Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5553 5548 ?? Soul

Just when two people moved towards the location of the uterine, the power of a huge soul is quietly coming.

This power of the sword is unparalleled, that is the hearing in the three kings.

At the beginning, he walked through the soul ladder, for this breath, it's more familiar, but this breath, why will it appear here?

The sword is unparalleled is very surprised.

This breath is not going to get into time and space with the three Wang Ting?

How can I appear here?

too weird.


A strong soul began to come, the soul power is strong to the extreme.

The sword is unparalleled with Nie Yuan also stopped.

Because the two of them have a powerful soul.

The soul of the beast, when they watched their two, began to rightening, on the illusory soul, began to appear, and the power of the power is the power of the space.

These souls, actually in the power of the Swallowing Space, to supplement their own body and flesh.

The sword is unparalleled!

Subsent, give Used.

"It is the god, he has opened it!" Wu Zuo Xindang said.

The sword is unparalleled but not so excited.

Because the soul is staring at him.

It seems to be to him.

The sword is unparalleled to pull out the rumor.

Then, one hand was on Nie Yuan, and the force of a pounding life was injected into Nie Yuan, and Nie Yuan returned to the peak state in an instant.

The sword is unparalleled: "These things are holding, waiting for it!" Subsequently, a mustard was handed over to Nie Yuan, and there were some treasures, which is a complete eternal tobao.

He is afraid that Nie Yuan is falling, and these treasures can be self-defense.

These souls are not simple.

And there are people who are law enforcement will work.

At that time, it is very confusing, one is not careful, the sixth order emperor may fall, let alone Nie Yuan's five-order peak emperor.

"Let's go to find a wonderful!" Nie Yuan saw anxious after the change.

He is worried about the safety of the palace, listening to Wu Zhuo, there will be a war here.

Since I found my daughter, he won't let her have a harm.

At the beginning, she did not protect her mother. I said today, I have to keep my daughter's safety.

The sword nodded, ready to continue, but the soul that has not recovered strength stopped their way.

"I found the sword unparalleled, restored the strength, speed ......."

If the other party's words have not been finished, they are broken by the sword without double sword.

The strength of these soul is very fragile. Look at the strength of the soul, the other party is also the six-order emperor level, but even his sword can't stop, at this time, there is a five-order Dijun's battle.

And it is the defense.

"Walk!" The sword is unparalleled with Nie Yuan, and quickly left, and rushed toward the palace.

The means of the gods is too mysterious.

These souls are slow, not only the sword is unparalleled, but even the black is a bit surprised.

But this is just in their blant.

The strong people of law enforcement, originally prepared to find swords and unparalleled, and the result of the shadow of the shadow, it is, it is transferred.

The strongest in the town is the strongest, the main palace of the three major palace owners, the Lu Huajun, which is already coming, and the space of the space is still coming.

If it is simple to be a sword, it is not necessary.

Nowadays, it has exceeded their imagination.

Those souls only used less than three hikes, and they returned to the peak, the five-step episode, and slaughtered.

However, they also have division of labor, one is responsible for the anti-hospitality, and there is a matter of being placed in front of the way, and the road is paved.

The last goal is the sword.

"I found him, let me go!" That is the strong power, a command, instantly gathered a number of six-order emperor.

The supervisors in the mine can't stop.

Only three six-order emperor can only be forced to defend.

They did not expect that some people actually dared to attack the mines, and they came in so many strong people.

The strong people of the outside world, as well as the reunion of the law enforcement, is on the way to attack, you need to reach this place.

Lu Hua Dijun's fidelity, it was also blocked by the strong power, and he couldn't shout.

"You have these chaos!" Lu Huijun was angry.

The original hard, unparalleled mine, has begun to collapse.

His faith didn't have to stick to it. At this time, this respect is in the headquarters of the Yuanyang Laoyang, and will be put forward.

Yuanyang Lake, the big camp of the veteran palace, can not only have a large number of inheritors, and the top strong people in the Emotional Mandarin, but it is a task for the inheritor.

Just a time, it has been completed by 100,000 troops.

I want to transfer so many people once, obviously impossible, can only be delivered batch.

This takes time.

Lu Huajun can only send his own respect, and steady the situation.


In an instant, the battle rose to the top level.

Lu Huadi's book personally shot, and the entire mine is shaking.

It can be difficult for one person, and tens of thousands of emperors have long, they will take the entire mine.

The sword is unparalleled with Nie Yuan. In the chaotic battlefield, it is difficult to find the fallen of the palace.

The outside world is constantly incorporated into the strong, the battle is very chaotic, the strong people of the gods, almost see people kill, no hesitation.

Now both sides are looking for swords.

The sword is not a double with Nie Yuan, is also very difficult, so most of the five-order episode, so deal with some.

"Don't fight with them, first look for a wonderful," Nie Yuan roared, broke out the power of the sixth order episodes.

His swords have different swords and swords, and a sword is smashed. It seems that the opponent can't resist, or if you don't know how to gently.

Those five-level emperor, as long as they are accepted by Nie Yuan's sword, the body began to distort, the whole person has a piece of paper, which has a thin sheet of paper from the three-dimensional pedestrian.

The sword is unbreakorated in the sword, and the power of this sword is very similar to the ultimate path of the uteromity.

Or is the epitome of Nie Yuanjian Road.

This time, he really didn't come, crossing this crisis, he tried to study Nie Yuan's origin, which helped his ultimate sword.

The sword is unparalleled to kill a few five-level emperor who will go to the road, and the Nie Yuan, who is holding, and then leaves the core.

Two people were abducted, entered a small hole, and they also gathered some emperors of mining ore. These people's strength is very weak. Most of them are the fourth-order emperor, and they are dead. As long as there is a five-order Emperor, you can sweep them, so you don't dare to go out here.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is nearby, there is no helves, with Nie Yuan rushed forward.

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