is unparalleled is also a shock!

At the beginning, the source of the wilderness, he just felt.

That powerful breath, let him tremble, although he is still very weak at the time, there is no such mystery.

It can be different now, even if the origin of the disagreement is, it can also come out.

"Warrior brother, this time you have to make a fortune!" Completely close to the sword without double pressure low sound.

The sword is unparalleled: "Why do you say this?"

"Haha, you will try it out!" After selling a pendant.

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