Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5525 5520? Give me

The breath on the body is not reduced, and it will fall directly into the courtyard.

There is no difference between the sky with the dead dog, still there.

There is no accident when I see the owner of the clock, everything is in the plan.

"Does the palace?" The sword was unfair, and in the place where the original hometown was sitting, he sat down and rushed.

Iron three-faced, personally giving the sword without double pouring a cup of tea, lightly said: "The sword is unparalleled, a girl is not necessary, there is no need to be so happy!"

"Haha!" The sword was unhealthy and laughed, rubbed the handle on the chair, then suddenly used force, directly disrupted the armrest, flying out, directly iron three easily.

This is easy to resolve this, but the sword is unparalleled in the face of so many people. Dare to be so disrespectful, how do you understand it, what do you see?

Take the wind, standing with many people.

Originally, I want to be used to scare the sword, but now it is.

The other deputy owner of Fushoutang, standing directly, angered: "The sword is unparalleled, you don't too much!"

"Hey!" The sword didn't have a double and cold, did notad: "You have a few old, here you have you talking?"

"You!" The deputy owner was in this kind of gas, and it was rushing, but he was stopped by Tienshan.

Iron three deep breathing, tolerate it, grasp the shelf with the tea in the hand, and the way: "The hometown thing is indeed, this thing is that you can't come, I also brought a gift. Going forward, I didn't expect to get this place! "

"Talk about the requirements, there is any shortcomings, or ask, I will do it!"

The sword did not double the tea cup, shaken it, then the double glance contained with great anger, directly putting the tea in the cup to the iron three, angry:

"You are old and confused, let me ask?" He was a little laughing. "I want to be the source of the north of the tower. Do you give it a chaos? Don't think that it is a church. Otherwise, I will drop you once! "

Iron Sanyi shares evaporates all the tea on the face. Just burst, he can hear the origin of the origin, have to force the old anger.

He has already told him here, and even his big brother said not to recruit swords. The other party is nothing more than to come to extort some treasures, take the money and go.

But now the sword is unparalleled too much, this is not rushing, this is to humiliate him!

The owner of the clock also looked at it, and now I move the position behind.

If he is him, I am afraid that I have been doing it, he also admire the endurance of iron three, which can hold back.

Is it very prestigious?

How is it pulled now.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Iron San's face is finally pulled down, staring at the sword is not a double hate, you can't eat each other, bite his teeth: "If I have a big brother, you have a hundred times!"

In the last sentence, he just said.

Who dares to kill swords?

I really want to kill the sword, I don't say true spirits, even if I want to live with each other.

"Then I have to tell you, or I haven't got there, you don't even talk to me, there is no big brother, you are even more like this."

The two got up at the same time, and the body was very close, and the face of the two was close.

Staring at each other's eyes.

"Today, let the palace will go with me, or you give me three heads, I also recognize this marriage!"

The sword is unparalleled straight, and I just said: "Or give me the source of this source, don't say not give you a face, ask me to finish, do you look at it!"

These three requirements, whether it is enough to let the other party beat.

Let the Gong Miao take him with him, this is absolutely impossible.

The invitations have been sent, and the aunt runs with others, and this face is lost.

As for the origin of everything, give him ten life, and do not dare to do the owner!

Finally, there is only a hoe!

It is better to kill him directly.

The owner of the clock can't see it. What is a more humiliation.

For a woman, it is not worth it!

"You have returned!" The face of Iron San is shaking, and the people who waved the people.

The owner of the Fushi Tang, some movement.

Let them leave, is this really ready to compromise?

If this is true, then they will be ashamed in Fushou Hall for a lifetime.

He stepped on a face.

"The main, we ........"

But I haven't waited for them to say, Tie Mountain is like a white wax, raised his head and glances, and angry: "Roll!"


Everyone didn't dare to go, and the heart was cold.

Usually so the wind of Fushou Tang, now mixed, to give a Daojun.

After all people returned, only Tienshan is left, the sword is unparalleled and the unparallert.

"There are many people, now there is no outsiders, my iron three personally give you someone, this treasure in this mustard is worth 30,000 square cosmine, it is my life, please accept it!" Iron three handed a mustard Falling in front of the sword.

The sword has no double eyes flashing, 30,000 square cowards, he really can't see it.

He himself has hundreds of thousands of party cosmine, not bad for 30,000, but the other party can have 30,000 square cowards, I am afraid that there is no benefit to take advantage of it privately.

This is a million years of accumulation.

There will be more in the future.

30,000 square cosmic crystal is not a big loss, and more will be available in the future.

But Miyongyi can't return the sword.

Others don't know, the iron three is clear, and the physical fitness of the Miyongyi is very suitable for double repair.

As long as he finds the father of the palace, the uterus will promise him double repair.

Now I have mastered the palace of my father's information, after the big marriage, I will definitely find the father's father, once my strength is still further.

It is expected to be, and it is also very big.

At that time, the brothers are all stronger, and in this veteran hometown will not be afraid.

So the palace is absolutely impossible to let go.

He can hold back, because this.

In case the sword is unparalleled, there is no double. When you get this thing, you will get this matter, and the other party will help him.

Key he does not stand up!

If he is not his big brother, he almost fell.

After fortune, when he stepped into the pending, he would not be afraid of the sword.

Even if the sword is successful, he is also a strong powerful, and he does not need to see the sword unparalleled face.

In the end, this Elder Palace is the private forces of the true spirit.

The ultimate emperor is not not, which is the ultimate emperor to tell them, and the top is given more faces.

It is also the potential to say it.

The ultimate emperor can have no power, all are hard to practice, and how to manage this.

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