Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 556, the last step, cross out!

The swelling knife is hit from the sword, and inserts his heart.

This knife is too fast, when the sword is unparalleled, the knife is less than half a cent from his body, so close, he can't avoid it.

This knife, he avoided it.

"Since avoiding, then hard!"

The sword has emerged in a madness. Now the whole body is struggling, in his back of his back, condenses a tough spiritual barrier, his shape is tight, and it is intended to use his own flesh. Anti-hard anti-this knife.

"Dinn!" The golden snake goddess, the players were born, and the black curd knife burst into a cold and cold, and the sword was directly squatted.


It's like a metal impact sound, in the battlefield void, a power will form a corrugation, crazy open.

In the world, the wind is blown, and the battlefield is formed.

A large number of strong inhibits is dead and staring at the center of the battlefield.

There, the original eight 'Golden Snake God', at this moment, there is only one, which is the native of the Jin Snake God, and he is holding the black bending knife in his hand, the blade is with the sword unparalleled back to the heart.

Time and space seem to be completely condensed.

It is like a root in the world.


The Golden Snake God has originally contained endless grievances. At this moment, it has been replaced by a unprecedentedness.

He is unbelievable to look at his front, watching the back of the sword, where the sword is unparalleled, it has been punctured, revealing a bloody soft armor.

The bloody soft armor is the sword where the swords have been gone in the Tianyu City, and the hardships of the blood of the soft armor are strong enough, but in the golden snake God, it is still colorful, and the bloody soft armor is also black. The hindle is gone.

After the tattooed Soft Bromol, the black curd should be the truth. It should be straight in the sword. It is in fact ... The black curd knife has broken the sword unparalleled skin, caught in the sword unparalleled blood, but There is no deeper.

The black bend knife is on the sword unparalleled flesh and blood, and the golden snake God will use force, and it can't move forward.

It seems that it is not a sword that is unparalleled, but an indestructible huge barrier.

"This this……"

Outside the ban, many strong people who watch the battle are also shocked.

The top of the golden snake God, the strongest strength, the strongest knife, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is unparalleled back, it is indeed opened to the wound, blood flowing.

But the wound is not deep.

"This flesh!"

Everyone includes those temples, all have a horror from the heart.

It is important to know that most of these temples, most of them are also refined into the ninth floor of the bone gone, they ask themselves, if they are being inserted from the rear from the rear, then their lower estimate is only undoubted.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a sacred in the district, but this knife is blocked with the flesh.

What horror is it!

They don't know, the sword is not only refining the ninth floor of the fingers, the most important thing is that Da Tian's creation gives him extremely horrible flesh.

He is now asking the Hierarchy of Dingzi (Shengjing), this level he is the biggest difference between the ordinary martial arts, is a horrible flesh.

And this is not to behave in a body surface defense. The most important thing is his flesh roots, his body's bones, bones, skin or even every cell, is very tough, far beyond the category of ordinary people.

Jin Snake God, this knife, desperate his spiritual barriers, and descended his skin soft armor, and even desperate his skin, but it is only limited to this. I want to continue along the wound, hit the sword. The unparalleled heart, this Golden Snake God's attack is powerful, the at least be strong and doubled!

On the empty, the shape of the golden snake gods has been retracted, and it is still incredible with the sword.

As for the sword, the sword is unparalleled by everyone like a monster. At this moment, it suddenly closed his eyes.

"Close eyes?"

"At this way, he closed his eyes?"

"What is he doing?"

"Is it that although I just didn't break down his heart, but I still brought him a huge harm. How is he closing to recover?"

The many strong people who watch the war feel inexplicable, and some people guess the sword unparalleled by the knife, and the injury is restored.

But only the sword is unparalleled, he closes his eyes, it is simply what recovery injuries.

The golden snake god king said that he was perfectly resistant to him, and he did not bring him what injured.

He will now close your eyes, that is because of his mind, there is a good understanding.

Yes, it is to understand.

The Jin Soon Jun Jun just had a knife, and he hit him, which made him rushing a crisis, and he was only crazy to fight against this knife with a crazy fight against this crisis.

It is this crazy, but it has made him a good understanding.

Six heavy buildings, the first heavy ban, the foot, nine hundred and ninety-nine kinds of kills, the sword is unparalleled, there is only nine hundred and ninety-eight, with only the last one.

This last kind of killing metasto, has been plaguing him.

But now, this last kind of killing, but it gradually became clear.

"I finally understood that this last kind of killing Xuanao is what is" the sword is unparalleled. "

Crazy under the uncertain!

This moment of understanding, let the sword unparalleled finalize the last kind of killing Xuanao, and enlightenment.

Since then, the first banned nine hundred ninety-nine kills of the six-heavy building, all of which are all blinkful.

After the knowledge of this, the first heavy ban was cracked by him. This crack, the sword is unparalleled, immediately understands the law of this repaction.

"It turns out that the senior of the nature will say that the first heavy ban is broken, and it will naturally enter the threshold of the road. It turns out that this first banned, it is the process of killing this source to evolve into killing." Sword is unparalleled Laugh.

When he was completely cracking in his first reform, he has already stepped out of the final step and truly enter the threshold of the road.

Killing this source has begun to evolve, only a moment, a clear killing, has appeared in front of the sword.

Everything is so water to the stream.

And all this is also completed in a short sheet time.

Everyone in the outside world only saw the sword where the eyes closed, but didn't know what the sword didn't do.

The Golden Snake God is holding hands, and the face is pumb.

"I don't believe it!"

A burst, the world has once again appeared in the eight 'Golden Snake God', and the sword is unparalleled.


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