Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5523 5518? Canada

"Do you have this thing?" The sword is not shocked, ridiculed: "When a look, it is not enough!"

The veteran is looking at the door, but the Shang Qing Zu teacher, the sixth-order peak emperor, although the source is incomplete, but the cultivation is the main killing of the sword, can make up for the lack of the lack of the sword, enough to have the sixth order of the Hard Middle School Yufeng Emperor.

Tian Tibet is really not too enough to play over.

He was excited by him, and the sky is somewhat, obviously did not think that he would be so hard.

Obviously there is only the level of the sixth ordinary emperors, but I can be able to make this with him.

"There is a kind, you don't hide!" Tian Tibet was anger, this time took the initiative.

It's just too slow.

Behind the sword, behind, play: "Are you a water monkey? The speed is so slow?"

Take a little slightly, escaping the fierce punches, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is a sword, the sword is dead.

The other party did not dare to kill him, but he dared to kill each other.


After the sword has no double, disappear again.

Although he calmly, he also had a little bit, he couldn't hurt Tianzang, but Tianzang can punch him, and he will die.

50,000 times the body, the gap between 50,000 times, the gap is very large.

Even if there is a pressing of the source, it is only a way.

When there is once again, the sword is unparalleled, and the black breath on the body is also dissipated, and the green mist is surrounded.

The power of life.

This is his most powerful force.

The power of strong life is crazy, and his body has built super power, and the source has also been greatly increased.

As long as life is, the power is eternal.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fist is angry: "Tianzang!"

The sky is changing, and the seawater surrounded is more reversed.

If the previous fight is considered warm-up, then it is really down now.

This stock is directly to make the veteran palace all feel clear.

At this time, many people have surrounded.

"Fast, it is sword!"

"How did he play with Fu Shoutang?" Some people doubt.

If you don't understand, you know.

The veteran palace is so big, some things, as long as they do, it is difficult to have a non-winded wall, the key Fushi Tang's hall is not hidden, but also the invitation, the banquet.

"You don't even know this?"

"I heard that Fu Shoutang is the main, and the sword is unparalleled!"

When an old brother has just finished finishing, he was interrupted by another news, and said: "What is the girl, the man is the palace, the five-order peak emperor, the strength is not weak, the sword is unparalleled, which is such a strong The girl is definitely a sword. "

"What? Does the Doctors?"

At this time, people watching more.

When I heard the Shou Tang, the people were filled with the sword unparalleled ideas.

"This boss is too big!"

First, support the sword, unparalleled, is the heritage party.

Because the sword is unparalleled is also the inheritor.

Natural is a place.

And it is still a cosmic creature.

The first batch of the inheritor is also good, in the four secrets, the veteran palace or the temple, the status is very high.

Can be latled with more and more inheritors, and the veteran palace is not valued by these inheritors.

In particular, the Yuan Hao Palace has developed so many treasures, attracting a lot of inheritors, and the veteran palace is even more unscrupulous.

In addition to some individual inheritors, the rest treatments are treated by the four secrets.

Like some treasures, the inheritor should be free, but it can be charged for huge benefits.

When the sword is unparalleled into the valley, the other party will be 100 million gods.

Treat your own people, but I have never taken.

If it is a strong inheritor, the fees will also reduce some.

In addition to the northwood tower and the magic sound mountain, the remaining places are expensive.

It is obviously to make the hectoro a big head.

After all, from the tomb mountain came out, the treasures on the body were less than.

Now the inheritor has been complaining that these things are dried by Fu Shoutang. Now the sword is unparalleled with the other party. Obviously stand in the sword.

Those emperors of the four secrets, they did not dare to chaos.

They can have no background.

The sword is also induced by a lot of eyes looking at him, and a smile is leaking.

It is this effect.

"Tian Tibet, you bully me, today I will take your dog head!" The breath of the sword has increased again.

The power of the punch is enough to match the sixth-order top emperor.

This is still not finished.

He also has a more powerful basement.

Life universe!

One thought of the universe, the formation of mental strength, then dropped the force of swallowing to condense the black hole, and finally everything is condensed with the substance.

The life universe, but all of these power is there.


The square is millions of miles, all of which are packaged.

He is not afraid to disclose the top card, as long as the joint road is successful, there is no couple in the temple.

Tiandang stunned, a sudden force that suddenly appeared around, began to drive him, let his body shed school invalid, and the power is also constantly compressed.

He is not like a messenger, and he can give birth to all things.

In the universe of life, in addition to the swords, everything is equal.

Tian Tibet is an emperor, but it is just a life.

Tibet that has been pressed, I want to pick up the sword. There is a fist, it is too difficult.


A boxing directly broke the four arms of the sky, and the huge boxing shadows directly torn the chest of the sky and leaked a big hole.

"Swallowing!" The sword did not have a double-minded force, and the power of life began to dissipate and transformed into a huge force of swallowing.

A violent devil's power begins to lose from the world.

"How is this possible?" Tianzang was completely stunned.

His body is lost.

Not the loss of strength, but the basic gods are lost.

Soon his body has fallen by one hundred times.

At this level, a hundred times of population needs numerous treasures, what he is distressed.

The more distressed that the other party is distressed, the sword is unparalleled, the more crazy.

Swallowing a hundred times of the body, but the hundred times of the body can be able to change his 50,000 times.

Although it is just to absorb two0%, it is twenty times.

His own body can rise five hundred times.

Nowadays, it has been 505 million times.

Since the passage of the road, his power of swallowing has become a must-be swallowed.

Everything can be swallowed, completely made a black hole name, and let him master the power of black holes now, with great improvements.

Originally with the intensity of the Emperor, they have a big gap, but now it has been made up.

He may be able to reach the black hole in front of the road.

In this way, once it is successful, he is the sixth-order peak emperor, I am afraid that the combat power is directly equally strong.

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