Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5555 5550 ?? Starry Sky

The other party is very firm, the sword is unparalleled to the palace, and it is lightly said: "When you are also, life is also!"

Miyongyi is very crazy, the doubles are swords and unparalleled, angry: "The sword is unparalleled, you are installing here, you are a head, you can't care about it, you can't make an emperor!"

This is what she shouted in her heart, extremely vicious!

I will never become the emperor!

The color of the sword is also sinking.

His desire for emperors, what is the future of the future avenue, dare to curse him a lifetime, it will not be emperor. If you are, you will die.

Too much to press your own anger, the sword has no double closed.

"Extrusion!" This time no one stopped, the fire snake, first through Nie Yuan, instantly put Nie Ziqiu, only left the body and the origin.

"No!" The palace shouted.

Obviously I just recognize!

Although Nie Yuan did not know what the Miyong was unparalleled with the sword, he probably guess his daughter was used, this opportunity, he waited for a long time.

Perhaps he will die.

Dead is in front of the other.

It should not be here.

This time, died for your own daughter, worth it.

Nie Yuan slowly turned around, and the body was constantly broken. He calmly stared at the palace, and he said: "Miao, live well, no one can hurt you, no ......."


A huge power broke out from Nie Yuan, which was originally incadled, and recovered again.

The body has also become golden, and the whole is a law.

The scorpion has also lost tenderness, but in turn with a majesty overlooking the world.

"I have a sword of the stars, today, with the potential of the soldiers, seek the predecessor to give me a sword!" Nie Yuan doubled, a golden light broke the time and space, the end of time.


This time, the whole of the people Temple is trembling.

Starry sky?

The sword is unparalleled.

Actually, some people know the star empty?

He didn't expect Nie Yuan's indigenous emperor, which can actually touch the starry sky.

how can that be?

Moreover, he said that he wants to borrow a sword to break the enemy?

Miyongyi is not shocked, only full of eyes.

That is very surprised, I found that the other party is not right, I want to do it, but I will take a moment, the whole of the people are trembling.

That golden light is coming.


Nie Yuan has a gold sword that has been combined with time and space, which has arrived at the peak.

"If you rely on you, you still want to kill the daughter!" The golden law, anger, a sword, the mine instantification is two.

The huge space is fire, and it is turned out to be two.

A huge crack appeared in an instant, and a light shining it in.

The outside world is at this time.

The sword is unparalleled, slowly looks up at the sky.

That is the powerful, it has quietly fallen.

At this time, the flame is extinguished, and the powerful, it also leaked the original appearance, the shock color in the eyes, overflowed.


The golden law is also under this sword, and it began to collapse and turned into a stone phase.

Nie Yuan finally, always looked at the palace, and there was nothing happiness in his eyes.

In fact, there is also a lot of relief, but he dare not show, he is afraid that his daughter will be sad because of his fall.

"Hey!" Gong Miao, two walks of tears fall, regardless of everything, in the past, in front of Nie Yuan's origin, it is desperate to use his hands and want to retain his father.

Now she regrets it, she killed her father.

If it is not to hear the god, the god will not destroy her mouth.

All of this blames her.

The sword of the stunned sword is unparalleled. It is found that Nie Yuan's origin has not completely disappeared. It instantly shot, and the power of life in the body explosives, and the peak will be restored.

In the depths of one hand, the power of swallowing instantly, as well as the power of massive life, wrap Nie Yuan's home source, delaying the other's broken.

Subsequently swallowed up and started to swallow.

He has long been eager to Nie Yuan's origin, and now how can you go in front of you.

And when he saw which sword of the other party, he was completely obsessed.

The power of the sword, I am afraid it beyond the power of the emperor.

A sword killed the strong, and he was able to open the space to fire, this force I had already reached the hierarchy of the Lord of the Universe.


The palace is rotated, and the sword is unparalleled, it is in the origin of her father, and the grievances of the face want to fight with the sword.

But where she is a sword, a pair of opponents.

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled, and the claws of the candlelon directly grabbed the neck of the palace, and angry: "If you are not you, Nie Yuan will not die, do you understand?"

Almost broke his big meter.

Nie Yuan's origin, he must get it. If Nie Yuan lives, he will learn from some, now fall, never look at it.

Starry sky.

The sword is sighful, I don't know, he is not a starry day.

Originally, he thought that only one of him entered the stars, did not expect Nie Yuan's swords of the Sieway from the stars.

The starry sky has a great influence on him, and he has mastered his way, and Nie Yuan looks like a sword.

Starry sky!

Now he has a doubt.

The indigenous people in the contestants have been to the starry sky, then is there anyone to go through the starry sky, how did you go?


The sword is unparalleled to think of one person.

Hui Qing once sure, he has been suspected, and then accidentally learned that Huqing is a reincarnation, and there is not much thought, but now it seems that I am afraid that Hui Qing is also a consciousness into the starry sky. After a few years of reincarnation, there was so powerful strength.

If simple is just a step, the personality will not change so much.

Even because of the memory of the past, it will not be solely out.

Whenest Huiqing, although it is also the ultimate, but the potential is generally, it is indeed that it is a potential.

Now Huqing, compared to the formerity, even compared to the entire primitive universe, is the first Tianjiao.

How long is it now, I have already across the sixth order emperor.

Being surpassing an old man who cultivated numerous era, it will catch up with the pace of Shang Shang.

This potential of this anti-sky can be not only because of the past, maybe it is related to the stars.

Nie Yuan is also the same.

From Nie Yuan, it is possible to calculate it.

If there is no inheritor, I am afraid Nie Yuan's potential, in the four secrets, it is definitely a first-class Tianjiao.

The five-order peak emperor, comparable to the power of the six-order episode, is not enough to be born.

Starry sky!

The sword is unparalleled.

The Temple of the Population is a substantive help. The birth star is for the future, there is a cradle of the strong.

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