Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5554, 5549? Father and female

At this time, a quirky emperor adsorbed on the stone wall opened his scorpion, and his voice was hoarse: "The sword is unparalleled in me, speed is coming!"

These people have come to this place, that is, for the sword, unparalleled, killing these people, just manufacturing confusion.

After receiving the news, everyone gathered from this, soon there were five six-order episode.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Gong Miao Yi!"

Three people have just met, they have been besieged in the mine cave. It is good to be an export, only one person can enter, they are just blocked.

Nie Yuan stared at the palace, looked at it, and the original heart is already organized. If you have already organized a good, you can not know how to talk.

Until the Miyongyi took the lead in opening, soft voice: "Father!"

Father and female embraces!

Everything is in not.

The sword is unparalleled, and I am very interesting to block the gap, temporarily blocking the other's attack.

At the same time, I jumbled.

"Does Fygo have not yet appeared?"

If you rely on these people, you want to catch him, you are very easy, but here is the mine!

Gathering countless strong, and the strong people of the Elder House are being caught in a large number, even if he caught him, he may not be able to retreat.

There is also anxious, the voice replied: "I haven't found it yet!"

Their goal is that Fergo is not these ordinary emperors. Even if it seizes the three, it has little impact on them.

"The sword is unparalleled, otherwise you will pretend to surrender, let's go first, I will see that Ferigo is not going to come, not as good as further, maybe I can see Fygo, you can see the appearance The true spirit will definitely personally, and no one can threaten you! "

The sword is not a double brow, is this special not nonsense?

Let him go further, then it is really auspicious, and he doesn't dare to believe in the true spirit. If you really have such a big energy, how can you find a disabled universe in your old nest.

But now, he rides difficult, there is no other way, can only be done according to Wu Zhuo.

"Zuo brother, this time, don't let me joke, once I am with them, I can't get it, I have to be full of you!" The sword is unhappy, saying in front, to Wu Left is added to the pressure.

This is also considered for yourself.

Wu Zhiyi biting his teeth and then agreed.

This time, two of them were not only gambling, and they were pressed.

The sword is unparalleled, the gods caught him, and most of them are also useful, there will be no life threats, and the umbrah is different. Once the plan failed, the true spirit can not be ours.

At that time, maybe, you have to go to the second prison.


Just talking to Wu Z., the sword is unparalleled, but a strong force directly runs through the chest, the power is playing directly on his body through the candle dragon.

50,000 times of the body, instant crack.

Both origin is shaking, the strength of the other party is definitely the top peak in the sixth-order emperor, I am afraid that there is no weakness of Turtle Island.

This sword is unparalleled without destruction.

It's just a blow, the whole person is blown away, and it is directly bombarded on the stone wall.

Nie Yuan also knows, not when the father and female feelings, when it is in front of the palace.

This makes the sword are very embarrassing. Although there is a conspiracy behind, now, now, at least it is the two people who saved this father, can you give some face!

Even if the strength does not lose, at least do it!

"Dear, I will walk with you ..." The sword is unparalleled from the stone wall, and the body is extremely weak. He has been seriously injured.

I saw a hole in the mouth, and a bloody people came, and the whole people bathed in the flame.

The breath is extremely horrible.

This person is a top!

The sword has no double eye strain.

I thought it was a six-order emperor, I didn't expect it to be a strong force.

It is estimated that this is the top, it is afraid that he will kill him, and the strength is suppressed when starting.

"Everyone pays to the designated place, I have already won the sword unparalleled!"


The sword is unparalleled with a chest, and gasped, then turned to see the Miao Yi with Nie Yuan, say: "Establish it, we are not an opponent!"

There is no opinion on this Nie Yuan, because he knows the plan.

And the uteridity is different.

At this time, she took the initiative to worship, respectfully worship, firmly said: "The late palace is like, the gods have promised ..."

If there is not finished, the strong power is in an instant, and a flame is immediately rushing to the palace. The power of the flame is enough to incinerate the heavens and the earth, and it is extremely horrible.

Even the space is melting.

Nie Yuan responded very fast, instantly stood in front of the palace, blocked the flame.

He was surprised when he had just stood up.

This thing is more and more complicated.

The sword is unparalleled, and he is not willing to believe, but now it is in front of him, he has to believe it.

The uterus was betrayed.

Although this is to use the other party, he is really a heart to save Niet, even if he is raised, he will also ask the other party to let two people, when it is taken away if the people in the veteran palace will be taken away. Will be two people in the father.

Why bother!

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no saying.

He is too understanding of true spirit, and it is not allowed to leave.

When the Bai Jun Wang returned to the peak, it was not to die.

Don't mention a hometown, caught him, and there is no use value.

Bathing in the flame, there is no expression, cold channel: "The god adult, can not tell me to take you, so you have to die!"

Shenling only tells them, take away the sword, unparalleled, killing people who see it, and destroy the palace.

This is a disaster and cannot be left.

If the sword is unimpeded, I am afraid I will not kill the palace. I can stay in the palace at the time. I will threaten the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with the palace, all use each other.

So there is no need to stay.

The strong strongest, directly shot, there is no hesitation.

A fire snake is like lightning, and the speed is extremely fast.

The hometown is the five-order episode of Nie Yuan, even if it can play the power of the sixth order, it is not possible to resist.

There is no pairs of swords that can be left behind, and this two are not necessary.

The sword is unparalleled, still some can't bear, the sword is flying out, and the fire snake is stopped.

"Give a living road!" The sword was unparalleled: "This thing is nothing to do with her, I am going with you!"

The strong strong, very surprised, clearly the palace is betrayed, the sword is unparalleled, and actually.

"She must die!" If the gods did not tell, he could give the sword without double a face, but the gods named the name, to kill the palace, then it will never leave hands.

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