Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5552 5547 ?? Mysterious

In the past, the opportunity of the hope of hope is now in front of you.

How can Nie Yuan may let go, and then I will agree directly.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled with Fengcheng, and is moving towards the original mining ore.

"This time, it is still a deadline in ten years, we will take a break every ten years, how much time you can't use, we are free!" Fengcheng Lord is shilly, and a group is very powerful.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also very forward.

Can have the palace, but there is a disturbing.

When you look at the sword, you have changed.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how the Gong Mao is still discovered.

After going to the mine, a few people began to mine silently.

The uterus is a remote corner, which is alone.

Mining the soldiers, one month, you can cut a small hole on the stone wall.

Miyong buried the soul flag.

Just in this mine, there is only one position specified by the god.

The remaining positions also need to go anywhere.

Miyongyi is not doubtful to the outside person, there is no double pass on the sword: "I will go to other places to see, you don't have to take me!"

The sword is unparalleled. What is her mind, it is definitely not to be relieved, Nie Yuan, and there is no doubt, just nodded, reminding the other party to be careful.

The uterus is unconscious.

Now the sword is unparalleled, and it is very disgusting in her.

There is no truth, everything is calculated.

The full body of righteousness, the whole body of the belly.

After the uterus, the sword has received the emotion of Wu Zuo, and Nie Yuan has been arranged properly.

The big drama recognized by the father and the father will be staged.

However, in advance, Wu Zuo has arranged Nie Yuan to arrange the big array, and the people who enforce the law must wonder if they want to win.

I hope that in the hands of the hand, the gods are desperate, otherwise this plan will bubble.

They only have an hour.

The supervisory, only three six-order emperor.

They are all indigenous emperors, the strength is generally, and he can cope with him, as long as there is a six-order peak emperor, but also the veteran of the veteran.

This three interest is within.

As for the three palace owners, it is Luhua Palace, although the sword is already wanted, but it will not be too late to be too embarrassed.

And this is the law enforcement hall, as long as there is no threat to the mine, it should not be shot.

It is necessary to go to law enforcement.

Everything is in this quarter.

If the god is really unfair, then they can only recognize it, and when they arrive.

The sword has no doubles to exploit the ore. The other is this respect. Through a trace of mind, start looking for Nie Yuan's position.

The war is touched.

Nie Yuan is now looking for an uterine.


That is a weak transformation of the soul.

Another soul flag is injected into the mountain.

"There is only the last one!" Gongmiao breathed breathing, did not dare to stop.

Even she doesn't hesitate to use the five-order peak, forcibly exploitation, and instantly exploit a small hole.

Then put the banner into it.

Another place!

The Miyong follows the guidelines and looks for.

She didn't know, with a touch of mind, passing from her side.

At this time, the palace is not careful, it is very panicked.

The sword in the mind is unparalleled.

Although I don't know what happened, he has a bad hunch.

"Forget it, the true spirit is the best, not to come to her, can't flush anything!" The sword has no eyes flashing, this time he is very good.

Now some will be in place, the Miyong is strange, and it is definitely with some people.

It may be a law enforcement, perhaps a god.

Not saying.

The sword is unparalleled, and he will go to Nie Yuan.

Go to the other party to find the palace to confirm.

This time, directly broke the tin to break.

Here, the people who have been defending in the morning and evening have been discovered, and they will not rescue Nie Yuan, and will make the god suspect.

He didn't know, this time, it seems that it is seamless, but actually in the gods.

Void, a silent dark slicker.


A thunder flashed, illuminated the dark suture, the light flashed, and there was a quiet accumulation of 10,000 people.

Everything is emperor.

And it is still the strong in the emperor.

It is the five-order episode.

On the fifteenth order, there is such a large scale with the Baihu Hall.

The gods of these people arranged in this place.

Today, just like the Moquity of the Mori, then kill the mine.

If you slowly fly from the periphery, I'm afraid I haven't seen the mine, it will lead to the top of the old palace, killing in one fell swoop.

This time, the gods set out all members of Tianjie Shaozong, and the light is five.

There are dozens of six-order peak emperor.

There are hundreds of people.

This power can sweep anywhere in addition to the temple and the old palace.

Mine is no exception.

Even if Lu Huamen is deed, it can't live.

The electric light flashed, and the faces of these people were very pale, they have just accepted a special inheritance.

Soul secret law.

Soul wear!


A old cockroach sounded, these people were like receipt of orders, and they actively explained their own flesh.

"Depart, catch the sword, the rest of the people, one will not stay!"



The sword is unparalleled, and it is finally seen Nie Yuan, and then it is not in camouflage, and directly illusion has become a model.

"Nie Yuan!"

I heard my name, Nie Yuan stunned, because the voice of his name is some familiar, it seems to have heard, then he looks at it.

"The sword is unparalleled!" When he saw the sword, he was a little unexpected.

He didn't think that the inheritor of Wu Zuo said, it was a sword with him with him.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is a monarch, and the strength is the most comparable to the second-order peak.

Nowadays, the breath is much stronger than him.

Inheritors, it is not usually!

Nie Yuanxin was shocked.

"Come with me!" The sword is unparalleled, he is directly honest, I am afraid that there will be no bigger will, it will be discovered.

People who are now guarding this place have not found out.

He also has a chance to breathe.

Nie Yuan followed him, two people did not retain, advance, the figure is like electro-light.

Through the people, they were surprised to see a few eyes.

"Where is my daughter?" Nie Yuan couldn't help but excite.

The sword is unparalleled, whispered: "Her position is a bit biased, but you can see it right away, I forgot to tell you, she is the palace!"

"The Miyong Yi, Miao!" Nie Yuan's eyes were red, and he would have to see her daughter.

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