Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5531 5526 ?? Destroy!

"There is no matter where you are, you finally walked!" The sword was unparalleled to see those emperors sitting on both sides of the main hall, saying: "Otherwise, I will not blame me!"

The horrible destruction of this source came out, and everyone was chaotic.

I didn't wait for him to finish, they left.

You can watch it, but you can't hurt yourself.

The iron three-faced, he didn't expect the sword where the sword can get the universe source, but it still destroyed the source, this is the self-explosion in this temple, he is not serious.

"The sword is unparalleled, you now, this seat can be unscrupulous to you, you have the best point to hurry, I just didn't have happened!" Iron three relief, saying is very righteous.

This is because the destruction of the country is too horrible. It is really going to fight, I am afraid he is nothing to end with the sword.

The other party is the inheritor, there is a true spirit, and it will not fall.

He is not the same, really fights, the sword is unparalleled to kill him, the true spirit will not give the sword unparalleled because of a veteran.

Instead, if he kills the sword, it is afraid it will lead to the anger of the true spirit.

The uterus next to it is stalemate.

I didn't know if the sword was really false. I had a movement in my heart.

At this time, I just want to leave here, but there is a breath that I have always stopped him and let him not move.

The atmosphere of this breath is naturally a black.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is clear that it must tear a day.

Beasts, must grab it.

This is a great opportunity.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes of a huge kill.

"Iron three old dog, is dead!" He suddenly broke out in an instant, and a piece of destruction of the origin made a burst of bursts.

Iron three on the hall will not wait for death, pull the palace to escape.

At this time, it is not a hard fight at all.

"Escape!" Iron three only one thought.

It's a little bit of tearing, it can't be moved, and I was killed, and I shouted: "Save me!"

At this time, the crisis is heavy, the iron three does not have the dead life of the heave, just want to leave here.

"Everyone has died!" The sword didn't double the sound, and the wings of the candlelon were wrapped in the whole body, and the black is also standing in front of him.

"Don't hard, I will do it after a word!"

After Used Zuo, a powerful power wrapped in swords.

Without his protection, the sword in the core of the origin is unparalleled.

boom! ! !

The destruction of the origin is completely burst, and the entire Fushi Tang is in a flat place, and the days after the day is starting to coacerize a point.

That is a black hole.

This is the destruction of the origin, directly condenses the mainland of Fushiocut into black holes, huge swallowing power, will engulcize all the mainland where Fussen is located.

Iron three is not used in it, and finally abandoned the palace, I want to escape alone, but the sword is unparalleled.

"I want to go!" The sword was unparalleled, first grab the uterine Yi, and then pulled the palace's hand stopped in front of the iron three.

Overlooking the other party, a high high-end Fushou Tangli, now like a dog who is funeral.

"The sword is unparalleled, I want you to die!" Iron three was angry, and I went to the sword without pair.

Although it has been seriously injured, the iron three will take our strength, even burning the source, so that the strength will return to the top level.

"Ointment!" The peak of the iron three is a set of powerful indulgence.

When the palm is shot, the momentum is instantaneous, and the mental force around the sword has begun to weaken, and it has already felt that the opponent's position is.

Once the mental power disappears, the practitioner is like a blind man.

Wu Zuo is in the heart of the black hole in the distance, and he still torn the sky.

At this time, tear the heart of the lungs: "Wu Zuo Quan people, save me!"

"Save you?" Wu Zuo smiled, forciting the beast gods on the opponent, throwing torn water into the vortex of the black hole.

Reorbing the grievances, roaring: "No !!!"

He is not willing! ! !

All the way, he is not easy than anyone, in order to keep the beast of the beast in order to keep the sword.

When I arrived at the tomb mountain, I was bullied by other inheritors. Now it's easy to climb to this position step by step. How can he be willing to fall.

The huge gravitation behind the black hole, so that his heart is, the flesh is also chemically created to countless particles, and it is deposited.

On the surface of the black hole, I also printed the expression of tearing the end of the sky, that is a fog ........

After the completion of the tear, Wu Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ZHU YANG Yi.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you want me to help?"

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, only can hear the sound, and he also has a strong, drink: "I can solve!"

Originally, according to the plan, it is Wu Zuo to solve the iron three, and the sword is unparalleled to tear the day.

It is now in turn.

The strongest Wu Zuo, killing a weakest tear, and the sword is unparalleled to pick a hardest bone.

"Find you!" The sword leaked a smile.

There is no mental force, he still has the power of life.

As long as it contains life, he can feel it.

The huge palm hit came, the sword was unparalleled and slowed down.

At this moment, he flew in the arm, and the raise righteousness danced, and his eyes closed, but he took out the rumor and prepared to show his strongest sword.

The palace who stands behind the sword has no doubles, looking at the sword and unparalleled, he seems to have seen his father from the other side.

At the beginning, her mother told him that her father likes to carry a long sword. At the beginning, there was this reason, and the two were coming together.

I think of my father, he has some movement.

Iron San really wants to fall, what is his father to do, who is going to find a father?

Unparalleled by sword?

Although the sword is now unparalleled for her, she can't guarantee that the other party will help her.

In case the sword is unparalleled again, then throw it to the side of it!

At that time, because she fell into iron three, the long-winding palace will not spare her.


Miyong is almost rosy, but she can't make any choices, only people can put!

However, at this time, the sword has no hands in the hands of the cloud, pointing to the giants, look back to the palace, tenderness: "Reassure, , I can help you!"

This sentence is not enough, the sword is unparalleled.

" !"

The rumor is determined, and it is a bursting, it is the transformation of life.

The sky of the swords will fall in the world, and a sword triggered the resonance of the whole space!

The light is the breath in the sword, and the instant is in an instant, and then angered and said: "Mortgage!"

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