Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 555, 3 knives

"Tibete is deep!"

The top of the patriarchal, the top of the temple, and also cast a horrified eyes of Jin Zombie.

Jin Sni Shen Jun is in a hundred and eight gods, it has been quite low-key, rarely shoots, even if it occasionally shots with the monsters, it is only just a blagon knife, and it is very general, so the Demon Union includes those gods. Inside, almost all believe that this Golden Snake God is just an ordinary god.

No one can think of it, this Golden Snake God actually realized two ways, and another brillovedridge, the feelings are very high.

"It is clear that the sensation to the brock is very high, but it has been hidden, this golden snake." The Moon Temple will willow smile.

Even the Jinfeng Temple of Jin Shu Shen Jun is very understanding, this is also a surprise.

Otherway, it is him, and it is not clear that the golden snake God actually realizes a brock on the knife, and it doesn't understand why Jin Zi Shen Jun has always hidden to the feelings of the brock.

After all, it is quite united inside the Demon Alliance. This golden snake god will not have a deep hatred, no reason, there is no need to hide strength.

"Maybe there are other reasons, wait for this life and death battle, I will ask him again." Jinfeng Temple is dark.

On the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled, stared at the reappearance of your golden snake God.

"Look, everyone is a little bit." The sword didn't say coldly, and it couldn't help but think about the gods of the gods.

The wind gods will remind him, let him don't smash the golden snake God, this golden snake God is too low on weekdays, and his real strength is not a few people.

And now, it is true.

"The broco knife has been exposed, and the post-suffering is endless, but in order to revenge for Ling, it will not be so much." Golden Snake God is cold.

The brockroach road is his last brand. This is a great relationship between this card. He has been very careful, and it is not easy to expose.

Like the whole demon league, in addition to him, even if he is the closest person, he doesn't know that he also realizes a brock.

Today, he didn't have a double life fight with the sword. At the beginning, he did not intend to expose this base card until now, it can only be used in all kinds of helplessness.

"Kid, you can force me to this step, you should also be proud." Jin Sni Shenjun stared at the sword unparalleled, low Shen Shen: "My own brutal shadow three knife, I have never shown it in front of others, today, I will let you see it and let you die. "

"Handshadia three knife?" The sword was unblocked.

"You are better." Jin Zombie will have absolute confidence to his own brockroad three knives. When you shoot, you don't forget to remind the sword.

The sword is unbolded with a dignified.

The golden snake God is still holding the black curd knife, at this moment, a knife is random.

It is obviously a knife that is swung in the distance of dozens of feet, and the black-eyed ray has come to the sword where the black bend sword is coming.

"What?" The sword is not double-faced.

too fast!

This knife is too fast, and he is very amazed.

It is clear that there is a knife that is swaying from tens of feet. It can give the sword unparalleled feel like this Golden Snake God is in front of him.

Suddenly a knife is swinging, the sword is unparalleled, and no sword is displayed, and the power will not gather, and can only be shouted.

With the '', the sword is unparalleled, and it will be flying out, and the half rang will re-station steady.

"Good reaction?" Golden Snake God is staring at the sword is unparalleled, "but just the first style, then, try this second."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are dead and stare at the golden snake god, and they don't dare to have a big idea.

Just in the first style, the horror speed, which was shocked by him, and this second style, no accident, should be faster than that of the first style.


The Golden Snake God is moving, and the whole person is also simply avatar.

The sword is unparalleled just to see the movements of the Qingjin Snake God. A black light has appeared in front of him, and the black light is cold toward his head.

This knife, the speed of the speed, actually stronger, and more terrible.

So close distance, this sword is unparalleled, but the sword can not be done, only to lift the heart of the sword and block in front of himself.


It's another attack, and the black light is bombarded in the heart of the sword, and a strong power will pass, the sword of the shock is a few numbness, the sword in the hands must take it out, he The figure is also turned back again.

"Is it so fast?"

The sword is unbruptuous.

Before the first style, he at least came to the sword, but the second style, he did not even the sword.

The second style is that, what about the third style?

"It can be safe, but I have a brock on the three models of the three knives, you are really enough, but it is here!"

"My brutal shadow is three knives, really stronger, is the third style!"

"This knife, you will die."

The golden snake God is indifferent, and it seems that the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled.

There are many strong people outside the ban, and they also look at this everything. They also want to know the last form of the three knives, there are many!

Under the eyes of all the attention, the golden snake goddess is a movement.

" The surrounding world suddenly appeared at the same time, eight 'Golden Snake God'.

Yes, it is eight, and these figure is not a residual shadow, but the goods are really eight exactly the same 'Golden Snake God. '

When these eight golden snake gods appeared, they were completely surrounded by the sword.


"what is this?"

"Eight, eight golden snake gods?"

Many strong people who banned the appearance battle were shocked.

"Shadow, and foot condense eight brocks, this golden snake has the feelings of the shadow knife that has already reached this step?" Feng Yongnan couldn't help but exclaimed.

On the battlefield, eight 'Golden Snake God' s on the sword unparalleled, suddenly eight 'Golden Snake God' s smile, and then shrewd the black bending knife in the hands.

Eight 'Golden Snake God's Jun' at the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and who is the eight people.

The black curd sharpener has been waiting.

The speed is faster, and the second style is also terrible. Plus the eight 'Golden Snake God' at the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the knife is not detected from which side attack.

Until the body, when a chill was in turn, he immediately understood that the Jin Sni was behind him.

It can be reacted until now, it is obviously too late.

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