Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5542 5537?? Candlelong Blood


The candle dragon wings open, and the left hand arm suddenly cleared the fist, and there was a striped road on the dark red arm, which contained the power of the beast.

Just these ripples cannot be linked to the wings.

In his eyebrow, the eyes of the candlelon also missed.

The more you look angry with the ridiculous ancient dragon, that is what it is in the beginning.

I haven't waited for an anger, but the sword is unparalleled, and the claws of the dragon are mounted. The palm is instantly turned into the claws.


Among the sky, the black fog was spatially cracked by five space.

That crack is because the sword has left the paws of the beasts, although there is no power of the beastists, but there is a power of life.

This claw, although the other party has not been subjected to substantive damage, but it can be insulted.

"The practitioner, you are angered, I want you to die!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile: "Do you not angry at the beginning?"

Although the other party is already a sixth order, the wisdom is generally seen from the perspective of dialogue.

It is no wonder that it will be called a wasteland, not a monster.

Those who have encountered in the West Sea are the demon.

It is also strange that some kind of demon strongest, more want to call himself is a wasteland.

The IQ of the desert is very low, it can't be comparable to the demon family.

The only strong is its own strength.

The monsters are like the people, with huge prosperity, and the ambient is not low, and the speed of breeding is also very fast.

Some of the original universe in the long river of the time and space have already appeared in the case of the universe.

Natural Selection!

Some of the original universe, there is some mistakes, and there will be a single ethnic group.

Like his original universe, the family is dominated, and the monster strong is very small.

This is also the drawback of the original universe.

It was the same when the universe of the power is, it is not good.

God, virtual power, actually can coexist.

If there is a master of universe, it can be used directly into one.

Unfortunately, they don't have the Lord of the universe this time and space.

The battle with the ridiculous dragon, the sword is unparalleled, although it is impossible to hurt the other party, but the other party is also hard to hurt him.

Even at all, you can't touch him.

The speed is too much.

He has already gone very far on the road, and it is possible to master the realm of black holes.

But this old dragon, even enter the space, you must first use brute force to break the void.

Very clumsy.

"French!" The sword has no double appeared behind the dragon, and there was a huge law behind the mouth.

That is the symbol of this source.

Light green giant law, swords are unparalleled.

That is the source of life.

The wild ancient dragon hooks his head, and the huge scorpion stared at the sword and wandering a panic.

That breath, he thought it was a ancestor.

That is the blood pressure.

"How could it be!" The ridiculous dragon can't follow, roared: "How can the people in the district, how could suppress the blood of this seat!"

Hands in this long time, the other party has been playing a cat and mouse game.

But he is speaking.

Exploring the weaknesses of each other.

If you want to kill this, it is not easy.

Positive confrontation!

Can only seek the left road.

In the end, he found that it was related to the power of life, but it was dizzy for a time, or the other party is too dead, affecting his judgment.

This hierarchy is the most afraid of the blood pressure.

The power of life, the one is the other party.

"Your idiots, I have seen the ancestors, I still don't want to see it!" The sword is unparalleled with the law, and the figure is instantaneous, and it has made a billions of miles of sized candlelon.

The air flame is still liter, the breath of the candlelon is also very similar.

The ridiculous ancient dragon was shocked again!

"The ancestor!" It can't be true and false.

It is a ridiculous dragon in the sixth order epigrand, just have a strong blood of a candlelon. It has not seen the real candlelon, which is only in the blood inheritor, and it feels thin.

"Buck!" The sword was unparalleled as the candle dragon flame.

There is a kind of king of the sky.

The natural beast god, all are the owners of the universe, but it is not the king.

When the ridiculous imperial dragon heard the two words, four paws, it was really soft, almost knead on the ground, then clearly, roaring the sword is unparalleled, it is desperate.

"You dare to play me!" The ridiculous dragon is very angry.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes, it is really unintentionally, it feels like a child fight.

"Life Universe!"


The wigs in the deep wilderness began to explode powerful vitality. A raccoon cat struggled in the quagmire had experienced the power of strong life. It was originally only one paw leaking outside, and I broke away from the quagmire. .

The weak monster of the old dead, greeted the power of life, and also started recovery and broke out huge life potential.

Sitting in dying!


There are hundreds of millions of miles where the life universe is covered.

A unparalleled gas transport is also gathered in the body.

This trick, not only can kill the enemy, but also able to plunder the air.

The weakness of the rescue will receive the origin of the origin from the Different Temple. Although some are slightly, if you use the life universe in some of the people, you will be able to get a massive gas.

However, he has not made an emperor, and the gas transport has some chicken ribs to him. It is not too much help.

Moreover, he has no leisure and elegant, gathering gas transport.

I don't alder the Dan, I don't create a family or forces, so many air transportation is not used, it is better to improve the strength.

It can be different in the outside world, just like the true Wuyang, gathering gas transport, that is because he has invincible in the big domain, there is nothing to make a space, can only play at the air.

After coming to the Temple, the whole day is a nervous inheritance, which has time to play this, too low.

All lives that are shrouded in the universe of life are reluctant, but only the wild ancient dragons are constantly weak.

The power of life is suppressed, and the blood begins to dissipate.

Without the blood of the candlelon, the life level is also suppressed, in addition to the flesh, all the capabilities are weakening.

The body is more urgent, and although the flesh does not have much impact, it has also begun to lose a lot of vitality.

There is no previous kind of cure.

That is to say, every time he attacks, it will be a huge trauma. This trauma is still unable to heal.

"Desperate!" The sword is unparalleled to step down the sword and focused on the wild ancient dragon.

At the legacy of the candlelon, he didn't scatter, so he stared in the sky and stared at the wild dragon, and his body rushed out.

Prepare to slaughter!

The time of the two is not too fast, and it has stapped a time.

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