Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5539 5534? Magic Monk

His wanted order is not a whole situation, just just a wanted giant city.

It is the same as you get to you.

Jiuchong holds a piece of jade, directly detects the location, saying: "Master, it takes three years!"

"It's too slow, since there is a range of strength of the giant city, it is not necessary to hide here, ready to do it!" The old man trembled the body, as if it was falling at any time, it can be said that this sentence, the body The magic flame is instantaneous.

"I didn't expect that there is still a special woman's road with a physical fitness, but it is a big replenishment!"

Jiu Tong stunned, then he thought of visiting the room, entered the main hall, and found that the palace is very happy, and the face is said: "Master is good, I haven't found her yet!"

The teacher is a teacher, no matter whether the prey is hiding, it can find it.

This is also a strong gap.

Jiu Duan is just a third-order peak emperor, and his master is, but the fourth-order episode.

There is a huge gap in strength.

"First solve the second-order epidermus, these are the emperors, each of the crown, a small second-order Emperor, I don't know how much it has, I didn't expect to be in front of these roads, but the fairy bones of the road!" The old man didn't smile, the second-order Emperor didn't quit.

He has a fourth-order epidermount, although it is a magic, but never puts such a big spectrum.

Maybe it is because of life in the dark!

And the second-order emperor, is the right road, and it is normal.

Although it will be bullied, it will not be able to slaughter at least.

Ninem leaks out of the dark face, and the strong breath instantly pulled the blue bird temple from the space clamp.

In the spatial clamp, it is not suitable for fighting. Once you lose your green bird temple, those Daojun will still be dead.

These people can still have a good thing, of course, can not be wasted.

The green bird is pulled out of the space, and it will go slow down.

Everyone in the main hall suddenly stood up.

Some of the secrets in the secret room also rushed out.

In the spatial clamp, it is forcibly pulled out by a powerful force, and the other party is a strong emperor.

And hidden in the green bird temple.

Because from outside, you want to pull the blue bird hall out of space clamp, you will directly attack, but now the green bird temple is more like active.

Bluebirds rushed out directly from the palm room, and the forehead also appeared cold sweat.

"I don't know the predecessors, the young bird temple, the old man is not the best, please forgive!" He is extremely nervous, and it has secretly joined the second-order emperor.

Jiu Di helped the old people from the room, she passed: "Qingbird brother, don't be nervous, I am just sitting and I want to go now!"

"It's the mistake of the younger generation, please ask the seniors to forgive, here is 50,000 gods, please laugh!" Bluebird turned directly to the gift.

Others don't know, I am afraid I thought he was too careful, but only the young birds often run well.

Once the situation is halfway, 80% is to fall.

There are also two-bed, which is depends on the strength.

In front of him, he couldn't see the details, and I am afraid it is emperor.

To raise your hand, you can kill them.

Here is in the deep waste, countless deceased beasts, and the murderer is too easy.

Jiu Duan is too lazy to take care of each other, 50,000 gods, nothing in their eyes.

The right road is vicissitudes, but the devil is not bad.

Stable and uncomfortable, it is not more simple than the murderer.

All of these people are all killed, plus the green bird temple, and can make several hundred thousand gods.

The third-order episode of the right road is also this worth.

The third-order Emperor of the Magic, the price can be comparable to those four-level emperor.

So I can't see it, kill these people, all things are them.

When these people are dead, no one can see it again, why bother to fall in front of these ants.

"Want to escape?" Jiu Duan snorted, instantly shot.

The arm extends thousands of miles directly, directly, the second-order Emperor who hides in the largest secret room.

Just gave it to the other party.

"The seniors are forgiving, I have followed the fire!"

"Sir"? "Jiu Chuan smiled:" Even if the fire is not falling, I also eat you! "

It doesn't know how far from Zhizhou, even if the fire is not falling, he is not afraid.

The key, the fire is already falling, the temple will also disappear from the Ningjing, here is the world of the veteran, if it is a lawn, he is afraid to worry, but a dead man's name, scared him.


A huge suction, directly melting the second-order emperor, turned into the old body.

With this blood, the old man's face has also restored a trace, but it is still not enough.

Want to completely recover, unless the blood of the fourth-order episode.

In front of these roads, kill a second-order episode, and suddenly cause panic.

Many people began their own home.

"I, Wang Kun, Dingtian Xiao Jiayan, the old ancestors are the fourth-order peak emperor, please ask for the for generation!"

"The first disciple of the late Youth Gate, please also ........"

The face of the bluebird became paleward, and he looked at the Kun of the guest house.

To put it, his background is also very strong. If you encounter a team of professional secrets, the name of the name, there are some uses, but the two are different in front of them, 90% is the big devil.

I want to live, it is impossible, especially the way of reporting, saying that it is faster.

Jiu Duan glanced at everyone, nodded: "You are lovely, and you can even say that you are all beauty, the crown of the crown, and a set of sets, it is really a waste of resources!"


A hundred people who gathered in the body were first, and the blood mist did finally condensed a bloody.

The sword sitting in the corner is unparalleled, and these two are majestic than he imagined.

It seems that the old bank did not dry.

The practitioner can instantly transform into a blood, estimate.

And it is still about the blood of the blood.

The sword is unhealthy, there is a different.

The blood is very little, and the blood of the gods got the blood of the blood, but not a complete secret.

Although it is just the first step, the power containing is not weak.

This secret law is the magic path, and the average person will not cultivate.

Unless it is the kind of mission, it is also evil, saying is the magic practice, but there is no threat to who, but the inheritor once is the demon.

The blood is different, as long as cultivation, I must take the magic.

This kind of magic path, the sword is unparalleled, and it is completely no way.

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