Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 557 is shocking!

"Go to death!"

Eight golden snakes gods are crazy, and the cold black light is in the face of the sword without double head.

When the Golden Snake I will shoot again, the sword is unparalleled.

Open the moment, a drama.

"This is this respect." The sword is unparalleled to see a gold snake snake.

At the same time, eight golden snake gods came at the same time. He couldn't find which one was this, but now it is only a great judgment.

"I still feel that his speed is incredible, but it seems that it can only be considered." The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is slight.

This shake, almost no one is noticed.

" The cold black light appeared next to the sword without a pair, and the sword did not have a double skull.

Jin Snake God's eyes narrowed up, looked at, as he expected, this sword is unparalleled, and only watched his knife and smashed his head, icy black light from the sword without double head. Over.

"Well?" The expression of the Golden Snake God's face is unsucked.

Many strong people watching are also there.

"It's a residual shadow! When?" Golden Snake God is horrified, he didn't see the sword without having to move.

At this time, a cold voice was awkward in his ear, "Golden Snake God, your speed, but so."

The voice falls, and the golden snake God turns his head. It just saw the sword in the hands of the sword without double, and he went straight to him.

A very casual sword, but also carrying the stunned power, the golden snake God waves the black bending knife in his hand, wants to resist.


A sharp roaring in the world, the body of the golden snake gods took out the shells, and they directly retracted to the edge of the life and death valley.

"What's going on?" The golden snake goddess is gloomy, and he obviously feels that the sword is unparalleled at the moment, and it seems to be different.

Many strong people who have banned the appearance war, they also gaze their eyes in the sword and unparalleled body. They also saw that the sword did not seem to have changed.

The battlefield void, the sword is unparalleled, the twenty-four feet high golden swordsman is still exuded with no swords, but the sword is unparalleled, but the body is faintly murderous, his eyes The golden snake God looked straight into the past.

"Golden Snake God, I have to thank you!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Thank I?" The golden snake gods changed.

"Of course, if it is not because of you, I want to break through, I don't know how to wait until the Year of the Moon." The sword is unparalleled smile, "In order to thank you, I will use my strongest trick, kill you. This trick, I just realized. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart of the heart is slowly waving.

A piece of silence around, everyone is looking at.

They have already understood from the sword unparalleled words, and the sword has no double breakthrough.

The breath in the sword is not improved, that is, he is still just a sacred.

The sword is unparalleled. The sword is unparalleled. In his hand, the sword is shaking slightly, and there is a stronger power, then the sword is unparalleled is the void of the golden snake God, and the sword is directly swept.

A very simple sword, the speed of the sword is even more slow, as if there is no strength.

In the moment of this sword, a substantial sword is formed, and it is swept the amazing speed ...

fifth style!

This style is called 'sword wave'.

Originally, the sword is not unparalleled, but with now, he will naturally understand the way, this sword is naturally comprehend.

The sword is screaming, and the speed is fast, it is far from the strongest one of the golden snake God.

Jin Sni Shen Jun stands on the edge of the battlefield, the body has been turned into eight, see this sword is screaming, he tries to resist this sword fluctuation, result ... Just like the autumn wind sweeper, swords Directly from the gods of eight golden snakes.

Under the gaze of many strong people, eight golden snake gods were broken, and the sword was rippled, and after brushing the body of eight golden snakes, he continued to swept the rear, and bombarded the heavy ban on the edge of the battlefield. Above.

With the, this is also crazy, but the result is still the sword, and ruthlessly open a huge mouth.

In that ban, there is a lot of powerful people standing in that, when they see the sword, they are not intended to come to the direction they are in.

After all, they knew that they had a huge ban in front of them, which was banned by the two directions, although it was only equipped, it can be reasonable, it is difficult to break.

What they didn't expected was that the sword was unparalleled, and after cutting the golden snake gods, he continued to bombard the ban on the referendum.

The ban was opened, and the ruthless sword is rippled, although the power is reduced, but it is still in front of the front, and the people of these battle have become the goal of swords.

"not good!"


A horizon sound rummer, so in the first time, the last time, the first time rushed to, and it was easy to resist the sword. This is not letting this sword. I hurt the innocent people.

The sword is scattered, everything is re-calibrated, but the many strong people who are watching will not pay for a long time.

Everyone has an unprecedented shock, and the sword on the battlefield has not seen the past.

The sword is unbolded, standing there, there is no longer before, the eight golden snake gods, only one, is the golden snake God of the Golden Snake, can be blocked, his life has been Start dissipating, the body has also begun to fall down.

"I, I am dying?"

Jin Sni is still not reacted until now.

It's too fast, the transition is too fast, he can't expect what the sword has experienced in the past time that just closed his eyes.

Just a moment, the strength has improved so much.

The horrible sword, swept him directly.

"This life and death, I thought it was that I revenge and hate for Ling, but I didn't expect it, but I became my grave!"

"The sword is unparalleled, I am smart in the world, I didn't expect it to be planted in your hand, but you don't have to be able to!"

"Even if you die, I will never let you live."

The last residual life of Jin Sni God, but he took out a jade simple to crush directly, and a message passed out.

"Seniors, I have a compass, that is a treasure!"

"You want to get the age, the compass is crucial!"


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