Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5515 5510 ?? Tour

"Be sure!" The sword didn't have a double Lang.

I sent these two people, and the sword didn't look down.

Go directly to another core of Yuanyang Lake.

He is more familiar with the residence of Lu Hua Palace.

Other two palace masters, he is not familiar!

When he came out, the first one saw that Lu Huijun, which is more familiar with him.

Exchange everything, it is a big event.

The emperor of the town of Bengwang Tower directly let him find the palace master, he can't do a way alone.

The sword is clear, and the whole source is true, but the core of the North Wang Tower really let him exchange, I am afraid that I haven't been hoped.

Or re-get a complete universe home source to the North Tower.

He all the way, there is no concealment in the breath, and when the island where Lu Huijun is located, the other party is waiting for him outside.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, I thought you would come to me, I will come to me, I didn't expect you to go to friends in your leisure time!" Lu Hui Jun smiled.

It is surprised!

The sword is unparalleled to him very special, far from the general six-order force.

Dao Jun is like this, after the success is successful, I am afraid it is the six-order emperor. I can't use it for a long time, I can catch him, becoming the peak strong in the peak.

This kind of person is really unfair.

The sword is unparalleled to see, there is not too much.

Now is he to redeem the treasure, can't say too much, you have to stand up.

Lu Hui Jun did a posture, two people entered the hall.

The more polite, the more you have, the more you have your heart.

The last time I said a complete universe, I didn't get it. I said that he violated it. Even if I didn't get it, I can't let go this time.

He this time, but it has achieved a breakthrough of forty-three layers.

The other party did not give him not a reason.

Unless it is full of private hunar, it is true, he will take this thing to the true spirit!

Anyway, now the true spirit still has to see him. In order to grasp these rebels, he is a bait this time.

There are no treasures on your body, how do you do it.

At least a treasure of life, can't be less!

If you can swallow an entry of the origin, don't say it directly to the sky, his life, I am afraid it will get a lot.

Never compromise easily.

After entering the temple, Lu Huadi is directly related to the sword, this is to treat it equal.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can be shocked, now the whole veteran palace is circulating your name, how long, the four secrets people will know you!" Lu Hua Dijun still didn't talk about a matter, first touted some.

This is not called, a Taojun has a six-order Dijun's war, and it is still able to break through the forty-third floor in the North Tower.

This is to suppress the ordinary sixth episodes of the four secrets.

After all, some of the six-order episodes of the four secrets, the strength is very weak, the sword is unparalleled now, there is really strength to go to the wrist with the other side.

The sword is not a smile, there is no modesty, directly enter the topic: "The palace owner, this time I come, I want to see, I have this points, can you exchange how many things can be exchanged!"

Said, take the token, push it to Lu Huadi.

The block is not stopped, and it will face it morning and evening.

These days, Lu Huadi, also considered clear.

Since I don't want to be guilty, I don't want to let go, then the sure is directly lifted, and I don't want to solve the sword.

Of course, he will return this to the head of the long wind and the green cattle.

Picking up the token, checking it out, then smashed a cold air, said: "To be honest, the points here are enough to redeem all the origins in the North Wang Tower!"

"Just!" Lu Emperor's face leaks the color.

The sword is unparalleled to know what he wants.

It's nothing more than thinking about the big way, a Daojun exclusively a complete home source, too waste, it is better to wait for your strength, give you these words.

The sword is unparalleled, if you need to wait for him to be strong, he will never be strong.

Although he is talent, it has not been against the sky, it doesn't need treasures, it can also break the way!

After entering the Polyson Temple, his strength can progress so fast, there are three phases.

The first stage is because Qiuhuang City on the original star.

At that time, his strength began to speed up, from Daojun to the Emperor.

The second stage is his flesh, take off directly.

It is possible to compare the Emperor of the second-order peak.

After the Bai Jun Wang, he raised a lot again, and he could make an instant to kill the battle of the third-order episode.

The last stage is that he enters the rust of the West China.

In the Sanyang Ting, his strength got raised, Linyi changed, and re-realized a million.

Then I was at the first battle with the first truth, and his body reached 50,000 times, it can be comparable to sixth order.

At first, he can reach the level of the sixth order, or because of the body.

Not only can I compare the six-order emperor, but I also reached this level, and now he is really a level of six-order force.

Can come to today, can not be his potential or perseverance, but a great opportunity to have a treasure.

The refining of the flesh, if there is no support of the mountain, swallowing the source of the universe, he did not want to arrive smoothly.

In the ground, there is no hometown of the three Kings Ting, he will not go to today.

Treasures are really important.

Method, the financial is indispensable.

The law represents the school, and he can now create himself, and don't need any universe inheritance, and the secret law of the universe.

Well, it is not short.

He didn't forget the embarrassment of the previous days.

Lu Huadi saw that the sword was unparalleled, and he was not so embarrassed to say it.

In the end, it can only be temporarily changed, and the opening said: "This source is indeed a big relationship, but one is one, two is two, you can do it, we are also very happy, I want to be very happy, but also happy, the people temple can appear You are waiting for the Tianjiao, we are all worthy of pride, you can rest assured that this source of things, waiting for the remaining two palace owners back, I will pay full support you! "

"That's more thanks to the palace!" He is also intended to get the entry of the source directly today.

But there must be a confirmed time.

"Lu Hua Palace, I am now a big breakthrough, I need a lot of treasures, please understand!"

The other party gives him a face, he will give each other.

As long as you don't say any false big empty words.

The Temple in the future is him, I really want to be sin, he will not give each other good face.

Lu Hua also knew what it means, when I took out a mustard, I handed it to the sword.

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