Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 559 Sword Monarch

In the hall, the sword is unparalleled, and some seats are sitting on the side of the seat.

These people are the main hall, and a total of nine palains.

Among the nine palains, the sword is unparalleled, and he has never seen the Lord of the Temple in the Qing Moon. He didn't have seen it, but at this moment, these temples seem to look at him like a monster.

"The Shengjing realized the way of killing, with the top of the king, simple, unfortunately, such a peerless genius is not the people of our demon continent, but a foreign person."

These people also talked a few words whispers.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Lord of the Temple of the Moon Suddenly, "this life and death war, you kill the golden snake God, and your strength has also reached the point of the top god, since the strength reached, then replace the golden snake, becoming me One, I don't know if you are willing? "

If the sword is unparalleled is a person in the demon spirit, it will not ask if he does not need to ask.

However, the sword is unparalleled. It is a foreign person. Do you have one of the gods, but you have to have a sword.

"Shen Jun?" The sword didn't sink for a while, nodded slightly, "I promised."

He now has a great growth space, nor is it to leave the demon continent, but also want to improve the strength with some resources of the Demon Alliance, become a gods naturally.

"Choose to serve as God, as some basic positions of God's Jun, I hope you can follow, after all, I will demon the resources of the ferry, nor whiten can get it." The Lord of the Moon Temple said.

"No problem." The sword nodded again.

Perform your duties and reward, this is justified.

"Since it is God, I will give yourself a title." Said the Lord of the Moon.

The god of the Demon Alliance, including these temples, all the title, as for their book, but few people know.

"Title ..." The sword has no double thinking for a while, but I laughed: "In my hometown, the strong people in my hometown are called the monarch, and I am the surname of the sword, and I am a sword, so from today Start, I am called the sword monarch. "

"Sword Monarch?" The Temple of the Temple of the Temple of the Temple, "I will take you to the command of God's command, how long it doesn't matter, the demon spirit continent is the human ethnic, even those monsters, will Will know the existence of your sword monarch. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not careless.

"Sword Monarch." A middle-aged man who was sitting on the seat at this time.

I heard this middle-aged man opening, the Lord of the Moon and the main faces of several other temples became an old.

This middle-aged man is not someone else, it is the owner of the Ice Peak!

The sword is unparalleled with the golden snake God's life, if there is no such thing as an ice peak, it will not be possible.

"The Hall of the Ice Peak, what do you want to say?" The Temple of the Temple of the Temple of the Moon.

The sword has no double eyes, and immediately looks at the Horizon of the Ice Peak.

"Oh." The Horizon of the Ice Peak smiled, the face was quite soft, full of goodwering, the sword, "I was specializing in the sword monarch you."

"Suffering sin?" The look of several temples in the surroundings.

The sword is not double-colored.

"Hey!" The Hall of the Human Temple sighed and said: "Jin snake is a step by step, he has always been very respectful, this time he comes to me, I am thinking that he has been in his years. I have a respectful copy, this promised to help him. "

"This matter, I have a mistake, I hope that the sword monarch, you have something dissatisfied, if there is any dissatisfaction in the heart of the sword, you can use some treasures or demon to compensate."

The Lord of the Ice Peak is very sincere, it seems to be a look that there is no double pay for the sword.

But his move, but the Lord of the Temple in the Qing Moon is surprised.

It is to know that the hometown of the Ice Peak is in the top three of the top three, and his sex is also quite overbearing. In the demon league, even the same is the main master, and there are not a few people dare. Provoke him.

Like this time, he came out of the Golden Snake Temple, his face, not a few palace dare to give.

But now, so overbearing the hometown of the ice peak, actually gives a godder to compensate?

Is this the sun in the west?

Even the sword is unparalleled, there are some popularity.

"This Ice Peak Hall, what is the situation?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although the Lord of the Ice Peak Temple, the golden snake God came, it was indeed a unparalleled unparalleled, but the sword was unparalleled. He a few pounds of a few two, although it already has the top gods, but in front of the Hall of the Ice Peak, I am afraid that what is all If you don't want it, this Ice Peak Temple is not necessarily to pay for him.

But the Hall of the Ice Peak is done, but it is still in the face of other temples, pull down the shelf, and take the initiative to pay for him.

Although I don't understand it, I don't want to reveal it. It can be seen that there is no double in the sword, and I have to tear the face with the ice peak. "The Hall of the Ice Peak is polite. This time is the Jin Sni Jun. The reason, you have a lot to do with the Ice Peak Temple, I will blame again. "

"Then, thank you Jian Jian Monarch." The Hall of the Ice Peak is a face and good.

"If there is no other thing, if there is anything else, I will say it." The sword is unparalleled. After the scene of these temples, they turned around.

And the sword is unparalleled before, and the behind the feather is immediately followed.

Several people in the Moon Temple in the hall are more confused.

"What is this ice peak?"

"Hey, there is a big hometown of the Ice Peak, which is a large hegemony, and today, it is active to take the initiative to the gods.

"I feel that this thing must have a greasy."

They are free to laugh at will, they are not a fool, and they see the hometown of the Ice Peak Temple, and there must be some intentions.

As for what is used, they don't know.


The sword is unparalleled to leave the hall, and the hometown of the Ice Peak is immediately followed.

"Sword Monarch." The Hall of the Ice Peak came to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is surprised. "What else do not know what the Hall of the Ice Peak?"

"It is indeed a little thing." The Horizon of the Ice Peak is full of smile, gentle, "Come, we said,"

The sword has a strong vigilance, but it is still in front of the Horizhen Temple.

After all, it is a holy place. Although the Hall of the Ice Peak is the main hall, and there is a great power in the Demon Alliance, it will not be in the holy place.

"I have to see what medicine is sold in the gourd of this Ice Peak Temple." The sword is unwinding.


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