Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5509 5504?? No ancients

At this time, there are also some tribers who have received the message that they have not come to see, and find that the token actually begins to flicker.

Every time it is the transfer of a message.

Daojun; sword is unparalleled, breaking through the twelfth layer.

Daojun; sword is unparalleled, breaking through the 13th floor.


Daojun; sword is unparalleled, breaking through the second floor.

"Old days, is this people doing?" Some people constantly exclaimed, and then stared directly at the list of the hall.


The first one is already a sword.

This is a general list.

It's almost the top of the forefront, because Dao Jun broke through the simplest.

Today, the sword is unparalleled.

Number one!

One breath broke through the ten floors.

And it is still changing.

Twelve layers, sixteen, twenty floor!

Nowadays, it is not only exciting in the power of the North Wang Tower, but also some strong people in the heart, and it has come out, see what happened.

"It's the sword. There is no passive inheritance that I have not arrived in the tomb mountain!"

Many people recognize the identity of the sword.

Tear Trendo Jun returned in Xiangyang Island, at this time, standing in the main hall, his brows played a dead knot.

"Dao Jun?" Torn the face and sank.

Then I snorted, my heart was dark: "Dao Jun, only after all Dao Jun, I can't take you on one day, I can press you."

Torn the strength of today, is a column in the five-order episode.

Although I didn't make a breakthrough, it can also reach the top peak.

This time, it's a big grasp of it.

At this time, he still had an air in his heart.

There is still a big gap with him.

Moreover, the sword is still very poor, he can see the sword without a double even the 100 million fang gods can't get it, and it will eventually enter the valley.

It's the only person in the main hall, and he is not surprising.

At the beginning of the blood fog in the magic sound mountain, the sword was unparalleled, but the level of the sixth order episodes were once again cleared.

I am afraid that it is not weak.

At least it can break about 40 layers.

Plus the ten floors of Daojun, there is a 50th floor, there is already a six-order level.

Once the joint road is successful, it is directly sixth order.

This is probably a no ancient people before, and there is no one.

Now the northwang tower is not only attracting countless inheritors, but there are many strong people in the Elder Elder Palace to watch.

Among them, Qiu Huang also came to a French.

"One blink, this kid is almost the same as me?" Qiu Huang secretly trembled.

Wu Zuo is taken into steps, to Qiuhuang's side, Incentive Road: "You can work hard, or the sword is unparalleled to surpass you."

"That thing, I promised, but I can only maintain three breathing, everything is still looking at you!" Qiu Huang faced, the bottom of the heart.

The plan of the sword is unparalleled, and he is still a little hesitant. It is mainly afraid that the sword is unparalleled. When others have not killed, I will go in.

It seems that there is no accident.

Wu Zuo Xinqi is happy, this plan has been more than 70%.

His law must be enforced, with Qiuhuang responsible for the central transmission of the Central Paraction, can completely keep the sword unparalleled away.

Two people just saw an eye, then they left.

Not not you stay here.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, Wu Zhu is very clear, there is nothing to see.

Can the successor of the future, can it be weak?

Now the stronger the strength of the sword is unparalleled, the more I believe it is right.

In the future, the sword is unparalleled to the top peak, inherited the orthodoxicles, don't say a palace master, giving him a temple, not too much.

He can help the sword unparalleled.

Nowadays standing on a boat, I will be a sword unparalleled heart.

At this time, the sword in the North Wang Tower is unparalleled, and I don't know what I have caught countless people.

Also immersed therefrom.

Now that it has reached the forty floor, the opponent encountered is the five-order episode.

The sword is unparalleled, still there is no meaning of the sword.

The magical swords who have never-numbered swords are enough to kill all enemies.

And that black fog is uncomfortable, it has not been able to say its title now.



There are countless swords, and the black fog dissipates again.

The sword is unparalleled is curious to sweeping the surrounding changes.

Starting from the tenth floor, there is a stone, the twentieth floor appears on the planet, and water will appear on the planet.

The 30th floor is a plant, now 40 layers, the change in this planet has exceeded the impression of the sword.

Actually, even life is full.

"Is this everything?" After the sword was unparalleled, it was very happy.

This planet is related to everything.

At the beginning, the planet he was in the stars, and it was also very similar to this.

This is very helpful for him.

He is now not worried about the power of everything, but it is placed on it to go.

Because he found that everything is finally evolved, it is likely to be life.

That is a new power.

The power is only the power of the body.

The power of all things is from Wan Dao.

After all things are righteous, what will be?

Missing power has a consciousness, swallowing can cause life to grow, and the power of all things is evolving.

That is the power of life.

The sword is unparalleled, the breath is a bit heavy, the power of life.

He didn't even hear it.

The power of life!

After a change in the surroundings, the sword is unparalleled and found in the water.

That is the most primitive life, they all need to survive in the water, and have not evolved to the ability of the land survival.

"Then I will give them speed!" The sword has no double leaking a smile, he wants to see, the power of the life you guess, do not exist.

A powerful thing is coming, then starting fast reward.

His poorer is also at this moment, and as not to suppress everything, it begins to change.

Directly reached the nine floors.

The road is completely satisfactory, and the power of everything is also completely transformed.

However, it is not the power of life.

It is a singular halo that exudes green light.

This special force has just been born, and the power of swallowing is swallowed and begins to swallow.

"It turned out?"

Fusion is actually like this.

I don't need him to do it at all, and the three power begins to quickly embrace subsequently fuse.

The force of life, it has already been planted at the moment he thinks.

New power!

If you have previously, some people can master, then the power of life, he has never heard of it.

Masted the power of life, I am afraid it is with everything, follows everything.

Everything is in his time.

The Breakthrough of the sword is unparalleled, so that the black fog in the distance is very surprised.

It didn't find anything in the sword, but the curious sword was unparalleled. Why didn't you go directly to kill him.

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