Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5514 Luhua's entanglement

Now there is no double entangle!

If he uses points to exchange thousands of things, I am afraid I can buy this Northwang Tower.

After buying the North Tower, the number of participation is gone.

This is a little loss!

The sword is unpaid, ready to find a compromise, can see the number of these entries will be folded.

But this is really much more.

How many times he can't count, but the emperor of the guardian here can come out.

Today, the upper layer of the palace is already negotiated.

See who wants to find true spirits, or just not report.

That is North Wang Tower, a universe peak to treasure, and there is still a complete home source, very rare.

This kind of treasure, although it is not private, you can say that there is countless, such as the treasure of the gods, which can be hoped from the north, which can be said every year.

How can they give swords unparalleled.

Even if they agree, I am afraid that the spirit is not willing.

"This matter, I look at the sword. There is no double consultation, let him understand our difficulties!" Lu Huadi put forward suggestions.

He is not willing to have a sinful sword, never want to lose this gathering.

Although the Qing Dao people are also very optimistic about the sword, he still chose the latter than his own interests.

The benefits are greater than everything.

"Hey, Lu Hua, said that this sword is unparalleled, it is also your place, I see you say it is very suitable!" The long sword is cold.

He originally had no view of the sword. I only felt that it was a reverse day, and I haven't come to the point where he is not going.

The sword is unparalleled in the northwest tower. He has to go down, and the relationship between the sword is unparalleled with Wu Zhi is very subtle.

This has always been slow, and now it seems that he can borrow this opportunity, let Lu Hua go to find swords and have no pairs, no sin and let Lu Huaang wicked.

The green cattle turned and understood the meaning of the long wind.

The two are unspeakable, waiting for Lu Hua to promise.

Lu Hua Dijun is never thought of, this time, I still want to put him.

There is no double relationship with swords, that is Wu Zuo, not him.

"This matter, no urgent, my brother, Wu Z., waiting for him to come back together!" Lu Hua Di will give this problem to Wu Zhi.

Now Wu Zuo is not yet, and it cannot be refuted.

The green cattle said: "Lu Huadong, this thing, I can't see it!"

"Yeah! The sword is unparalleled. There is a lot of treasures, and you can't always be dragged! This will let the temple know, I think that our Yuan Hou Palace is not cruined!" Changfeng sword God is also putting a wave of promotion .

Lu Hua is very embarrassing. He really wants to hit a table with these two.

To say, you will say it!

I have to pull him with water, I am in a hurry, and he is in favor of the full Wanzhi's source to the sword.

At that time, there will be a shell in the north to see how they give the true spirit.

This thing, they really don't dare to find true spirit.

Who can't let Turin go back.

They have seen the resort of the true spirit.

When you get this problem to the true spirit, once you can't put your hands, you will be able to dismantle your vision.

Don't forget, this veteran palace is the true spirit.

"It's not a big treasure, Dao Jun even more demand, it is big to go there, I will see some treasures first to give the sword. Waitu is coming back, and then I am looking for swords with Wu Zong Hutang!" Lu Hua Dijun Say firmly.

There is no such thing as a sword.

The green cattle is in this situation, and it is not good to say anything.

"I have thought about it, I am afraid to turn off for a period of time. These things Lu Huayong brother will look at it!" The green cattle slowed down and left.

The meaning in the words is obviously hiding.

The long wind sword god also wrinkled, he originally wanted to use this excuse, did not expect to be grabbed by the green cattle.

"Right, there is a group of original stones need to be transported, since Wu Zhi Xiong is not there, I have to go to a trip!" The long wind took the opportunity, I found an excuse, and I ran.

On the remaining Lu Huadi, one person is sitting in the first place, I don't know how it is good for a moment!

"Small, the pattern is small, it is hard to use!" Lu Huadi has seen the means of these two.

I really have to make it in the past?

I think it is too simple, and the sword is unparalleled. It is not a fool.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, just out of the North Wang Tower.

In the big temple, many people are waiting for the sword unparalleled appearance.

After seeing the swords of the transferred, many people have enviable eyes.

In these people, there is no time with the sword where there is no difference.

"There is no double brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, just give us a big surprise!"

A woman wearing a refined woman came out and took the initiative to say unparalleled with the sword.

The sword has no double fixed eye, recognizes the people in front of you, there is no arrogance on the body, and it is said: "It's a little Tang, cold frost!"

The coming people are in the nine original Star, I have seen the cold frost track of several times, but now the other party is already a cold frost emperor, and it is a four-step peak.

At the beginning, her potential is much stronger than tearing.

If the potential is only the potential, if you want to transform into strength, there is a lot of the opportunity and the power, and it is obvious that she is not as good as it is in this regard.

Talking to a few acquaintances, the sword is unparalleled with Dongsheng and the finish.

"Walk, I went to my cave today, I just had some singular treasures!" The sword is unparalleled.

He is really a lot of treasures in U.

Some strange figs, as well as Wu Zuozhen.

This time, North Wang Tower, his receipt is really large.

Don't say those original rewards, just say that the major breakthroughs in his way, master the power of life, this is more important than anything.

Cosmic source?

Foreign objects!

He became the Lord of the universe, care about this?

Of course, he will still want it.

This time, it is enough to redeem the complete source of all things.

In Xiangyang Island, I celebrated with Dongsheng and Finished, and then sent two people to the valley.

He has the power of life. In fact, he can help them recover, but the power of life is his base card, he will not disclose it.

Unless everyone knows, he will help your friends to restore the body and the origin.

This is more fast than in this valley.

At the beginning, the origin of all objects can quickly restore the origin of the origin, let alone today's life.

"Warrior brother, don't send it, go to you!" He smiled.

Dongsheng also said: "You are now red, I am afraid that the six-order emperor who will be willing to pay will, but don't forget that two people, you will be developed, you can take care of us."

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