Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5532 5527 ?? Killing Iron

This sword came out, the whole space was instantly flat, all the substances were indulgent, which was the exterior of life.

Everything that touches is to live.

Iron three looked at the sword, somewhat embarrassed, tongue: "How can it be this!"

"How is he strong?"

But now don't give him a shocking time, can only force it to block.


A huge law rose, the iron three also started to live.

I finger a point, he gathered a bit, no matter what, he has to break this sword.

The power contained in the sword made him tremble.

If it is not cautious, he is really fallen in the sword today.


Huge point is touched with the nematic cloud sword.

This gambling, the meaning of the sham, just just touched the rumor, and started to break.


At that moment, the face of the iron three also started to distort, not only the flesh, even the origin of the body lost the original shape, the constant distortion, and finally dissipated.

Iron Three is thoroughly turned into ashes, which has fallen.

The sword is unparalleled, and the black hole has been constantly contracted. It was originally covered throughout the mainland. Today, the mainland dissipated, and the black hole has become very small.

He really killed a six-order peak emperor.

Although most of the reason is because of the destruction of the destruction, there is Wu Zuo's secret help, but the other party is also a real death in his hand.

After receiving the other mustard, he left the black hole with the palace.

Black holes also made a point at the next moment, and then be restored by the space, everything was restored.

In the air, there was a mustard, which was tearing.

Wu Zuo did not personally gave him the beast for him, because the plan is critical, can not tell anyone, even the palace can not say.

For this, the sword is unparalleled, and it will be collapsed directly.

As for Ushzu, it is still trapped in black holes.

A very hidden voice, sound in the sword!

"The three interest time is the order, I will break the black hole after three interests, when you have to pick up my hit, after serious injury, directly enter the transfer array, all according to the planning route!"

The sound is from Wu Zhi, the sword is unparalleled, and the palace will go forward to the central hall.

Those onlookers, or the strong people of the Elder Palace, each look at him, no one shot.

Because the iron three is dead.

Such a big movement, even the closed green crowark people awakened, but he did not appear.

Lu Hua Dijun is a brow, he has already begun to doubt his practice.

The sword is unparalleled is that he sent people to rob out, and now kills the iron three, it is going to escape!

I was hosted in the future, I am afraid ........

Those inheritors are high, not only do not block, but even give the sword.

On the Magical Mountain, the magic sound will stand side by side by the clouds, stare at all.

"How to say?"

The magic sound god will turn to the clouds, and if you are confused: "What?"

"Just like this, let him run?" Yun Zhongjun pointed to the sword.

"if not!"

The veteran palace does not have a matter of relationship with them, that is, because of the reason, it will be here.

The internal battle, they will not be taken, unless there is a pleasant participation.

And it is the kind of unclear stronger.

The reason for the owner of the defendant is because the bottom is unclear, the magic god will do it.

Of course, there is a major part of the reason, it is to save the sword.

I really want to stop the sword. I have to go to the pot. After all, I will have a relationship with the sword and the magic sound god.

Yunzhong Jun took the mouth, leisurely: "Forget it, it will look at a good show, this sword is unparalleled, but I have a mistake, this kind of thing can do it, I have this year Style! "

Said, it hides the shape.

The magic sound god will have some disdain. When the clouds, the Jun, I didn't have such a big courage. When I first pursued the big emperor, I was seriously injured by the big emperor, and the body was crackled, and the rabbing of the ethoquence was slow. .

Countless people's eyes stare at the sword.

Three interest time.

A huge , torn heavens and the earth, rushing from the black hole name.

Wu Zuo is a light yellow robe, standing in the top of the jack.

At this time, he was full of anger, a pair of purple scorpions exude Thunder's power, and a thunder of a wide range of thunders broke out, and the sword was unparalleled.

The original onlookers, retreat again.

It's probably a wave, it's probably a false.

"After it, the sword is unparalleled. This is a sin!"

Many people ran quickly.

At that purple Thunder, he went to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it is ready, I really want to recruit, he has fallen.

This is also a bitter meat!

Of course, it will not really go hard.

He took out a white jade ball, throwing it.

The jade ball turned crazy, and then broke out a hot radiant and swept the ground.

Although most of the power of the purple Thunder blocked, there is still some small electric snake to rush to the sword without double.

Just when I was about to touch the electric sauce, the sword was unparalleled with the palace. After she stopped her, she took the initiative.


Huge inertia, let the sword are unparalleled with the hometown, and the whole person flies directly.

A golden blood spurt, the sword is unparalleled only, the whole source is trapped by the electric snake.

This time is not just simple and serious.

If it is a simple injury, he can recover directly, and a powerful life of this source can be instantly recovered.

But after the electric snake entered his body, he entered his origin. If you want to disperse, it takes a hundred years.

This time, he is a huge perseverance.

At the same time, in order to ensure safety, he also has a lot of backhand.

In case, the uterus is running, and he also has a quick rescue approach, and Wu Zuo is given him to deactivate.

But in order to test the eyewell of the palace, the eyeliner's eyeliner cannot be easily used.

The sword is unparalleled with a chest, and looks up and looks at the Miyong, and the heart is pine.

Not afraid that the other party run outside, I am afraid that the other party will run now.

That is lost.

He doesn't have to escape, and it is simply letting Wu Zuo kicked.

There is no hometown, and his plan is hard to succeed.

Miyongyi is used to confuse the gods.

Just look at the other party.

"Walk!" This time, Miyong is pulling him, directly entering the transfer of the central hall.

Qiuhuang did not say much, just nodded, and then opened the big array directly.

In the previous moment of Wu Zuo, the two successfully escaped.

Up to Zuo, the land of this place is extremely angry.

It can't be installed at all.

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