Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5530 5525? Married

While the sword is unparalleled, the magic sound is far away.

Zhong Duan said the main eyebrows, everyone is helping the sword, only he shot.

"Zhong Tang, let's see you again!" Wang Wei and others can go to the central hall after the task is completed, where there is Qiuhuang's broken, they can escape directly.

Going to the North Anti-wind, robbing this kind of thing, saying is big, saying that small is not small.

If the main top of Lu Hua Palace can't live, they can only escape.

However, Lu Hua also gave them a promise, there will be the danger of life, and the decisiveness is to carry some bad names. He will be compensated.

Wang Hao and others have been retreating, and the clock is not chasing, but the dead staring at the powerful power.

"Li secret porridge, you are very old, Wang Hao has Luhua's support, who is your supporter?" There is a killing in the eyes of Zhongzhi.

Let go of the king, there is Lu Hua in front, can Li Ji porch who support?

This can be said, so these people cannot let go.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and Li secret porridge came to kill prison. In order to take the sword unparalleled, but now the sword is unparalleled, and it is also blocked by the lawsman.

Just hit the magic, although there was no movement in his hand, but also let Li secretle are seriously injured.

When you face the owner of the clock, you want to leave and have some difficulties.

"First, once, once the other strong is coming, we are finished!" Li Jun porridge has a noodle.

This time, they still have it.

No one will go to solute the sword, I have known it outside.


The sword in the distance is unparalleled, looking back at an eye, did not find anything wrong.

Just think that this is too quiet.

But it is good, some strong people in Fushoutang have been divided into attention, he just took the opportunity to grab the pro.

The latter horrible breath broke out again, a war swept directly to all the water in the nearly 100 million miles.

After the sword is unparalleled, after all, go all out and go to Fushoutang.


Although it is far from law enforcement, it is also possible to feel the clear and visible horror, that direction is law enforcement hall, where it can still be suppressed with swords.

This makes many people frowned.

At this point, guests have already dropped, and many people want to look at it, but they will turn down by U.

"Then drink, then dance!" Wu Zuo raised the wine glass, cold channel: "Are you do not believe in the strength of my law?"


A breath is scattered from him, directly suppressing someone in the field.

If you want to go out, those people who are going on, they also stopped.

Although some people, with the Wu Zaowa, it is the main.

How much is poor!

Wu Zhuo is the peak of the strong strongest.

It is the three major palace masters, they can be wrists.

And the only disciple of the discriminant, not only the power is horrible, but also the secret law given by the discriminant, that is, the secret law created by the district, once the moon, the veteran, in addition to the magic, the god, no one can Block Wu Zhi.

After the town is in the field, Wu Z has leaked a brisk laugh.

The iron three in the back hall is discovered, but now he rides difficult.

Timely, you can't delay!

"The church, I have already gone around the surroundings of Fushoutang, ten six-order emperor, even if his sword is unparalleled, it will make him come back!"

Iron three eyelids beat, still feel somewhat unstable, said: "Let Yan Qi brothers personally take the town portal, then set up some of the four secrets of the Emperor of the four secrets, as long as it can be in the past today, I will take 5,000 cosmine, just them Minute!"

He is also a bloody, his person is not enough, even the indigenous emperor is sent out.


After a lot of peace, Iron three turned into the boudoir in the back hall.

"Wonderful, time is here, come together to the main hall!" Tie Sanofu.

The Miyong is still red, and she is not obscured by her day, but the iron three of the gentle, and the iron three is one of them.

Although it is not the first time, it is about to have the other party, and the palm is instantly bursting.

It can be said that it is the best of the wind.

The Miyong is clear and cold, slowly put the iron three arm, two people directly tear the space, and they arrived at the main hall.

The appearance of the two, and instantly broke the original scene.

On the main position, the iron three and the uterine are standing.

"Today, Iron is married, thank you, you will come to join the scene. If you need to open it!" After the two people were all worship.

Torn Tian Dijun is standing next to it, and it is very excited.

To put it, the Miyongyi is still he referred to his master, and the two can set a couple, he has to remember the big work!

As two people just got up and prepared to give the wine glamor to give everything, a horrible breath was slow.

"Iron three !!!"


The sword is unparalleled as the dragonfly, from the sky, and directly hits the dome above the main hall.

At this time, the outside world has become a bit gloomy.

Iron three gods moved, I know that I can't mess with my own bursts at this time, I am busy and said: "When I come, I will come out for me!"

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled and smiled: "Don't call, the towns in the outside is getting done early!"

"How is this possible!" Iron three faces.

If you can't stop it, if you can't stop it, you can say it.


He didn't know that those who were arranged outside have long been picked up by Lu Huadi.

It is now suppressed.

All this is a quiet, after all, is a strong force.

How can it make others discover.

"The sword is unparalleled, today is big marriage, I advise you to do not don't make trouble!" Iron three breath changed, ready to do it.

This time he will never endure.

At the same time, I also sent to Wu Zuo, angry: "Wu Zhu Xiong, didn't you say that it is better?"

Iron San is now more suspicious, it is Zhu Zhuo playing him.

Originally negotiated, I have been put in the sword today. At that time, he just took the husband and left Yuan Gong to go to the Ningjing, and he didn't have to worry about the sword.

Wu Zuo just a light sound: "Reassure, he can turn a wind and waves, and then say that he is now fugitive, you can shoot him, there is a guarantee, okay!"

With this sentence, it is only to live with the mood of the iron three.

The destruction of the sword is unparalleled. The source begins to release, just in an instant to fall.

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