Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5540 5535?

Fundamentally unable to limit, even if the Tianjie is very stable, there is little big magic in the emperor, but there are some people who dare to try.

Just like those who swim on the bottom floor, the cultivation can't go, the potential is not going, and there is no relying on the mountain. I can only choose to take this way of blood.

After all, it will improve.

This temptation, very few people can resist.

Unless it is good, it is good.

"Hey!" The sword is unparalleled.

According to the plan, he should take the Bluebird Temple to go to the Qing He Niuzhou. Now it seems that the plan is still caught up.

I know that he solved these two people in advance.

The avenue is difficult, no one is easy.

He will not be soft.

Who is a good way?

It is not easy.

No matter what is evil, he only looks in.

What is wrong, but the excuses who have been looking for themselves.

The elderly returned to a selection of blood and did not have to deal with those scattered.

The strength gap is too much, and the threats are not so worried about him.

His goal is the corner of the palace.

"Little girl!" The thin old man squinted, the voice was very soft, but the highlights in the eyes were full of killing.

The Miyongyi did not resist, but he watched the sword.

"Prepare to do it, here is deep, and the hands of the veteran palace can not explore this!" The sword is unparalleled.

Packed these people, not to change the identity, fly directly.

Or continue to use the Blue Bird Hemo to cover, but these scattered monks cannot stay.

"Little girl, prepare for your owner!" The thin old man took out a shank, holding his hands, seemed to be a kind of ceremony!

Although the palace is close to God, it can be the same as the mirror.

Killing these people is too simple, but in order not to expose yourself, it is best to hide the means, and use other power to kill these people.

For example, with a flesh!

When you slowly walked to the old people in front of the old, everyone slammed breathing. If you just doubt, then you can now be sure, these two are definitely the magic emperor.

They really have to finish!

On the side of the green bird temple, the cold sweat of the forehead has been seep, he is not willing to fall.

Just when the ceremony was held in the elderly, he said quietly, prepared to divide a trace of origin to abandon the body and flee it.

Even if it is dead, he doesn't want to die by the Magic Emperor.


That kind of thought is very weak, the general emperor, maybe I can't find it, but the nine peaks are existed.

When you just explored the whistling force, he was found.

"Hey, Qingbird brother, you are too unpleasant!" Nine calls just fell, and the dark fingertips lit up with a shower, and directly wore the main hole of the Bluebird Temple.

Instant fallen.

That trace explored the mental power of the Bluebird Temple.

Those exhaust repairs have been desperate. I still want to fight, now I have no chance, I want to solve them too easy.

Jiu Pi's taste looked at those desperate scatter, leaking disdainful smile.

However, at this time, his master is suddenly contracted, and a blood is sprayed from the oral cavity.

The black blood is in the mouth of the mouth, the sound is hoarse, "you!"

The arm is stiffly pointed to the palace, and then she will follow.

This time is desperate.

He has not responded yet, but it is only turned to see that the Master has fallen.

Then I saw a scaffore that he had seen, standing next to the body of his master, full of blood.


Jiu Pei scared directly, seeking Huao: "For the former forgive, he threatened me so dry, I have nothing to do!"

The Magic Master is like this, in order to live, don't care about anything.

The Master has just killed, and immediately turns back.

At this time, those scattered repairs have also reacted, and they have retired!

All this is too exciting, and a wave is not in a smooth wave.

This time, it should really have the sentence, can't eat, long-term knowledge.

Several emperors hidden, they appeared.

And now I have fallen two emperors.

This kind of scene is going to see.

This time is false.

"Destroy!" The sword is unparalleled, just saying a word, as if the law is in general, the body of Jiu Dynasty begins to dissipate, then it is subsequently treated.

Jiu Dynasty glanced at his flesh and smashed it, followed by the rupture of the body, the depletion of the source.

Before falling, he understood what is the power of just faced.

That is the legendary peak emperor.

At this point, although it is a guess, the sword is unparalleled, and it is really possible to compete for the means of existence.

It is really going to deal with the top, and he is a bit stretched.

The power of the Emperor, is that horror, even if the life of life is special, it is impossible to go to fight against the struggle.

And the strong power is not just power, and there is also a sense of space, it is too much to be very common.

The black hole realm, arrived at the sixth order episodes, and the sixth-order emperor wants to enter the uniform, and the space needs to be improved to the universe.

Or create a secret law belonging to your own.

To be one of them, you can reach the idea.

As for the four secrets of the four secrets, their own origin is very weak, it is difficult to reach the universe, so most of the four secrets, most of the cosmic secret law, the realm of space is always stayed. In the black hole, it is difficult to improve the black hole to the peak.

In terms of these inheritors, the source is born from the original universe, regardless of strength, at least is complete.

However, it is, it is difficult to increase the space to the space of the space.

At the practice time, the emperor of the four secrets is also very losing, so there are very few strong strong.

So that there is no strong stronger in the original universe, even the sixth order emperor is not.

In the long-term Hanoi, the sixth-order emperor is very rare, most of them are the five-order episode.

That is, there is a district of the temple, and it will have a lot of power at once.

However, over time, even if there is no blessing hall, there will be countless strong people, the arrival of the people, just accelerate the process of this time and space.

For example, if he entered the Polyspur temple, the space has reached the cosmote, and has created a prototype of the secret law of the universe.

It is easy to enter the sixth order emperor, it is easy, even quickly enter the stronger.

Just taught, I have gone some roads. There is a personal pointing point in the latter, now the secret law of the universe, the space of the universe is also perfect, and the Lord of the universe is left.

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