Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5510 5505?

"How? You didn't recruit!" Black fog, finally said a complete words.

In this northwang tower, it is actually an opponent, just the strength of the other party, will change with the number of layers.

After the sword is unparalleled, the temperament of the entire person has changed.

When you master your mind, the spiritual power on his body is very plenty, others look at it, you will feel that the sword is unparalleled is a good sense of consciousness.

And the force of swallowing, is some evil, but if you want to swallow all kinds of life, can you not evil?

The evil atmosphere is like the birth of the fear, and people see it.

The power of all things is different from the top.

Everything's power has changed the view of the sword unparalleled, more like his only way.

Wan Dao, he is a sword.

No matter what strength, it will eventually be integrated into the swordsman.

The power of swallowing in the phantom sword, there is also a strong mental force of the epicchron, or the flames of all things, forming a fierce sword.

Now I have a new force, the power of life, his temperament is very gentle, and all things have encountered him to feel a warm heart.

That is a natural breath.

A pure breath.

It is a kind of feeling that naturally.

He represents life.

The sword is unparalleled, open your arm, and feel everything.

The black fog is condensed, but it looks like a fool.

However, then, the fish in the water began to change, those inch long fish, began to grow, and then grew up all kinds of strange wings.

These lives are directly over, and they have not arrived directly.

"You actually intervedeed this rule!" The black fog is full of eyes, this place can have a complete universe home source, how can it be intervened by a Daojun.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fish flying in the sky around the swords are turned around, they don't have the swords.

"The origin of this place should be a complete source of all things!" The sword did not guess the road.

Can evolve this planet, the universe is absolutely no general.

Only everything is available.

He didn't think of it, and some people can really make a complete source of origin.

The three gods, really do not usually.

The black fog has not answered the sword unparalleled problem, but asked: "How did you do it!"

"Because I am God, the only true god!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of life is surrounded by millions of miles. All lives in this area began to degrade.

The fish of the elder wings lost the wings to fall into the water, and then the body began to decompose weakened, and it was turned to all things.

The black fog is also degraded, and its degradation is slow, first foggy weak, then there is only a red robes falling down.

"Disappeared?" The sword is unparalleled!

He is still the first use of this power.

I didn't expect to let the other party disappeared.

Subsequently, he reversed his life, accelerating the live power of this place again, and the black fog was resurrected.

This time didn't wait for the other party, the sword was unparalleled, and the other party was killed directly.

The power of life is now integrated, and it is different from him in the past.

When he thought he was integrated, three needed to be combined, and there is a problem with each other.

It was found that it was different.

On this planet, he saw that all things were finally changed, and they decided to let go.

"It turns out, I think too much!" The sword was unparalleled.

He really thinks too much.

I don't know if it is very obvious, or I still have a small look.

However, he can completely embarrassing the road, the road has arrived, and it is a success, then it is the way.

Everything is fine.

He doesn't need to go to the black hole realm, or to pursue the heart is satisfactory.

Everything is in good development.

He feels all this, some is simple.

This is much better than this place!

Otherwise, he has walked to black, and has been suppressed in the transformation of all things. I am afraid that I have not broken through a lifetime.

The sword is unparalleled and excited.

Since the mastery, all the way.

Too many bumps.

During his mind, he was not in the way to escape, it was ready to escape, and he was not in peace.

When he was swallowed, he was hacked by evil atmosphere, he did not stop killing.

Like a person, the blood sacrifice, killing, don't know how many people.

Everything is fine now.

He finally got rid of which kind of killing apricots, the kind of killing of the sword is different.

The sword is a war, swallowing is destruction.

Still there is a gap.

The surroundings change again, and he broke through a layer.

The environment on the planet has also changed, and the sword is unparalleled to continue to ponder the power of life. It is not to take care of the black fog.

I have been torture each other with life, and the body accelerates and then accelerates recovery.

The birth of the born and death, let the black fog have collapsed.

Although it is not life, it is associated with Wanlao.

Even if it is a piece of wood, the sword is unparalleled can also use the power of life, so that it will make a giant tree, and you can make a weak life, from the new shun.

In general, the sword is unparalleled to find life, the corresponding thing is not only life, or that all the objects are all part of life, he can intervene.

This ability can give him the benefits to him.

And he found that life acceleration is time acceleration, which has a lot of contact with time.

He is even thinking, after the main source is successful, will not directly skip space, master the time source.

I really have this possible.

If this is true, an emperor masters the source of time, that is the real anti-day.

Return to the sky!

"Oh, everything is a messenger, do you dare to me? I am a great mysterious palace to make it a messenger, you will wait, go to the next few layers, I will be !" Black fog Strong people recovered again and again, constantly cursing swords.

If the sword has no double one sword killed him, he can constantly delay the time, let him be angry, vowed to wait for the sword to have a few layers, must retaliate back.

The sword is unparalleled, but he does not take the other party, but he heard the shackles of a strange color.

But there is no more asking.

If the Temple of the Xuanwu Temple is really a teacher of Xuan Yi, I will come to him, and in the three Kings Ting, Xuan Yi said that the future will meet, not now.

But it is still a little curious.

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