Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5524 5519???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

He also solved this aspect.

In the origination, he is no longer careless, with powerful life, why bother to care about the source of all things.

But the death of the body, that is, the price is really expensive!

Although his current price is somewhat sufficient, after the cloga, it is very full of 60,000 times.

But those treasures are prepared when they give them, and after waiting, he has nothing.

Pushing this road is a good choice.

Just swallowing a hundred times of poppents of the sky, absorbing two%, he added five hundred times.

How much treasure is there?

"Haha, Tianzang, I really want to thank you, free to improve the body!" The sword is unparalleled.

This is each other.

Tian Tibet will not stop.

The sword is busy directly close to each other, a hand knife, and the two arms of the sky are broken.

"It's really eye!"

Grab the two arms, swords unparalleled into the black hole, the horrible breath is wrapped in Tianzhu, so that the opponent moved.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Tian Tibet's screaming, spread throughout Yuyang Lake.

It can now be three major palace owners, a closed door, one is not there, Lu Huadi also shows his attitude to support him.

No one will support Fushoutang.

The body is constantly being swallowed, and Tianzang has been on the verge of collapse. This is the collapse of the mood. I am afraid this time, I don't go to the valley on Fuyang Island for a while. It is estimated that it is difficult to slow.

It is a thousand times to swallow up.

It is very difficult to swallow the front, the more relaxed, because the body is weakening, one but his body exceeds the other party, I am afraid that the kung fu of a breath can be swallowed.

Thousand times the body, absorb 20%, and finally transformed to itself, the sword is unparalleled to increase the body of two thousand times.

His stage, I want to improve the body is already impossible, but there is a way to swallow this means, and you can continue to increase his body.

Five thousand two thousand times the body.

He is just a Daojun, even if it is very strong, it will not be able to carry this horror for strength.

But there is a need for life, he doesn't feel a little.

At this time, Tianzang is the same as the dead dog, and it is pulled his head.

He has collected countless treasures these years, in which the body is piled up to this extent, and the result is thousands of times.

Completed completely.

"Iron three !!!"

Now he is finally recognized, starting to help.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is covered with the neck of the sky, and the incarnation is in the black hole, and the binocula is dark.

Looking to the islands where Fussen is located, I am angry: "You don't appear, he will not die!"

A Tianzang is still not enough, if it is possible to fight, or abolish the three best, but the strength of his current strength is not too enough.

However, it is possible to force the other party to come out, and you will be as shameful.

It's not moving in his own, he doesn't move, the other party dares to shoot first?

The sword is unparalleled.


Take a wind in the style.

Iron San is still a leisurely chess, and the opposite side is the clock of the law enforcement hall.

The uterus is on a tea.

Torn the sky, but not calm, on the side.

It can have the owner of the law enforcement, and he doesn't dare to say it. You can only pass the sound: "Master, Tianzhu Tang Lord is not good!"

Tie Mountain has some distortion, no reply.

He also wants to shut down!

The head of the lawfalkan, is not a vegetarian, if he dares to do it, I am afraid that the other party will also work.

The strength of the owner is not weak.

This is one of the two majority of Wu Zhi.

High status, power is not weak.

"Zhong Tang, you lost!" Iron three reluctantly leaked a smile, and he was far from the other party, but the other party was obviously wanted to drag him.

The owner of the clock is still a controversy, and it is light: "Come, continue!"

The chessboard is recovered again.

"I see, this is this today!" Tie Mountain stood up.

"Iron three, I persuaded you not to manage, look in the previous copy, I am a personal reminder!" Zhong Zhou said: "The sword is unparalleled in the U. Zuo Zuo, you now to provoke him, Give you a big brother to find trouble! "

This is really advised, but he doesn't know anything.

He is a fish from Wu Z.

This is also the countermeasure of the Sword Musou and Wu Zuo Zuo.

Tie Mountain brow is screwed into a knot.

He is now riding a tiger.

Everyone else hits the door, if he doesn't bring people after you come out!

But if you go, I am afraid that the sword will be martedly.

It's more troublesome.

Everything is significant, he doesn't want to go to this water.

Three palace owners hide, they did not dare to see the swords, and he did a blessing, but he did not dare to participate.

Key Fussen also manages those treasures on Yuyang Lake.

"I have to go, you will go!" Iron three clear.

Zhong Duan said that the main leather smiled and smiled. "Just n't you don't do it, but I have a dead ordered, once you do it, everyone is not good!"

In the bottom of the heart, the owner of the clock is even more than these veteran, although it is not a faction, but I don't want to look at these veterans because of the inheritors.

"I will give you this face!"

The iron three turned his head and torn the sky: "With the wonderful relying on the backyard, there is no order, you will not come out!"

"Yes!" Torn the sky.

Miyongyi is a variation in the face.

She has always been a piece of chess, in the sink.

It was originally thought that it was fine, and it can be fell into the vortex again.

At this time, she regretted that she should not be grateful, should be left directly.

Even if there is no veteran, with her financial and wrist, I should also find my father.

The result is now in the palm of the palm.

When I talled into the backyard, I went back to the sky. I would like to be like the sword of the magic God. How much is the sword is really a true to save her.

The smile of the mouth has not been taught, and he will sink, although the time is not long, but it is clear that the other side is very deep, it is not a person who can easily emotion.

This time, it is also called her name, and I have a wrist with the big energy.

The slowdown is slow, followed by tearing to enter the small courtyard.

At that moment on the wooden door, a drop of tears fall.


The sword is unparalleled to income the universe of the universe, the universe, one hand is hidden.

So waiting for the iron three outlet.

As a result, he did not think that the other party is also a role.

"The sword is unparalleled, can you come down?" There is no anger in the sound of the iron three, but it is very peaceful.

Is this going to talk about?

The sword is unparalleled.

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