Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5513 5508? The true spirit will not play!

His strength now is not as good as each other, but he has a way, it has been trapped, and then it is here.

As soon as he completely killed the opponent.

Although it is not possible to defeat each other, it is still very easy.

He now discovered that life is resistant to killing, but it is possible to combine life with the killing of the sword.

Can enhance his substantive force.

The ninth layer of the sword cannot break through the ninth layer, but it has a prototype in the sterilization.

Life and killing.

He is now to create more powerful schools to enhance our own war.

Otherwise it is to take a lot of fire sticks.

It is necessary to use it on the blade.

This truth, sword is unparalleled or clear.

The sword is sitting on the stone in a river, and there are some evolutionary fish to swim from time to time.

He has moved, and the gold sword also turned into a fish, around him.

"What is wrong!" The sword was unparalleled.

Life and killing are the opposite, integrated into a kind of joining, will have a huge power.

The more the opposite strength is fused, the greater the role.

Maybe he can take advantage of this opportunity, a breakthrough.

The two origins will be cultivated to be satisfactory, and they will be able to go.

There is no simple matter what he thinks.

The two kinds of integration, the violent force, directly shocked him, and the source is torn.

A golden blood spit out, and the sword was unparalleled.

"No, the passing path arrived at the ninth floor, the gap between the swords and poles, this is the opposite, want to fuse, you will find a balance point, now there is a bit more!" The sword didn't swite shook his head, and finally give up.


He recovered his own breath and prepared to fight with that all things.

Exit is not his own nature, even if you don't want to do anything.


One thought of the universe began to spread, released the penetration messengers.

Everything internally, the event has a wrist, angered: "Kid, you really angered me, I won't let you lose so fast!"

"Yes?" The sword was unparalleled.

He really doesn't believe it.

How is the six-order top episode, it is not trapped by his universe, and a universe with life is not dead, but live.

The sword is unparalleled to feel the breath, it will be moved.

"Give me death!"

Thousands of things, I got the hand, saying that it is not so fast that the sword is unparalleled, but it does not leave an email.

He has already thought about it, or if he is unparalleled by the sword, or kill the sword is unparalleled, so that the other party quickly glow.

The six sharp bend swords have been opened.

The sword is unparalleled to control the universe, try to suppress the strength of the other party, can encounter the knife, the bottom is still a surprise!

too strong.

The fierce breath is much more powerful than his sword, it is not a hierarchy opponent.

"Out!" The sword has no double one pointing out, behind the rumor, the cloud sword issued a sword, and burst out.

This is the first time I use a decision cloud sword, which contains the breath of the Niyun Emperor, and the fierce breath is strong than the messenger.

"You have this sword!" Everything is also scared.

At the beginning, the Diyun Dijun gave him a shadow that was not more than the sword.

The sword is also very surprised, and the power in the cloud sword is triggered, and it is strong than his own sword.

Unexpectedly, it just contained the breath of the Emperor's emperor, it would be able to top this extent.

A sword out, I broke the first sharp knife.

It can be second, he can't do it.

The sword is unparalleled can only take the way, with the beast soldiers and the body to rear resistance.

"This punch represents life!" The sword is unparalleled.

That is a punch with the power of life.

The second pointer, he also broke.

The six sharp knife broke two.

He has nothing to have a table of devices.

A universe can weaken the other party and enhance himself, and it can be limited.

Faced with the subsequent sharp knife, the sword is unparalleled directly to burn the source.

Those who have come to the north of the Tower will go to the Taoyang Island Valley to be treated, because they come to the North Tower challenge, they will burn their origins.

Under normal circumstances, it will only be burn the source when it is desperate.

No more honest, no one is burning your own source or body.

But because there is a treasure of the Toyyang Island, you can quickly restore your origin and the body, which directly causing the wave of burning the source and the body of the body.

Of course, it is not burning everywhere, and it is necessary to pay equal attention.

The points obtained in the North Tower, the number of times the home of the home is very precious. If you don't break through, you will take the qualifications of dozens of enlightenment.

Of course, the Lord of the universe cannot be pulled so, and it can't break it once.

There can be some strong qualifications, it is okay in the outside world, and even can be said to be Tianjiao, you can be in the old house, no one is arrogant!

If you want to become stronger, you have to pay a price.

Burning this source, to pursue breakthroughs, this is the price.

Get the opportunity to get the enlightenment, let's go.

Points are used to exchange tokens, with everything.

The integration can be exchanged.

A token one hundred points can be used ten times.

Ten times will be broken.

Some people have tried countless times in the first floor, and finally caused the North Tower.

These people will find other people to buy tokens, and a token sometimes has been speculated on the high price, and a token can sell hundreds of billions of mason.

And the power of all things is one hundred points.

The complete universe origin is a regenerative ability, nor is it afraid of others to redeem.

The sword is unparalleled to look at his points, this time I am afraid that the North Tower should be bankrupt.

The strength of this layer is too strong, he is not an opponent.

After burning the source, there is another sharp knife in front of it, and the three pointer behind him have no power.

Directly punctured his body, and the body was broken.

With the power of life, he can make a moment of restoration of the life and the origin, the sharp breath containing the knife, and even if there is no time to leave him, kill him directly.


"Still lose!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is just this desperate feeling, it is desperate than others.

He wants to defeat the other party, I am afraid that you have to arrive at the ninth floor, then create a peak of your peak.

How to improve, he has, no need to stay like others.

In fact, this perseverance is better to try to go to the Magic Mountain.

Everything is indeed very powerful, but only once a day, time is too short.

It is not helpful to others.

However, the number of swords is not a bit more, and he can take it from 100 million years.

And there is also points, I don't know if he can buy the whole source of all things.

Since the rules have been set up, the true spirit should not play!

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