Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5558 5553 ??? Arrangement

The church owner waves sleeves, and several people behind them will be banned, and then they left together.

At present, there is no announcement, and the Zhong Duan Lord has also asked Wu Zhuang, and I found that Wu Zuo was suddenly not very angry, and I also had doubts and guess.

However, he will not be less.

Wushan is different. He has long seen that things are not right, and the sword is unparalleled with mysterious running road. He is not in the heart, returning to Xiao Jia.

Everything is dead.

Only Wu Zuo is waiting in anxious, he found that the contact is not a sword.

The sea of ​​this source.

Wu Zhi came back and forth, and the heart was anxious.

The true spirit has a lot of a lot, and he said: "I sway, I spend it!"

"Adult, I am in powerless!" Wu Zuo kneelted directly.

He lost his sword without double.

Said that I have held swords and unparalleled life, and now people are gone.

The same is true for the last time, or it is a place to be familiar.

The true spirits shook their heads, and she said: "Hey, can't run my palm!"

I have compared my palm, and I frowned and frowned.

That weak breath, weaken.

The playful bracelet is almost crushed by him.

"Damn!" After the place where the weak breath was stopped, the true spirits were awkward.

Indeed, I didn't escape his palms, but the sword was unparalleled now, he can't go, there is very special.

The first prison!

That is a one-way journey.

At the same time, he also discovered Frego through the sword.

No wonder I can't find Fygo, it was afraid that death directly entered the first jail.

They want to escape from the bodges, it is impossible to hide, and it is impossible to hide.

That only entered the first jail.

Wu Zuo was scared by the true spirit, and the atmosphere did not dare to wear.

"Roll!" The true spirit directly put the chessboard.

Wu Zuo Lian is busy, and the gray is ying, this plan seems to be completely failed.

I don't know how many times, I will fail against the palace owner and fail.

Moreover, the sword is lost, this time he is completely unable to turn over, even the benefits of the sword is unparalleled, and it is impossible to find true spirits.

This time I lost my wife.

The true spirit stands up, this time it is going to him.

The first prison is very strong, but I can't stand the peak of the peak!

When I arrived, what did Fleto take the godfalls?

The true spirit is completely panicked.

At the end of my heart, I originally don't believe this, but I can only do this now.

I hope the sword is unparalleled, and I will protect my family.

The first prison.

"Ferigo, here, right, this is the case, you have a point, my life is very violent!"

The sword is unparalleled in the knee, and a large number of emperors are being arranged.

This array, with him as the core, specializing in the construction of Fygo.

Through this array, he is like a source of life, which is constantly recovering the strength of Fygo, and it can also resolve the dark injury of the gods.

The gods of the gods be beasts, and they are looking at it.

He originally thought that the sword was unparalleled, and did not expect such cooperation. He not only made a construction array. He also said that there is more powerful to help him treat the dark injury.

In this way, not only Fergo can restore the peak, reaching the main state of the peak universe, he can also return to the main level of the universe.

However, he was suppressed since the birth, and the strength is a lot, regardless of the main realm of the universe.

However, it is very good to recover, it is very good.

Decisive number of episodes, he made everything possible, step by step, and the four secret layouts, waiting for this day.

However, it is also because of the special of swords, it can be so smooth, according to the original plan, let Fygo enters the first jail to find exports.

It can turn a large circle and there is no exit at all.

I have been desperate. I only have the estee of the origin of the origin. When the other party is born, I don't know how much time it takes. Even if I can perfect the shell, my strength is the level of the main one of the universe, it is not enough to see it. .

The true spirit took several times, he had observations, and there were not the general universe.

Today, the sword is nothing to give him a surprise!

The power of life.

That is the force of all things, the perfect force evolved.

With these strengths, he not only can escape from the cage, but also recover the peak.

"Fast, I can leave immediately!" Shenling Frosa is very excited.

Since birth, he has not arrogant, and it is only able to experience the brilliance of the outside world.

Of course, it is not a long-term long river of this place.

In the stars, the long-distance river of the peak, there is his home.

Although speaking, when they were born, they were divided into a long-term river of a bar, but they were not one of them to control a time and space.

There are also mixed, and go on the strong people.

For example, Fujigo, the birth time, more than him, not only did not control a long-term long river, but also encountered a unioneer, almost killing.

Fortunately, the skills of escape are weak, and I am going to have a strong Song's strong, it is only to stand firm.

With the Friego, he is even more miserable.

More than him is still nothing.

The ability in the home of the country is not available.

This is also awkward.

The three giant gods gathered, which rarely appeared in the history of their family.

Most gods are all outside, or the waves, and the good mix is ​​to control a time and space, become the hegemony in the stars.

There are few opportunities to meet with the same society.


Just in the future, when the future, the array of array under the layout, started to exude huge strength.

Although the power is violent, whether it is a practitioner or an ordinary person, as long as it is life, it is very comfortable to feel that the power is very comfortable, but the practitioners in the array, I feel that my vitality is constant. rising.

"Success!" The sword was unhappy.

He didn't think that it would succeed so soon, and the previous thought will fall so.

Wu Zuo, but again, give him a guarantee, just find that Fygo Qi Ling will personally finally, the result?

True Spirit did not wait, the gods and Ferigo were personally.

Although the two people did not return to the hierarchy of the owner of the universe, they were together, they were definitely the power of the universe.

What can he do a Taojun, can only know the time a person, take a step.

Nowadays, the array is successful, and there will be no strength to help Fygo resume.

This is also the easiest step, but for him, it is a bit uncomfortable. He needs to use countless life to nourish Fygo.

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