Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5522 5517? Fushoutang

It's just a big truth, and the sword is unparalleled, but it is a dust.


When I arrived at Fu Shou Tang, he directly lost his huge breath, and the space of the earth was shaking.


Obviously, a long distance, the sword is unparalleled to tear the space above the Fussen, leap out from it.

I quickly discovered the movement soon, a six-order Emperor jewel roared, directly vacated.

"Who is so bold, don't you know that is Fushoutang?"

Come on the hair mess, there are four arms!

The mighty, the face is coming.

After seeing the Qing people, I frowned and the voice sank.

"Who is it, it turns out that the sword is unparalleled, I don't know what to come to me."

Now the entire veteran palace, there is almost no unparalleled strong in the sword.

Not to mention, the other party is still a six-order emperor, but it is also the head of Fu Shoutang.

Although the other party is polite, there are few less than the end of the heart.

A Dao Jun.

At the beginning, I was a big emperor, I am afraid it is also this kind of situation.

Although the strength is strong, it can last after all steps.

There are still many people waiting to see his jokes. If there is a failure, then you will lose.

Although it will not fall, there will be hidden dangers, and it will not be able to improve it in a lifetime.

Seeing people, swords are unparalleled, open: "It's the Miyong, just say that he is his master called him!"

This is not wrong, but he took the veteran palace with an uterity.

In the Elder House, there is a rule, but the strong can bring several slaves.

At the beginning, the uterus is coming in the identity of the slaves.

The main face of Fushoutang Deputy Outlet is directly sinking.

Now, there is something that is like, for a while, it is the lady of their church. Now the sword is unparalleled, but the servant is, it is just playing their face.

"The sword is unparalleled, I know that you have an angry in your heart, but it is best not to do things here. Otherwise, I will get all over you!" Tian Tibet is the main, and it is also a hot temper.

Behind there is a main iron three, and the waist of the long wind owner, usually who dares to come here.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it is now only the strength of the sixth order.

What is the owner of the temple?

The sword is unfashionable, suddenly rises, and angered: "Tianzang, are you scaring me?"

A powerful breath is distributed from him, which is the power of terror.

This breath, Tianzang feels unsatisfactory.

Everyone has the power of life, but there is no horror in the sword.

He feels that the sword is unparalleled, but a large group of people stand in front of him.

This is a place where vital is terrible.

Even if the overwhelming breath is, even if the breath is more than the sword, it is more than the sword.

"Hey! Magnifier?" Tian Tibet snorted.

Although he is hot, it is not a fool, and the sword is unparalleled, he will never dare to take the lead.

As long as the sword has no dare to do it, he will not take the sword and unparalleled, and must take the opportunity to violent swords and have no doubles, then throw out.

At that time, even if it is crimes, he is not afraid.

Tianzang's strength, in the sixth-order episode of the Elder Palace, it is not the peak, but it is also a top power.

With the strength of the sword, there is a unparalleled now, it is possible to fight.

I don't want to win, even if I am fighting by the other party.

But he also has a basement.

The power of powerful life, with the life universe formed by the universe, enough to suppress the other party.

"Pack?" After the sword has been intended, he is ready to go straight, and you are smiling at this time: "Do you think I need to install?"


Thickness is full of space.

The continent where Fussen is located is oscillating.

Many people have spacked, standing in the distance.

Almost, they really have to be a group of people to deal with the sword, not only the face is to be lost, I am afraid that the real spirit is going to find them.

Because of bullying, it is not so bullying.


A cold sudden broke out!

The nephew hallowed a roar, then suddenly burst!

" !"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword goes, and the power of the outbreak is a glimpse.

This sword, he made all the best, integrated his heart, his mind, swallowed, and the power of everything was the strongest sword.

A sword can open the sky, Shenhai, destroyed or even the birthplace.

These years, although the heart is uneasy, but also created a lot of schools that suited to him.

Ten thousand robbery, it is one of them.

This is the peaks that he feel that life is created.

Wanji first sword!


In this sword, there is a robbery because of his causal killing, it will think of this.

As for God, it is a metaphor.

A sword but the hero, breaking everything in the world!

In the face of this sword, there is not much inception of Tianzang.

Although the high level of weight, the cultivation is only the peak of the peak, and the sword is unparalleled. If you want to get the secret law, it is so simple.

Four arms, hoping, want to shake the sword, at this time, the body of the body is physically gold, and it is really like a god.

Tian Tibet itself is the body route, which is relatively weak in the source, which has spent the huge price to make four arm refining into eternal tobao.

The body is also barely to 50,000 times.

It is too difficult to get a 60,000 times.

Six hundred times, the body has a permissive level, don't look at the body of the body, the treasure you need, I am afraid that it is almost the same.

Even if Tianzhong is a deputy owner, it operates from a million years here, but it is still not a holiday.

The key is that after 509,999 times, I want to break through the 60,000 times, it is harder!

He is in the veteran house, at least a era can be able to make a treasure.

This is enough, this is the past, there is no 10,000 era, and it is not enough for those treasures.

boom! ! !

Four arms have difficult to resist the first sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, you dare to do this, don't regret it!" Tian Tibet screamed, and a powerful breath broke out from his body.

That is the peak of the gods.

Although it is not an increase in the body, he can bother his body to the peak state.

This is not afraid that it has been consumed by the power of the source.

The consumption of the body is faster than the source consumption.

"Give me, break!"

Under the explosion, the first sword is broken directly.

The sword has no double eye hole, and then the body has disappeared directly in the same place.

At that moment, the top of the richest sword, there is tens of thousands of boxing shadows, or if he hides fast enough, I am afraid that he is seriously injured.

The six-order episode of the Yuan Hao Palace, the indigenous emperor of the four secrets, the difference is very big.

If it is the top six-order top emperor, he doesn't have to be careful.

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