Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5508 5503 Chapter ?? Wu Zhu said that true

Nowadays, it is the first five-order peak emperor, I am afraid it is the sixth order emperor.

There is also a series of inherits waiting for him, soon you can catch up with the business!

"Unconsciously, I actually dropped so much!" The sword has no difference, I don't know if I fall too much, or Hui Qing's speed is too fast.

In addition to Daojun, there is also a person's name for him.

It is the name of the red potent, and it has fallen to the fifty-four layers.

The five-level emperor broke 54 floors, representing the four layers.

In the ranking of the five-order emperor, the most through the most instead of red water, but a five-level emperor from the venery.

As for the sixth order, it is very few.

The strongest one, but it broke through the first floor. It is the iron three, tearing the masters, and one of his plans to kill.

Of course, he is not an opponent, just seriously injured the other party, and the uzu will kill each other.

Subsequently, the sword has seen the top list.

That is the number of layers of the best breakthrough.

It is already a strong powerful surpassing sixty.

However, since the Northern Tower has been in the veteran, there are only a few strong power to pass.

It is not too strange, the veteran palace is talking, it is estimated that it is estimated that even the strong strong, even if we have the strong stronger of the outside world.

Some let the sword are unparalleled, the powerful power in the Elder Palace, only Wu Zuo one is on the list, and it is also in the first.

Then the sword is unparalleled.

When the Wu Zuo left dared to face the long rush, those words were true.

The three palace owners have a heartman.

Their three palace owners, but in the invisible melons.

A church is so powerful, which will let them inherit and the indigenous emperor.

Seventy-four floors.

Wu Zuo has broken through four layers.

Some of the rest, don't say breakthrough, some are still more than sixty layers.

The more you come back, the harder it will be broken!

Every step is needed to improve great strength.

I really don't know how the original declined emperor did.

The sword is not going to think about those, directly.

He wants to break this rule, let those people look, who is the future of the future.


After entering the transfer array, the direct excitation token enters the first layer of the North Tower.

The sword has no double shape. It is like a universe. It has been standing on a desolate interest.

This desolate planet has a very powerful gravity, and it is very hard, and it is different from the innate to the treasure.

This whole planet can change how many congenitals?

Sword is unparalleled.

Old falsis is committed.

Seeing more precious treasures, walking.


His opposite appeared a shadow of a black fog.

"The practitioner, defeat me to enter the next layer!" The strong person who condenses the black fog, looks like the ordinary road king.

The sword is unparalleled.

He is more interested in this ridiculous planet.

"Please enlighten!"


The black fog is not so much nonsense, and it will be rushed directly.

The other party's arrival is six sharp knife, and the breath is very fierce.

Ordinary Daojun, it is really not necessarily an opponent.

However, for the sword, there is no difference between the other party with the antity.

"Too slow!" The sword didn't double voice, and turned to change.

If you don't want to play, he can easily win.


The sword is unparalleled, and the black fog is broken directly.

Then his figure disappeared in the original place.

Once again, it is still this place.

"Nothing change?" The sword has no double glance, since there is no change, why do you want to send him?

Is it a change in space?

The sword is unparalleled to open the nine-layer space, nor did any problems, not thinking more.

The next way is to ruin.

The top ten layers, he personally shot in the first floor, and then only some of the breath can complete the other party.

Next, I started to break through.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is more than one thousand points above, and the opportunity to participate in the universe.

Those points, he still don't know what to use, but will not be generally the opportunity to participate in the universe.

For the sword, there is a unparalleled temptation.

In the watching chessboard, although there are a lot of universe localized chess pieces, he still has no strength to go to copy.

I can only go to copy the pieces of those soldiers, but those chess are not the source of the universe, or some of the origins of this finished product.

It's not much for him now.

He is ready to see the universe in the north, how is it.


The desolate planet has finally been changed.

The top is not a bare, but a lot of strange shapes.

"The practitioner, you can meet me, indicating that your strength beyond the Daojun, you are very good!" Black fog is again condensed into a humanoid.

It is only a six sharp knife in your hand.

"You are eligible now, know my title ......."

The sword is unparalleled, but some frowning, a sword directly cuts the other party.

There is still a few curiosities, and he will have a little time, some can't wait to see the universe in the North Tower.

So there is no chance to talk to each other.

At the moment of defeating the opponent, all the strong people who have passed the North Wang Tower have received a message.

Dao Jun: The sword is unparalleled, reaching the twelve layers.

The palace of the North Pagoda is within the main hall.

There is not much person concerned, and the road will break through, and there is nothing big.

There is one person, standing directly.

Subsequently, a five-order episode, sitting on the side, shocked: "Is he Dao Jun?"

"Why, you didn't see it?" The finish leaked a brisk laugh.

The person who was shocked, is the Heavenly Trunter, the fourth-order peak strong.

When he saw the sword where the sword was unparalleled, he thought that the other party was a five-level emperor of a weakness. I didn't expect the other person to be a Daojun.

That misunderstand will be big.

A Dao Jun, there is a fifth-order emperor's breath, isn't that .......

"He is a brother, why don't you say it early!" Tianhong has some regret! "

Such a reverse Tiandao, he should have heard of the tomb mountain!

How can I have a little impression.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Subsequently, he thought of a name, surprised: "Is him? It is not surprising."

As the heritage increases, the nameless name of the sword is gradually disappeared at the tomb of the Tomb, and I haven't remembered it normally.

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