Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 558 Perfect Kill

On the battlefield, the Skn God's voice finally dissipated, and his body fell below the ground.

There is no double body shape, next to the golden snake gods, one waving the golden snake God's black bend, and his Qiankun will take away.

After all of this, his eyes are ringing around.

Outside the battlefield, the countless strong people who watched this battle were not silent.

It is silent in it, you can heart, but one by one is like a river.

When this life and death war, no one thinks that the sword is unparalleled in the hands of the golden snake God.

Result ...

The sword is unison, the golden snake god, but it is dead.

A goddess, died in a holy border.

Shock, dull!

Everyone's mood is difficult to calm for a long time.

Many gods gathered in the void, these monarchs were equally horrified.

Just just, the Golden Snake God show the real strength, the feelings of the brock, there is also the three knives, so they are amazed.

They all understand that the real strength of the golden snake gods, not the same, although there are some gaps with the top gods, but the gap is not too big.

In other words, Jin Shu Shenjun has been close to the strength of the top god, and can be stronger than the golden snake god, and it is estimated that there are still few people such as golden snakes.

There is such a strength, and this battle has not been suspended.

Who can think of, the sword is unparalleled and suddenly exploded, and it has directly killed the golden snake.

The sword of the sword is unparalleled, after the killing of the golden snake god, will still cover the horrible sword of the referendum on the life and death valley, until now in their minds are constantly brushing.

That sword is too terrible!

These gods, almost no one dared to say that it is intact to resist the sword.

"This is the ban on life, I have to show the two swords, but this sword is unparalleled, just a sword, but still in the sinister golden snake god, weaken some of the power, still The ban has opened such a huge crack. This attack Weon, even if it is me, it is not as good as. "Feng Yongnao said, and it is faintly visible to the light.

He very much appreciates the sword. It is naturally hoped that the sword is unparalleled in this life and death, and the results of the sword are unparalleled in this life battle, far beyond his imagination.

"If I have not read a mistake, this sword is unparalleled is a major breakthrough, and the strength is so much, and this breakthrough ... is the road!" The gods of the gods are dignified, "he has already across the road."

"Indeed, and it is still a very perfect killing avenue. It is completely two concepts that use the swords and knife bindings." Feng Yong Jun solemnly nodded.

"Perfect way."

These gods are all embarrassed, and they are unbeatable.

At that top, the Nine Temple stands there.

It can be regarded at this moment, and the face is full of horror on one face.

"Killing the way, the perfect kill!"

"Good guy, a sacredness, do not rely on the Sword of the Sword, have changed its perfect killing, this sword is unparalleled ..."

"Encharter!" The Lord of the Temple of the Temple of the Temple "" Perfectly purely the source of this source is much stronger than us with the help of weapons, "in the nine people, you are also known as Wushan. The way of the earth, it is comparable to the way of this sword unparalleled kill. "

The people of these temples have seen the burly man who carrying the giant ax next to it. This burly man is still unparalleled for the sword.

Seeing many of the temples, this burly man is a smile. "I understand the land of the earth, although it is also a perfect way, but the great way is good at defense, and this sword is unparalleled, but it is absolutely Among the path of this source, the strongest killing capacity is the stronger, the attack power will be far from me. "

Different roads, nature is also very different.

On the way to attack the power, the sword is unparalleled, naturally far more than the big land of this burly man.

"This sword is unparalleled before, and the war is still comparable to the general god, and now it is now aware of the perfect killing, the strength has skyrocketed, the battle force has reached the level of the top leader, and even the attack, Iron, I Many God of the Demon Alliance, I am afraid that there is no one can be able to go up. "The Lord of the Moon said.

The other a few of the temples heard this, and he nodded.

The horror of the sword is unless to kill the golden snake gods, they all look at the eyes, the power is indeed in the first day of God.

"Ice Peak, you have so hard to promote his life and death, but the results are afraid that the lady has been able to defecate." The Lord of the Temple of the Qing Moon saw the Hall of the Ice Peak, but found this Ice Peak Temple at the moment. But some of the gods are there.

The Hall of the Ice Peak is indeed a bit.

He is not because the Golden Snake will be killed by the sword, but because the Golden Snake God will pass the message before the death.

That message is passed to him.


"Golden Snake, there is a compass? Is it the treasure?"

The Hall of the Ice Peak is thinking about the words of the golden snake.

Want to get the age, the compass is crucial!

"This golden snake, clearly has a more important compass, before, I didn't tell me!"

"But, tell me now, it is not too late!"

The main point of the ice peak is slightly smashed, followed by the sword on the battlefield.

At the same time, the main figure of the Moon Temple is also moving, and there is a battlefield.

"Life and death, the end, the sword is unparalleled, come with me." The monette of the Moon is spread.

The sword nodded and nodded, and he went to the Moon Temple.

The sword has no double one. The many strong people on life and death are beginning, and when they are discussed, these strong people are still discussing this life and death battle.



This attracted the life and death war that attracted countless power came to watch, although the process was twisted, but eventually ended.

The result of this battle is unexpected to everyone.

The sword is unhappy, but the golden snake god is dead.

A context, killing a god!

This makes the battle of 'incredible', under the spread of many strong people, spread through the amazing speed, spread throughout the holy place, and passed to the eight major cities, and there are eight big cities, pass to the demon The tribe of the mainland, in the corner.

In just one day, the sword is unparalleled but has become the focus of the "Turning Continental Humanity".

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