Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5541 5536?

If there is no reason, this process will be very long.

The sword is not a pair.

Without the emergence of the people temple, there will be no skeletal army, and when you don't master your heart, you will have an accident to enter the starry sky, and then master the way.

That is the avenue that has grown from his heart.

When you are usually, you will be thrown to you, you can't practice.

Among them, there is an external reason, and there is also your own efforts, but more people are driving all this.

Push a long river that is not yet mature, to the peak.

It is an exultment to help.

In the Temple of the Disposal, they have gone to the forefront, they have no place to go, there are fews in the outside world, and the wheel inheritance and the opportunity is very general.

This will let them go to the level, there is no sense of crisis, and then stagnate.

I don't know if it is good.

The sword is unhappy, but he is a little in a lot of rain.

At the moment, it is still planned as the core.

Master the kind of thing in the district, it is still very distant.

The palace on the side discovers the sword unparalleled, the opening query:

"Go directly?"

The uterus scanned and glanced at the troops.

The sword didn't have a double point, and I said: "I never kill weak, don't forget it here, it is deep, even if I can live, I am afraid that the core of the Green Bird Temple has been ruined, they don't have a green bird temple. Protect, it is good to live! "

However, his voice just fell, there was a huge black dragon, and the position of the two people rushed over.

The Bluebird Temple, compared with the dragon, just like a sand, it is gone in an instant.

"Empty beasts?" The sword was unparalleled.

They should not be so unlucky!

First, the Queen Temple has a problem, followed by an ancient deceased of this level.

There are some places where there is no practitioner in the heaven, it is deep.

Said is deep, only less decent, the desert beast is very small, especially the powerful deceased.

Like this ancient dragon, there is a six-order Dijun's war, and it is a little less.

Once there is, I am afraid I will attract a large number of strong people to come to be siege.

This can be a feast.

A wild ancient dragon, I am afraid worth 10,000 cosmic crystals.

Still the multiplier of the mature period.

If it is usually, the sword will feel that he is a natural selection, enter the water, can encounter this genius.

It can be different now.

He is being chased, and you can enjoy this.

"It's the goal is us!" The Miyou is so eyebrows, her strength is only five-order peak, if it is the six-order episode of the four secrets, I can fight.

In front of it, this is the ancient dragon, but also better than the practitioners of the four secrets, even better than some of the six-order emperor in the inheritor.

According to the strength of the North Wang Tower, this dragon may have already had six-order top level.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled now.

Once you are entangled, it is hard to take off.

It is not so easy to want to go.

"Since I have encountered it, I slaughtered it!" The sword did not doublely leaked a murder.

The sword is slow, and the breath of the intake is an instant.

The ridiculous imperial dragon is long-awaited, hovering in the sky, covering the sky.

"Xiaodaojun, dare to let go in front of this seat!" The ridiculous Angel Dragonk said, the huge scorpion stared at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a clear, "" I really don't have you? "

The nephew sword suddenly pulled out, he didn't want to waste time, playing, playing, just hurry.

This is very surprised, but also seen that he is a Dao, which is even more strange.

Although he took the initiative to disclose the breath, the fierce sword is comparable to the sixth order emperor, and the other party is not surprised.

This is probably a little conspiracy.

Just Wu Zuo has never given a message, he doesn't know, who is this planning?

Perhaps it is the god, perhaps the other power of law enforcement.

But if the people of law enforcement have discovered him, Umbowa will definitely know.

The sword of the handheld, the sword, no two steps, and has arrived at the side of the wilder behem.


As soon as he came up, there was no rest, and the sword was turned out, it was a life.

This sword runs through the body of the wild ancient dragon, the other party is too large, the speed is very slow, and it will not hide at all.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled. He only knows that the strength of the deceased is very strong, which is unclear.

Now he is understanding.

His strongest sword actually only destroyed some soft A, even the slight injury is not possible.

This horrible defense, the degree of flesh is probably not to lose the superior flesh, and the body is more competing for the Emperor of the 60,000 times.


After the ridoon, the dragon felt the injuries on his body, Yang Tianzhu, roared: "You can break the screwrochus of this seat, you will die!"

A dark fog spurted from the opponent's mouth, it was originally completely detached directly into the dark.

In the dark, the dragon swims, the dragon's claws are not close to the sword.

The fierce claw method makes the sword unparalleled.

Seeing that he saw the claw method that once torn.


This dragon has a relationship with the candlelon.

It is the force of blood.

This ancient dragon is set to have the blood of the candlelon. There are some innate inheritance in the blood, and that inheritance is the claw method of candlelon.

I originally felt very difficult, ready to give up the battle with this dragon, it is better to leave directly, with his speed, it will be able to get rid of it.

But now there is no such thing.

With the beast gods, there is a bloodline relationship. If you can kill it, use the blood of the other side and the skin of the flesh, maybe you can restore the beast.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled in order to stimulate the other party, and the aromal soldiers who have lost their power will be bright.


The candlelon wings suddenly jittered, directly removed the black fog.

Then there is a shock behind the wings, and instantly go to the gong shadow, directly put her up.

This level of fighting, she can't insert it.

"You leave, here to give it!" The sword was unparalleled to put down the palace. He handed him a token. He said: "Holding it toward the North, I will soon look for you!"

The Miyongyi is not an indecisive man, and after some point, he said: "Be careful!"

Then quickly left this place.

The ridiculum dragon explored the huge head from the black fog. In the rough nostril, the black fog was rolling, and the death stared at the candlelong wings that the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the opponent's eyes have also been found, and then the candlelon is also bright.

"There is this!" The sword didn't be anger.

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